I was recently pulled over for a tail light being out....*audio added*


SOHH Class of 2003 and CASUAL sports fan
May 4, 2012
I can never understand why some people go out of their way to give a cop a hard time tho. You cant win in MOST of those situations. Like last month i got pulled over for speeding (54 in a 35) right down the street from home. I was in a hurry and dude came up to my window and was like:

Cop - do you know why i stopped you?
Me - I'm sorry officer but im really in a hurry so here's my driver license and insurance and registration. Just do what you have to and let's both go on about our business shall we?
Cop - :hmm:
Me - :hmm:
Cop - Well you were doing 54 in a 35.
Me - Ok...:hmm:
Cop - :hmm:

That fukka went to his car and sat there for well over 15 minutes on purpose to make me late to my appointment. He came back and tried to give me the whole spill about what i can do with the ticket. As he was speaking i grabbed the clipboard from his hand, signed the ticket and asked him if there was further need for me to stick around. He was like :hmm: "have a nice day."

See my point there? I aint kissing up to the man but im not gonna go out of my way to try to be a rebel and shyt causing them fools to panic and escalate the shyt. YOu know they call for backup for any little thing. Keep yur nose clean. Dont have drugs and other illegal shyt in your car and K.I.M.
Last edited:
May 7, 2012
Being obstinate for the sake of being obstinate is just silly.

You fukked up your day, spent time and money for what? Be sure to let the coli know how that law suit goes.


Jah Sun Ma'at Ra
May 8, 2012
The title of the thread is you got pulled over for a broken tail light, which is a moving violation. What you, and most people don't understand is you can be arrested for moving violations, and jaywalking as well. The reason cops don't arrest people in mass for jaywalking, or moving violations is because their desk sergaent, or C.O. would ream them, and ask them why they don't they have better things to do with their time? So cops give out tickets instead. To get arrested for a moving violation, you really have to piss a cop off.

I know you don't want to hear this, and I'm probably going to get called a house nikka or a c00n, but when cops give out tickets, they're basically giving you a break. I've been pulled over twice before for riding dirty; speeding, and having expired tags. All I did was comply with the cops requests, signed the ticket, and kept it moving. If you get pulled over, you don't have to yes sir, or yes master, or say mister Charlie, or yes boss to a cop. But if you want to be belligerent, you'll just talk yourself into getting arrested.

And for anyone reading this, you should be cognizant of the fact that about half the states in the country have stop and identify laws. It means you have to prove who you are, in most cases its a misdemeanor. And you should be aware of wiretapping statues, in some states consent is requried before recording someone. A lot of circuit courts have held thata taping public officials, and police officers is a first amendment right, but others haven't, and the Supreme Court last year refused to hear a case on the matter.

Instead of simply shytting on you like i initially planned to do I'm actually going to take the time (even tho i really dont have it) to highlight the fallacies in everything you just posted (lest any of these simpletons were to subscribe to it because it seems inteligently written).

Firstly, driving with a taillight out is a moving violation but is not an arrestable offense, driving without a license (which I was imporperly charged for) is a moving violation but is not an arrestable offense, failure to display license on demand is a moving violation but is not an arrestable offense, jaywalking is NOT AN ARRESTABLE OFFENSE. The fact that you believe these are minor infractions are arrestable offenses and would simply conform to them if they were speaks volumes on the type of person you are, but thats a different conversation.

Cops are not doing you a favor when they arent arresting you for these offenses (lol while shaking my head) they are following the law. When i was arrested for the above stated infractions the cop realized they were not arrestable offenses and to cover her tracks LIED, firstly, to her superior officer then secondly to EVERYONE (even though she was sworn to do otherwise) when she trumped up those charges on the police report.

Also, the shyt you are speaking on as far as "Stop and frisk" laws and Recording police officers is outdated. There have been rulings (specifically in the state im in) against preventing people from recording police encounters and there have been rulings against the constitutionality of the stop and frisk laws you are referrencing elsewhere.

You have shown in your post that you would simply conform to any outrageous law that is put in place rather then fight against it. People like you are part of the problem.


The White King TuT
May 21, 2012
Firstly, driving with a taillight out is a moving violation but is not an arrestable offense, driving without a license (which I was imporperly charged for) is a moving violation but is not an arrestable offense, failure to display license on demand is a moving violation but is not an arrestable offense, jaywalking is NOT AN ARRESTABLE OFFENSE. The fact that you believe these are minor infractions are arrestable offenses and would simply conform to them if they were speaks volumes on the type of person you are, but thats a different conversation.
:dead: you can get arrested for any ticketable offense :snoop:
seems like your whole bad attitude was based off your misunderstanding of the law


Jah Sun Ma'at Ra
May 8, 2012
:dead: at dude coming here to post his story expecting some sympathy, like everyone was gonna be on some "fight the power" "fukk the police" shyt :pachaha:

I didnt post the story for that reason at all. Im getting exactly what i wanted out of this thread. You see, i simply posted the story to gauge the possiable thoughts and reservations potential jurors could/would have when presented with the facts of this case. Im concious of the fact that most negros have been programmed to simply conform to this system and view anything other then that as unitelligent. At this point im simply responding to certain posts to see how a juror could possiably respond to information given to combat their misthinking. So naw, im not mad when i see some of the responses in here.
A few real nikkas read what i wrote, feel my situationo and kept it moving (as a real nikka should). For the most part, fukk boys be the ones that feel the need to speak on every thought they have. I understand that. I also understand that this site is composed of mostly fukk boys which would make it the perfect place to get a pulse on the feelings a situation like this would have on the masses as a whole.

So :yeshrug: im cool homie


SOHH Class of 2003 and CASUAL sports fan
May 4, 2012
Being obstinate for the sake of being obstinate is just silly.

You fukked up your day, spent time and money for what? Be sure to let the coli know how that law suit goes.

Some mofos like to play rebel just so they could tell their boys their war stories. I used to tell my ex girlfriend this: Not all fights are worth fighting. You dont have to fight every opportunity. I's alright to walk away, sometimes.

And I would add only fight the fight that are worth winning because you can win a fight and lose more in the process

and Only fight the fights you have a shot at winning. Some mofos have that Kamikaze approach to life. They know they have no shot but they're gonna put up a fight for something thats not worth the fight in the first place just to make a statement.


May 6, 2012
keeping it real, OP was kind of a dikkhead in the situation but if it happened exactly like he described and if he has clear video that shows all of this (and if the laws are exactly what he said in his state), he might have a case. it's just that they'll fine comb for ANY technicality to dismiss him and being a dikkhead will make them look a little harder...


May 15, 2012
New York
And they STILL towed his car but first-- slammed his forehead into the hood leaving him quite a large dent to take care of.

Now he had to sit in bookings for 8 hours, hungry, and mad as hell with felonies to his name


Buggsy Mogues

My spot is solidified if you ask me
May 2, 2012
City of Angels :blessed:
Firstly, driving with a taillight out is a moving violation but is not an arrestable offense, driving without a license (which I was imporperly charged for) is a moving violation but is not an arrestable offense, failure to display license on demand is a moving violation but is not an arrestable offense, jaywalking is NOT AN ARRESTABLE OFFENSE. The fact that you believe these are minor infractions are arrestable offenses and would simply conform to them if they were speaks volumes on the type of person you are, but thats a different conversation.

Bruh you're straight up fukking stupid. They can without question arrest you for driving without a license, etc. You have shown in this thread that you have no idea what the fukk you are talking about and I'm sure you were acting like a belligerent retard to the officers saying the same bullshyt you are in here, acting like some kinda fukkin expert on shyt you know nothing about.