I was recently pulled over for a tail light being out....*audio added*


Jah Sun Ma'at Ra
May 8, 2012
You were driving without your license and insurance. That in itself is a cite able crime. You were driving without a tail light. That all combine is more than enough for an officer to "reasonably suspect" that you may be a criminal.

Not saying it's right or wrong but if you're a black man driving around at night like that you need to control your emotions and handle the situation smartly.

The two things u just named are simply tickeable offenses, they aren't criminal


Live Or Let Die
Jun 12, 2012
The Black Community
The two things u just named are simply tickeable offenses, they aren't criminal

what are you talking about? Tickeable but not criminal? :snoop: Man you don't even know the law

And he's not saying bend over for the cops and let them fukk you...he's saying that you can still be calm and cooperate without violating your rights...and in most areas, driving with no insurance=automatic 24hr jail time and car impounded...then you add the license and its a wrap...
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Buggsy Mogues

My spot is solidified if you ask me
May 2, 2012
City of Angels :blessed:
The two things u just named are simply tickeable offenses, they aren't criminal


.. and anyway, you still don't seem to get the whole "reasonable suspicion" thing. In the eyes of the law, this is a guy driving without a tail light, then when pulled over he has no license on him, no insurance on him, is argumentative with officers. To a law enforcement officer that is REASONABLE SUSPICION of criminal activity.

Smarten up nikka and maybe next time you'll be able to just drive yourself home with no incident. :stopitslime:


Jah Sun Ma'at Ra
May 8, 2012

.. and anyway, you still don't seem to get the whole "reasonable suspicion" thing. In the eyes of the law, this is a guy driving without a tail light, then when pulled over he has no license on him, no insurance on him, is argumentative with officers. To a law enforcement officer that is REASONABLE SUSPICION of criminal activity.

Smarten up nikka and maybe next time you'll be able to just drive yourself home with no incident. :stopitslime:

kys fukk boy


Jun 16, 2012
It's not illegal to not answer, but little things like this add up. If you act courteous and calm, it de-escalates the situation.

So, the cop asked for your passenger's ID, not because she's going to drive or anything, she just requested it. You as the driver could ask your passenger, "Do you want to give the cop your ID". This puts the onus of submitting to the cops request off of you and onto your passenger. I don't know why she asked for it though.

So basically, you escalated the situation. This isn't just her, any cop would have felt the same way. Non-compliance to simple commands is related to someone who is not going to comply to other commands.

This type of statement can be construed as someone who is willing to attack a cop because they are hiding something in order to escape arrest. Why? They have an outstanding warrant, they are covering up a crime they just committed, they are in possession of something illegal, or something else that isn't legal.

Refusing to give the keys is your second non-compliant behavior.

Non-compliance is related to a person wanting to possibly escape, and if you have the keys to your car, a simple way to escape is to turn on the car and drive away.

She called for back-up because of your behavior.

That's true. But, like you said in another post, I don't know why they didn't run your personal info to see if you are licensed to drive, have an outstanding warrant and see if your car is stolen or not.

You told them you would rather fight? :wtf:

Third non-compliance behavior.

Yes, if you don't sign the summons/tickets, you can be brought to the jail.

Yeah, that was kind of screwed up on the cop's part.

Your attitude was not good. You displayed a high degree of non-compliance and that is enough to justify your arrest. This will be brought up in IA investigation and in court.

Without seeing it, I don't know if your hand was close to her waist or not, while you were holding your bag.

Why did it take 8 hours, was it busy with other arrestees?

Yep, belligerent attitude.

Did you?

So, yes, the situation had problems on your part and problems on the cops' part.
Listen to your attorney. Your civil lawsuit will be separate from the IA investigation case and court case. So, if you, somehow, are able to sue the police department, you aren't getting paid in like over a year from now.

Co-Sign that sh!t.

So the cop (a white bytch) comes to my driver side window asks me how im doing (which i ignore)

I bet OP face was like this :birdman: when a cop asked him how was he doing.


I ain't never seen no talking winning nothing.
Aug 21, 2013
My nikka, you're an idiot. She asked to see you passenger's ID to make sure that she can drive your car home. If you get pulled over without your license, your car can be towed if there is no one properly licensed to operate the vehicle.

I can understand you not wanting to have your rights violated or even having to comply with bullshyt requests. But why didn't you just lie and say she didn't have her license. Forgot it where y'all coming from. It's still achieves the same thing that you set out to do.. not giving the license.. but it's a way that tones down the situation. Maybe I'm not getting something...



Et in Arcadia ego...
Jun 16, 2012
The "BUCKEYE" Nation
and ended up being in jail with a charge of "did knowingly attempt to remove a firearm from the possession of [a] officer" and a 50,000 bail.

How does this happen? I'll tell you.

So as i was driving thru a low income zipcode a cop riding behind me puts on her sirens and pulls me over. So i pull over in the parking lot of a convience store in the area and as im getting my registration I realize that I dont have my drivers liscense on me. I wasnt sweating it because I had a picture I.D. on me and figured I would just get a failure to present drivers liscense ticket and that would be that.........but that wasnt how it played out.
The title of the thread is you got pulled over for a broken tail light, which is a moving violation. What you, and most people don't understand is you can be arrested for moving violations, and jaywalking as well. The reason cops don't arrest people in mass for jaywalking, or moving violations is because their desk sergaent, or C.O. would ream them, and ask them why they don't they have better things to do with their time? So cops give out tickets instead. To get arrested for a moving violation, you really have to piss a cop off.

I know you don't want to hear this, and I'm probably going to get called a house nikka or a c00n, but when cops give out tickets, they're basically giving you a break. I've been pulled over twice before for riding dirty; speeding, and having expired tags. All I did was comply with the cops requests, signed the ticket, and kept it moving. If you get pulled over, you don't have to yes sir, or yes master, or say mister Charlie, or yes boss to a cop. But if you want to be belligerent, you'll just talk yourself into getting arrested.

And for anyone reading this, you should be cognizant of the fact that about half the states in the country have stop and identify laws. It means you have to prove who you are, in most cases its a misdemeanor. And you should be aware of wiretapping statues, in some states consent is requried before recording someone. A lot of circuit courts have held thata taping public officials, and police officers is a first amendment right, but others haven't, and the Supreme Court last year refused to hear a case on the matter.