this flim was dope. I'm dead at the 2 scientist in the movie. All they did was make

faces all throughout the movie.
omaigaaahh!! so true!!
and this
AND they were having an admiral and a handful of "officials" making major homeland security decisions...not one time they showed the was so unrealistic...especially the part where the admiral is in the OPS room...anybody in that is in or was in the Navy would tell you that there are no theater size screen on a ship...not even an aircraft carrier.
Why you going to have an expert and not take his advice
Admiral: how can we kill them?
Japanese Doc: I think we should just let them fight it out

get the missiles ready we are going to bomb the shyt out of them even if we kill have of the US population
Japanese Doc:
Its been almost a week since I saw the movie and I still crack up when I think about the details.
Oh and the shot where the show what I thought it was the Motu's balls?

came to find out it was the female Motu...
The scene that I was most impressed with as far as cinematography was when the Motu flies down towards the ship. It was beautiful.