‘I lost everything’: Black women get evicted more than anyone else. A looming eviction crisis will m


Aug 6, 2015
Thousands of tenants nationwide have applied for ERA funds only to have property managers and landlords reject the funds and boot them out.
Hundreds of landlords have initiated eviction proceedings and even set-out proceedings to push the organizations that distribute ERA fund to move quicker - some with advice from greedy legal counsel.

The bourgeois class of bloodsucking landlords are, if nothing else, so shameless that they’d make Adam Smith blush.

That's terrible. It sounds like they want them out anyway. I wonder why - cause people not renting like that. Or they don't want a certain "type/race" of tenant anymore.

And each CERA application I have helped on payments come within 3-4 weeks.

You also get a confirmation that the application has been submitted properly and another when it is approved.


Aug 6, 2015
Men are getting evicted too nikka. A couple getting evicted isn't any better than an individual getting evicted.

Was going to say this cause the homes that applied for CERA have grown ass men living with their Momma in them. Or a Boyfriend/Child's father at home while the woman is out working.

I have seen it all -- but 90% of our(parents) and my renters are BW - and a Black man is always in the home. Whether it's her man, son, grandson, nephew, etc.

Therefore, he getting evicted too.


Jun 15, 2012
You can work for a firm without having passed the bar. Many young lawyers do it while they are studying. They work under the supervision of a licensed lawyer.

I was pre-law for two years in undergrad -- and interned at a Black law firm in Atlanta.

So, a law school graduate just waiting to pass the bar can do a lot under the supervision of a firm or attorney.

Im aware that he would have some experience. Not enough to pull that card on me. And technically he wasn’t an attorney since he hadn’t passed the bar yet. I get it though. People stretch their resumes.

Marc Spector

the 4'11 Cuban
Aug 7, 2014
The Milky Way
Nah she'd be at the top of that list for housing assistance in Seattle

she a low income single mom wit a disabled son

Do you know how many ppl in Seattle meet these requirements.?

Washington state has one of the most robust social nets in the USA and ppl reguarly come here to try and get a piece. The waitlist for housing vouchers/subsidies is 3 miles long.

2500 dollars rent though?

No one deserves to lose their home but she also lived well above her means.

Not at all. Yall gotta understand, 3 bed room shacks are going for 400k in Western Washington. I mean a broke down house with tweekers next door is going for that much. If youre not prepared to part with 600k, youre getting a shytty house in a shytty neighborhood. So for someone who cant and shouldnt get that amount for a loan, you have to pay a premium to rent a family sized home.


Jun 22, 2014
Just need a larger deposit which is easier to get with 2 incomes.
At some point - yes, but once you’re talking 3-4 months of rent, you’re discussing something that’s out of the reach of the vast majority of people nationwide. Who has $4k out of pocket to put as a down payment on a unit while also paying for bills and housing at the present?
Over the course of my career I’ve been a property manager with a 100+ tenants and an HOA manager with 10+ Associations and 1000+ homeowners. I’ve spent more than enough hours in court with tenants who were getting evicted and with HOA members who were behind on their dues. And I’ve also helped people avoid eviction.

Last time I checked you became an attorney within the last year or 2. So don’t try to hit me with that my dads a lawyer shyt. You don’t have the amount of experience that you’re touting.

Coli posts don’t count.

I’m going to go with the source that I cited and my experience in the field and not a random internet user like you.
Everything I said was entirely correct. I’ve already litigated (or negotiated) hundreds of cases. My caseload is similar to that of a public defender so I’ve already seen the gamut of cases.

If you want to point out there I was wrong, instead of trying to flex about being middle-management for a property company - be my guest.

Otherwise :yeshrug:
Passed the Bar Exam! Free Daps for ALL

Is this you?

How long have you been an attorney for sir?

Cuz you appear to be making an appeal to authority using yourself as the authority :russ:

When you passed the bar less than a year ago.

The audacity.
What does the time between my passing the bar and now have to do with my legal work?
Are you saying that local regulations, the UCC, and case law no longer apply if you've only practiced a while?
I seconded this. As a landlord and the daughter of parents who have had many rental properties all my life.

@EndDomination I would love to hear more and about what we can do.

Also, maybe I can give you insight on Black communities and Black landlords in areas like Detriot, Flint and Saginaw in Michigan.

Because, speaking to the ones I personally know, it's been hard on the Black landlords as well.

Also, Black landlords are the last to raise rent -- and the first to be left with extreme damage, no payment -- and issues from tenants of every race.
I’m not targeting black landlords particularly if they’re engaged in a practice of maintaining suitable premises and ensuring they’re not punitive without reason.

My issues really go toward a national issue that I’m sure you’re pretty familiar with - deteriorating housing stock, particularly in Black communities, and the massive jumps in housing costs - I have clients paying $1400/month to live in a place with bulletholes in the windows and infestations that haven’t been taken care of.

I’ll start a thread this afternoon about this subject - would love your insight as well.
You can work for a firm without having passed the bar. Many young lawyers do it while they are studying. They work under the supervision of a licensed lawyer.

I was pre-law for two years in undergrad -- and interned at a Black law firm in Atlanta.

So, a law school graduate just waiting to pass the bar can do a lot under the supervision of a firm or attorney.

this as well. I’ve been doing legal work since my 1L year - plenty of federal administrative appeals, collective bargaining contracts and negotiations, legal researched and now litigation.

I had a trial my very first week of practice regarding sex trafficking that I was thrown into the day of.


Oct 26, 2014
Government assistance our women recive,along with child support,along with police protection definitely aid in many of our women thinking/knowing they dont need black men.

Doesnt mean they cant learn the hard way that the Europeans assistance,is not the same as a mans guidance.

The problem with women is they mostly have horrible plans,especially under pressure. But just by their nature of being emotional and less logical in general. They are very likely to make a bad situation worse. Or refuse to walk away when they should,and compound a problem til its out of control.

Mind you I'm not advocsting black women get with any ol black man. Most of us dont have a 1 year plan,letalong a 5. And will have women lost at sea before throwing them overboard. But if a woman finds a knowledgeable black man she should cling to him. And consider becoming a sister wife if applicable.
Y'all really love running with this "women emotional and less logical" shyt like a good amount aren't the same.


Jun 22, 2014
From what I read she's on a contract, but didn't get re-upped. Those nurse and nurse assistant contracts are paying stupid bread right now. The fact she didn't get picked back up is :patrice: esp if they still had more slots for the next session.
Considering she has a disabled son, there are a lot of reasons why she wouldn't get picked back up again.
Not being available for every opportunity, having an emergency at any point - salary requests - etc.
There must be more to this story, because she’s making it seem like she was a saint. They must’ve wanted her out if they were not willing to give her 4 days to get the rent together
It would honestly be worth your while to spend a day in eviction court in any moderate-to-large city in your area - or better yet, head to environmental court and see the conditions so many people are living in for these exorbitant prices.
The housing market in Washington is stupid dumb right now. Folks that may have an extra home or other options are definitely looking to sell rather than rent, because the market is so hot. I have some friends in Seattle that were looking to move back east, and when they were ready to sell they were getting bids for 100K+ over asking, cash, before the listing was made public.
this has also allowed for the mass increase in rental prices
Eh... I read between the lines and saw someone who spent every dime that came in with no planning for a worst case scenario. Thousands in furniture and jewelry?
that's how most people live lives if their income isn't very high - where did it say she'd spent thousands in jewelry?


Rap Guerilla
May 1, 2012
The Chi (South Side)
Yeah, I talked to him about this last night. Said the CNAs were getting 45-55 when he was on that stint

And that was straight time. Since there wasn't shyt else to do there they all ate off overtime too

sounds like the woman in this article thought she was gonna eat off that $50 per hour in perpetuity when she was getting paid well above the market rate for the job.


May 1, 2012
Considering she has a disabled son, there are a lot of reasons why she wouldn't get picked back up again.
Not being available for every opportunity, having an emergency at any point - salary requests - etc.

Good point on the bolded.

It would honestly be worth your while to spend a day in eviction court in any moderate-to-large city in your area - or better yet, head to environmental court and see the conditions so many people are living in for these exorbitant prices.

this has also allowed for the mass increase in rental prices

that's how most people live lives if their income isn't very high - where did it say she'd spent thousands in jewelry?

7 bands on chairs though breh. That's a lil ridiculous.


Dec 15, 2019
"The 44-year-old nursing assistant had paid her $2,490 monthly rent for four years without incident."

Without even knowing this woman,this sounds like a problem based on her job:francis: unless nursing assistants make more than I thought. But then again shes probably getting disability for her son too.

But still,people often take on this kind of a load as soon as they have the chance. Rather than living well below your means and saving money.
Came in here to say this. Thats not a job one should be having at 44; it's normally a checkpoint for 20something women trying to get their LPN or go full BSN.

Even with govt support and possible child support; its genuinely impressive that she has pulled together 2500 for rent and had something left over for expenses. Its doable for a CNA, but she'd have to pull a lot of overtime regularly to make it work.:picard:


Jun 22, 2014
A damn CNA paying 2490 a month on a house trying to stunt off her contract pay.
50% of the housing in Seattle is above $2000/ month
What idiot pays 2500 a month in rent? Why not just get a home at that point?
a lot of people in major cities nationwide
You should make a tell all thread when you get the chance. I'd love to hear different tad bits.
will do
That's terrible. It sounds like they want them out anyway. I wonder why - cause people not renting like that. Or they don't want a certain "type/race" of tenant anymore.

And each CERA application I have helped on payments come within 3-4 weeks.

You also get a confirmation that the application has been submitted properly and another when it is approved.
the ERA has been the saving grace for a lot of tenants - one of the major issues with it has been that each state has a different system for distributing funds, and some states like Ohio and Arkansas (for two) have effectively handicapped the system by asking just a handful of small organizations to do the processing and distribution. We've had waits here in my state for ERA funds sometimes 3-4 months from the provisional approval of the application to the actual distribution of funds
Nah she'd be at the top of that list for housing assistance in Seattle

she a low income single mom wit a disabled son
That's not how section 8 housing works breh, those waitlists are unbelievably long, in every major city


Aug 6, 2015
I’m not targeting black landlords particularly if they’re engaged in a practice of maintaining suitable premises and ensuring they’re not punitive without reason.

THIS. This is a major issue for a lot of Black landlords I have seen. Their properties are just..... man. A lot of them really are TO ME in condemnable states.

I also place blame on housing commissions and the inspectors they hire to do home inspections. They allow many of them to pass.

They need to ensure all landlords have their properties up to date. As well, as require them to test for lead, mold -- and other harmful issues.

But, the issue is they may not be able to afford these things. Therefore, the city/county housing commissions need to offer grants and even pay for these things for landlords in low-income, historically red-lined targeted areas.

The main issue is Black landlords are not getting enough rent -- and are the first ones to give everyone a chance without a credit check or truly looking at someone's rental report.

Before, I started helping with my parent's rentals -- my Mom had this one tenant that was always late, my mom being who she is -- let her go months without paying -- until it was like 3-4 months past due.

When we finally evicted her -- she left our home in an extremely fukked up state. So, therefore she left owing thousands and then left us with THOUSANDS in damage. It took us 3-4 months of work and rehab just to get it back to a good state.

On top of that, we almost got at tax lien on the house cause she left a water bill -- and when unpaid it goes to the OWNER of the property tax bill. Even though it was in her name.