Ellie kissed a girl in the PS3 DLC it's not new that's she's a lesbo.
This game is about 25 hours long and they really only touch on it for brief character building, certainly not a major part of the story beyond the weird love triangle it creates.
I've noticed a trend online that the people most upset about the 'agenda' in this game didn't actually play it and just go off second hand knowledge or cutscenes taken out of a 25 hour context.
It's just a story about people. Hate it or love it... but gay people exist, and they would exist in a post zombie world too.
Gotta be pretty insecure if the simple existence of a gay character in a story has you on edge.
Disagree, can you tell me another game were you got as much insight to peoples sexuality or sexual whatever?
At most it's glossed over especially in gaming. Mostly because it's doesn't add much. It's usually glossed over for the most part in this game it was all about who loved who and love triangles.
Coming from the last game it definitely feels out of place.
I wish they pushed for black people having lead roles as much as someone sexuality being so out in the open.
Game could have been even better with no love interest for Ellie at all and her becoming Joel Jr.