I feel the older generation of Blacks post MLK aren't criticized enough.


May 6, 2012
We are always going to be discriminated against whether it is in the workplace or just on the street. There will always be some form of bias against someone else for whatever stupid reason . We can for damn sure though insulate from that mess though .
We can't be discriminated against if we don't need anyone for anything.


The seperation between what's fake and what's real
May 20, 2012
Older Black Americans really seem to love criticizing younger Blacks over the superficial. Fashion choices, taste in music etc. Are dismissive of our political presence. Downplaying movements such as "hands up don't shoot" and "Black lives matter". as simple "twitter activism" even though there are plenty young folks on the streets rather than behind a keyboard and mouse.
again George Soros donated 30 million so if he tells these 'movements' to jump....Devray and Nessa gonna until they cant jump no mo.....
This is the 60's all over again....Malcolm X has several speeches on record of the civil rights movement being funded and controlled by you know who...
to me hurting them in their pockets is the only way to go while strenghtening our community and resources

Need I remind you that my generation was raised by yours? If you are unhappy with the direction young Blacks are taking our culture shouldn't the blame start with the person in the mirror? I mean the past generations thinks sitting down and speaking with their children is some sign of weakness. That savagely and I mean savagely brutalizing your child is an acceptable punishment for every little thing your kid does. And you wonder why my peers grow up "hoemotional" when they were never taught to deal with their issues without violence or violent language?

you will get no arguement here the ball was definitely dropped but i am not going lay the blame on corporal punishment....IMO if negros would have followed Farrakhan in the inner cities they would be in this predicament

You know how many older Blacks are intentionally passing down self hate to their own lineage? Where did you think we learned to "c00n" from. White media is partially to blame but not 100%. How many of us heard an older Black person as a youth go on about "nikkas can't have nothing" or "can't take care of nothing" or "nikkas ain't shyt" or "can't be on time" etc. How many of hear that now? Or say that ourselves now?

this is a clear generational thing...you young nikkaz get burt hurt so fukkin easily its fukkin rediculous....I say negros is running late again...and yall get emotional

1st its not that serious
2nd negros wouldnt say it if they didnt see it....stop wit the fake outrage....it aint self hate at all...if i call a negro out for being late than if im that negro and it distrubs me than i wouldnt be fukkin late

BTW i was late today and left early but i had to login so the man got the last lol

Many older Blacks act like going to church and and being a devout believer actually accomplishes something for us as a group.

I think our growing lack of spirituality is a problem....i know religion gets shyt on on here but having tenets to live by isnt a bad thing.....


May 6, 2012
As it stands short term though our generation has to bite the bullet right till we can build the platforms for the next generations.
That's what its all about. We doing it for the future. My childrens children will not comprehend our current reality.
Jul 26, 2012
What are your opinions?

First and foremost, I think people are throwing around opinions on what happened in yesteryear without doing their due diligence... In order to proceed with any type of movement, you have to be studious of what your predecessors did that was successful and had tangible benefits, and most importantly, where they made mistakes....

All I see is low key mud slinging..... and people don't even understand the context of the era when all this was taking place. Be experts of what transpired in the past as far as civil rights were concerned, because that's the knowledge that's gonna help you organize and change public policy......

Once you understand the logic and reason behind said movements of the NOI, Malcolm, Martin, Garvey, etc......... then you can truly push forward using logic instead of relying solely on raw emotion....
Apr 14, 2015
Not sure to what extent the OP wishes the older generations to be criticized, but if the reasoning is to shift blame then perhaps it is a moot point. Criticism for the sake of finding fault does none of our ppl any good. Instead we would benifit greatly by reviewing the choices, actions, ideas brought about in each generation and improving them.

Being a from a younger generation, you are given a temporary luxury of being able to view the outcomes of previous generations, for better or for worse, until your generating becomes the older one. If we were to build a three story house, we would get no where by constantly remodeling the ground level when the plan calls for second floor work. Likewise a strudy foundation is needed of the house will not stand (very long at least)

We need both the older and younger generations and on both sides have to quit finding fault with the other. I do feel many in older generations have perhaps lost sight of our growth as a people. As well, many of the youth have yet to experience those same chocies and experiences which cause them to lose sight.


Apr 15, 2013
again George Soros donated 30 million so if he tells these 'movements' to jump....Devray and Nessa gonna until they cant jump no mo.....
This is the 60's all over again....Malcolm X has several speeches on record of the civil rights movement being funded and controlled by you know who...
to me hurting them in their pockets is the only way to go while strenghtening our community and resources

you will get no arguement here the ball was definitely dropped but i am not going lay the blame on corporal punishment....IMO if negros would have followed Farrakhan in the inner cities they would be in this predicament

this is a clear generational thing...you young nikkaz get burt hurt so fukkin easily its fukkin rediculous....I say negros is running late again...and yall get emotional

White people don't speak about themselves in this manner. Neither do Asians.

1st its not that serious
2nd negros wouldnt say it if they didnt see it....stop wit the fake outrage....it aint self hate at all...if i call a negro out for being late than if im that negro and it distrubs me than i wouldnt be fukkin late

If someone who is non-Black parroted your thoughts would you not feel some type of way about it?

BTW i was late today and left early but i had to login so the man got the last lol

I think our growing lack of spirituality is a problem....i know religion gets shyt on on here but having tenets to live by isnt a bad thing.....

You don't need the Church, a business, to be spiritual.


Apr 15, 2013
Not sure to what extent the OP wishes the older generations to be criticized, but if the reasoning is to shift blame then perhaps it is a moot point. Criticism for the sake of finding fault does none of our ppl any good. Instead we would benifit greatly by reviewing the choices, actions, ideas brought about in each generation and improving them.

Being a from a younger generation, you are given a temporary luxury of being able to view the outcomes of previous generations, for better or for worse, until your generating becomes the older one. If we were to build a three story house, we would get no where by constantly remodeling the ground level when the plan calls for second floor work. Likewise a strudy foundation is needed of the house will not stand (very long at least)

We need both the older and younger generations and on both sides have to quit finding fault with the other. I do feel many in older generations have perhaps lost sight of our growth as a people. As well, many of the youth have yet to experience those same chocies and experiences which cause them to lose sight.

No doubt. But I was mostly speaking on the older generations more contemporary influence. How they act now. I feel older Black Americans are overly reluctant to give credit when credit is due, where as my generation is constantly praising the former generations accomplishments and recognizing their plights. And rightly so.
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Apr 15, 2013
First and foremost, I think people are throwing around opinions on what happened in yesteryear without doing their due diligence... In order to proceed with any type of movement, you have to be studious of what your predecessors did that was successful and had tangible benefits, and most importantly, where they made mistakes....

All I see is low key mud slinging..... and people don't even understand the context of the era when all this was taking place. Be experts of what transpired in the past as far as civil rights were concerned, because that's the knowledge that's gonna help you organize and change public policy......

Once you understand the logic and reason behind said movements of the NOI, Malcolm, Martin, Garvey, etc......... then you can truly push forward using logic instead of relying solely on raw emotion....

I had to re-read my own post to make sure I didn't unintentionally throw dirt on the accomplishments of Black Americans during the civil rights era. As far as I see, I did not.

Perhaps the confusion comes from how I worded my title? To simplify it I'm saying that older Black Americans in the present day aren't criticized enough. We're seeing it in the very thread as well as daily through out the rest of the coli. Accusations of" softness" and being "emotional" I'm 22. How many others my age do think would care to have this discussion? If you believe it to be not many then why do you think that is? Surely this isn't an over night thing?

Apollo Creed

Look at your face
Feb 20, 2014
Handsome Boyz Ent
This is the type of thing I'm referring to. He ignores the hundreds of Black youth protesting and speaking out.

How old are you @CashmereEsquire?

who are you referring to when you say "ignores black youths protesting and speaking out"? What has any of the nonsense done but make a hashtag? They still killing blacks every week and you have Activist Hustlers like Shaun King starting a ton of Go Fundmes for these killings but Tamir Rice mom had to cream make him because they couldn't afford to bury him and she's borderline homeless now.