i can't figure out quite why religious folk regardless of their upbringing...


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
You're stomping around this thread like you've proven something as well, which you haven't. Lets all just agree to disagree.

All I've shown is that religious people:

1. Don't know what they're talking about

2. Haven't stood with the burden of proof

3. Have easily misinformed or debunked views.

Its rather easy to challenge anything theists say.


May 1, 2012
From the Bay to Central CA
All I've shown is that religious people:

1. Don't know what they're talking about

2. Haven't stood with the burden of proof

3. Have easily misinformed or debunked views.

Its rather easy to challenge anything theists say.

Not really bro. But you seem like you really have a bone to pick with religious people. So good luck with that

Da Jungles

Apr 30, 2012
First sentence is on point. Christianity specifically is a very self-serving religion (e.g "somebody died for me", "jesus loves me", "jesus is coming back for me", etc). But I don't hate any religion :manny: I also don't throw out the possibility of there being a higher power. I don't think it's worth arguing over either, because at the end of the day nobody knows shyt.

Yet you c/s that first sentence :wow:

How has this thread gone so long? Who the fukk really knows what happens after we die :mindblown:


There's someone in this thread who knows exactly what happens


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
You hold those views. They're not just opinions at that point. They're things you're putting forth as representative of how you view the world.

Thats dogma. ESPECIALLY if it involves your brand of your personal "god(s)."

It is a religious view.

You're not even guessing.

I don't even guess. I SIMPLY DO NOT KNOW. Thats the difference between me and you.

If thats your guess, it doesn't matter if you think its true or not, you're putting your effort behind that idea.

If you're guessing, then you're trying to assert that what you're saying could MAYBE be true.

You're putting your stock in that idea.

This is PRECISELY why I don't like fukking talking to you in particular.

When you're told EXACTLY and EXPLICITLY and DIRECTLY that you're wrong, you continue to evade responsibility for the fallacies presented to you and start making words up and misrepresenting ideas. And these are things that you're not even presenting a novel interpretation of. Its disgusting and intellectually dishonest.

You're a swarmy debater and an even worse rhetorician.
No my friend they are opinions. I still abide by the law of science so it will forever be held as an opinion aka a possibility.

"I do not know but I'm guessing *insert my opinion here*" is what I'm doing. That's no way tied to me pushing my opinions as fact whatsoever.

The actual fact that I am not pushing my opinion as fact or not even implying it to be fact makes it so it cannot be a dogma. Look to the meaning of dogma itself and yourself can see that a dogma requires that you push you beliefs as truth. Which I don't do at all.

You don't like arguing with me because you trying to call a person who doesn't follow a relgion religious which makes zero sense.

All you are doing is trying to throw the label of religious on almost anything which makes no sense when you can't even classify the beliefs that you call religious as a religion themselves.

You can't even tell me that I follow a dogma when my opinion is never saying something is the truth so what makes you think that you can even hope to call my opinion a religion. :ahh:


May 19, 2012
Resent the idea that when we die, out bodies return to whence it came and the energy within us simply seeps into eternity. no suffering, no paradise, no memory, just simple non-existence, all you are at that point is a collection of memories in the still existing minds of those who knew you. why is fading into obscurity such a horrible thing to them?

Also, lets keep the trolling and flame wars at a minimal please

If you're working 8-6 in a factory for 40 years, that's all you have to cling onto. Otherwise you'd say f*ck this sh*t and kill the boss :manny:


Payin Debts.... N40
May 29, 2012
Japan, but from the 989
Resent the idea that when we die, out bodies return to whence it came and the energy within us simply seeps into eternity. no suffering, no paradise, no memory, just simple non-existence, all you are at that point is a collection of memories in the still existing minds of those who knew you. why is fading into obscurity such a horrible thing to them?

Also, lets keep the trolling and flame wars at a minimal please

They obviously haven't smoked some high grade kush....:smoker: Fading into obscurity doesn't bother me at all..lol

But seriously most religious people want to go to heaven as is. They don't understand spiritual transformation so they get stuck on the death part. Lack of imagination and spiritual guidance leads to the "We are all going to Heaven aka Pearly Gates to be with loved ones" imagery. The truth is. They are just as afraid to die as the next person. It's fear of death. Fear of being nothing. People and their egos. They can't let go.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
No my friend they are opinions. I still abide by the law of science so it will forever be held as an opinion aka a possibility.

There is no "law of science"

Science isn't even a thing.

Its just a process thats the most reliable method (that we've since devised) to determine to a particular degree if something is true or not.

"I do not know but I'm guessing *insert my opinion here*" is what I'm doing. That's no way tied to me pushing my opinions as fact whatsoever.

When it comes to your views on religion, those are assertions.

You believe in a god/higher power/deity/soemthing/whatever.

Thats different from me.

I'm not asserting belief in anything. YOU are.



I'm not saying your thing doesn't even exist. I can't even prove that. I can't prove a negative.

I CAN say that I don't subscribe to, or believe in your assertion.

So therefore, you're making a religious claim.

You can't keep escaping WHAT YOU KNOW TO BE BULL shyt WHEN I USE THE WORD RELIGION because it makes you uncomfortable.

You want to be free to say you believe in a god...but don't like admitting that you still subscribe to how your god does things. Namely:

If it intervenes OR not (this is a characteristic you're asserting of your deity)

If it listens to you OR if it communicates with you...or not (this is a characteristic you're ASSERTING of your deity)


These are qualities you've laid upon your personal god.

Whether or not you really think they're this god exists or not doesn't matter.

You're making religious claims because this is how you're defining your god.

For example: If you were to say, "well my god doesn't take candy from babies." YOU WOULD BE DEFINING YOUR GOD because you're showing something about the quality of your god.

The actual fact that I am not pushing my opinion as fact or not even implying it to be fact makes it so it cannot be a dogma. Look to the meaning of dogma itself and yourself can see that a dogma requires that you push you beliefs as truth. Which I don't do at all.

It doesn't matter if you're "pushing" it.

You don't have to be promoting it or passing out flyers.

Its a stance you identify with and are lending your support to.

You can't keep saying "well this is my opinion" then say "well i don't think its true"...You're just trying not to be responsible for what you're aligning yourself with.

Its dishonest...and frankly underhanded of you.

Well no one aligns themselves with things they dont at LEAST think are true. That'd be really inefficient because you're not even pro porting any evidence to support your stance.

You clearly think god exists, but you don't think that claim is true. See how ridiculous that is? :duck: :rudy:

You don't like arguing with me because you trying to call a person who doesn't follow a religion religious which makes zero sense.

if you are a deist, you are still a religious person.

Its hard for you to understand because seem to think you're unique for not subscribing to the more well known religions.

All you are doing is trying to throw the label of religious on almost anything which makes no sense when you can't even classify the beliefs that you call religious as a religion themselves.

Too bad.

No one told you to keep making unsubstantiated claims that merely remove the amount of rituals you subscribe to while still aligning yourself with the general concept of 99% of religions.

Oh wow. You don't call yourself a christian...how...unique. :troll:
You can't even tell me that I follow a dogma when my opinion is never saying something is the truth so what makes you think that you can even hope to call my opinion a religion. :ahh:

if you can't claim something as true, don't subscribe to it.

Say you don't know.

Thats the respectable answer.

If you subscribe to it without confirming it, then you're not being honest. You're trying to prove the conclusion without proving the premises.

Thats dishonest and moreover, a misrepresentation of the very logical postulates you claim to understand.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Insulted at the notion of heaven? Do you just post dumb shyt to be seen? Put some titties in your avi if you want attention.

Its fukked up to threaten someone with such a consequence or that you want them punished in such a way for not believing in their fukked up bronze age superstition.

fukk religion and fukk those who push that shyt on anyone.

Hitchens says it far more succinctly than I could:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8rPtpRRg18"]The Nonchalance of Heaven - Christopher Hitchens - YouTube[/ame]