OG Moma Coli....dat bytch Thowd!!!
Girllllllll yes the OG coli wolves were vicious thats how i learned.wait .. whut?? what happened???!!
But on the real, Like I give a fuk about what their perception is - whole thing is a ploy for me to post pics. That's never happening, I don't do public pics for public viewing - they can speculate all the fuk they want bc the real knows the real and I fuk with who I fuk with. Outside of that - I could give less than a shyt about chatty faggit capping randos with nothing better to do with their time over the course of 2 yrs but make the same fraud and failed attempts using the same material on repeat with the same repeat shyt. I have to post up sex pics, nudes and sex tapes for me to show myself as a woman???Fuk that- all day every day. That's not my lane and I don't need to prove my validity based off their insecurity.
But u r absolutely correct u shouldn't have to and i think yhats what irrates them u wont bAck down. It used to b every woman was accused of being **** until they posted a proof pic which was annoying af buf funny cuz **** was getting all these niccas dicc.pix lol