I bet I can sell you on Xbox One (Enter if you dare)


Mar 8, 2013
Göteborg, Sverige
Why does it have to do all that for me? I'm a gamer, so are most of us here. But decisions are no longer being made based on what YOU the gamer wants. Its now based on perception. Like, society, the internet, things like that are negatively affecting the human population. How so? For one, gamers feel the need to take "sides" instead of actually just enjoying the games. Xbox One has TV features so some gamers will be like "they don't care about the games :sadbron:" even tho they seem to care MORE about the games than the competition. All I'm doing is trying to show YOU ALL features the Xbox One has or has over the PS4 and the replies in this thread prove my point. Why would people get upset/mad/annoyed because a person is posting Facts about a videogame system :what:

If that annoys anyone, thats SAD
If I wasn't mistaken, this is a message board which is used to discuss topics that interest whoever the thread starter is. And if you didn't like the topic you have the freedom to not partake in such a discussion :manny:

1. Are you implying that PS4 negatively affects us Gamers?
2. Mate you are describing what you do 'taking sides' like you in this circle jerk all day man.
3. TBF that perception is not far off. Throwing money at some exclusive DLC does NOT mean they have the gamers interests in mind. As we know Don Mattrick don't give a fk about consumer rights which is us we are consumers at the end of the day.
4. The notion of blocking used games, which would result in more money for devs (thus will benefit us gamers) is debatable.
5. I love the topic mate but you are not being honest, you masquerading as this Pro gamer (consumer) voice of reasoning im not buying it.

Big Suge Knight

Runner of Thangs
Jun 14, 2013
Compton California
Tv features arent even in my country at launch :yeshrug:
1.) What country are you in (Why do I sense a lie coming on)
2.) Its an HDMI passthru so it'll work regardless. Some features may not work, but being able to watch live TV and have XBL connected at the same time will be possible
3.) You ARE lying because the Xbox One isn't even launching in countries yet that it won't support. But thanks for trying. Suicide Lost to "yeah yeah" once again :win:
@Big Suge Knight
Your 28 point bulletin contains ZERO sources... if you're trying to sell this box you need to be more thorough
And you need to finish your sentences :hula: Now if there is any bullet point you wanna cry about? Lets hear it. If your asking me to post 28links I have to tell you to kiss the bottom of my ballsac. All this info has been said over the last 3 months. This info isn't from a neogaf thread. But if I made this thread on Neogaf it would do numbers and fakkits such as yourself would reference it as the word of GOD. (well, anti christ because you worship a PS4)

Bruh, what you want to know exactly. Pick one and I'll show you :yeshrug:
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winter is coming
Jun 3, 2012
Bruh, what your worried about can happen to anything. YOU Xbox, your cable box, your TV, your laptop, your heart even. If it breaks you have a warranty and you get it replaced. If your worried about the RROD, don't. Microsoft has made 2 systems. Only one of them had hardware issues and the one that did got fixed once they remodeled the system and RROD hasn't been a problem ever since. Sony has made 3 systems and all three have had hardware issues. With the PS2's issues being the worst for gamers in history. Sony refused to acknowledge there was a Disc Read Error Issue until 2005. PS3's suffer from the YLOD which happens often after a year or two. If you gonna game at all next gen, know the facts about BOTH consoles hardware history...

yes breh all of those devices have the potential to malfunction but not all at once. you understand what I'm getting at in reference to consolidating all of those devices into 1?? of course you do. I'm not willing to take that risk of being w/o television, gaming, and skyping etc for any length of time simply because my xboxone failed on me. sure I can keep my dvr.. my laptop.. my apple tv but that $500 price tag isn't justified imo if I'm not using all of its features. the potential to lose all of those features in one fell swoop is a scary thought... :demonic:

Big Suge Knight

Runner of Thangs
Jun 14, 2013
Compton California
1. Are you implying that PS4 negatively affects us Gamers?
2. Mate you are describing what you do 'taking sides' like you in this circle jerk all day man.
3. TBF that perception is not far off. Throwing money at some exclusive DLC does NOT mean they have the gamers interests in mind. As we know Don Mattrick don't give a fk about consumer rights which is us we are consumers at the end of the day.
4. The notion of blocking used games, which would result in more money for devs (thus will benefit us gamers) is debatable.
5. I love the topic mate but you are not being honest, you masquerading as this Pro gamer (consumer) voice of reasoning im not buying it.
1.) http://www.the-coli.com/just-buggin...sciously-turning-people-gay.html#.UcPYItgmY-9 :manny:
The internet is negatively affecting gamers to the point they are choosing sides because... the internet

2.) I haven't taken "sides" unless you mean the side where the games are. I own every system. Played more games this gen than all of you and I'm sure of that. I've played so many that I finish NONE of them.

3.) Don Mattrick is not the devil

4.) Blocking used games to bring down sales is NOT debatable. PC shows you this. I've heard Liquid say its not the same thing but he never explained how so. He even said Steam was hated at first, so I don't see what the difference is :hula:

5.) You don't buy it because you not real bruh, Real recognizes real :yeshrug: Go check my gamertag. Ask anyone on here who was on Uncharted daily. I got into the uncharted craze late in the game (after pt.2 dropped) but quickly became a problem. Then when Uncharted 3 came out I was the top rated player on this forum (sohh) I also RAN the wii-friendcode thread back on the old site and would promote the games MOST GAMERS WOULD SLEEP ON. You can ask anybody including my haters about what I just wrote.

The whole "the internet is making people retarded" angle I was getting at is why you'll see the hate mixed in with the acknowledgments :suge: cuuuuuuuz


May 21, 2012
from the home of coca-cola, i'm not referring to s
1.) What country are you in (Why do I sense a lie coming on)
2.) Its an HDMI passthru so it'll work regardless. Some features may not work, but being able to watch live TV and have XBL connected at the same time will be possible
3.) You ARE lying because the Xbox One isn't even launching in countries yet that it won't support. But thanks for trying. Suicide Lost to "yeah yeah" once again :win:

And you need to finish your sentences :hula: Now if there is any bullet point you wanna cry about? Lets hear it. If your asking me to post 28links I have to tell you to kiss the bottom of my ballsac. All this info has been said over the last 3 months. This info isn't from a neogaf thread. But if I made this thread on Neogaf it would do numbers and fakkits such as yourself would reference it as the word of GOD. (well, anti christ because you worship a PS4)

Bruh, what you want to know exactly. Pick one and I'll show you :yeshrug:

you cant provide sources to your bulletin so theres nothing more we need to discuss..:pachaha:

Big Suge Knight

Runner of Thangs
Jun 14, 2013
Compton California
yes breh all of those devices have the potential to malfunction but not all at once. you understand what I'm getting at in reference to consolidating all of those devices into 1?? of course you do. I'm not willing to take that risk of being w/o television, gaming, and skyping etc for any length of time simply because my xboxone failed on me. sure I can keep my dvr.. my laptop.. my apple tv but that $500 price tag isn't justified imo if I'm not using all of its features. the potential to lose all of those features in one fell swoop is a scary thought... :demonic:

You sound retarded doggy. You are saying you love what it does, but out of fear of it one day not working you'd rather have 10 devices :deadmanny:
If you xbox died, that doesn't kill your cable. The Xbox One while it can act as a cable box, it has an HDMI pass thru so your cable box can still be connected. Xbox Live is now overlaying your cable screen. It works with your cable box and TV. If it died, you go back to using your TV w/out Xbox features. Xbox will be your main skype option, but once again. If you box dies then what? You can't pick up your phone or PC to skype if that ever happened? Was you getting rid of your phone/Pc if you got an xbox :what:

You sounding real chicken little ish right now bruh bruh

Big Suge Knight

Runner of Thangs
Jun 14, 2013
Compton California
:lupe: They share that bed? :scusthov:

I thought it was just for him.
You seem awfully concerned about where another man sleeps. This ain't even the ladies room, so you nikkaz are on some unprecedented homo status :huhldup:
you cant provide sources to your bulletin so theres nothing more we need to discuss..:pachaha:
I'll say this to you one last time very slowly.


You not gonna find a single link that has everything I posted. I have gathered all the info out there that is newsworthy but you was too busy being a fanboy to pay attention. Now for the final time, if there is any single item you would like to talk about further, I'll look for a link to it. You could of just google it yourself. But nah, thats too hard? Cool. I'll do it for you.

Which topic you don't believe bruh :popcorn:


winter is coming
Jun 3, 2012
You sound retarded doggy. You are saying you love what it does, but out of fear of it one day not working you'd rather have 10 devices :deadmanny:
If you xbox died, that doesn't kill your cable. The Xbox One while it can act as a cable box, it has an HDMI pass thru so your cable box can still be connected. Xbox Live is now overlaying your cable screen. It works with your cable box and TV. If it died, you go back to using your TV w/out Xbox features. Xbox will be your main skype option, but once again. If you box dies then what? You can't pick up your phone or PC to skype if that ever happened? Was you getting rid of your phone/Pc if you got an xbox :what:

You sounding real chicken little ish right now bruh bruh


thanks for wasting my time. you won't fool me again....

Big Suge Knight

Runner of Thangs
Jun 14, 2013
Compton California
Its USA only at launch.. how can you be a xbox stan and not even know that....:yeshrug:

and im pretty sure it wont work as it reuires tv listing and such to be implemented for other countries...

Its launching in 13 countries and while the full conversational voice wont be ready at launch, that doesn't mean no voice controls at all. All 13 of those countries will have voice control day one.

The TV listings Xbox One pulls from your internet connection, not via the HDMI pass thru. Now are you implying that the internet can't provide TV listing data to an Xbox One :leon:

What country you in btw? :popcorn:

thanks for wasting my time. you won't fool me again....
Bruh, you fooled your dumbass self. I see you only have a PSN logo which means your retarded already. Already had your mind made up.
Your reasoning for not wanting it is because it does everything. So what you'd rather do is save $100 so you can have a system that doesn't
There's literally no logic in anything you saying. Xbox doesn't force you to get rid of all your other devices, they work in tandem with those devices
Smart glass requires a tablet or Phone. Xbox One doesn't require you to get rid of your cable box. This is all you have said, and since you have nothing else to speak on? Yes, stop posting in this thread. Keep those 10 devices and miss out on everything Xbox One brings to the table because it does too much. And if you got rid of everything.. then it breaks... and if logic is not applied...
Bruh, your post lowers the IQ of anyone who reads it :sadcam:


Mar 8, 2013
Göteborg, Sverige
1.) http://www.the-coli.com/just-buggin...sciously-turning-people-gay.html#.UcPYItgmY-9 :manny:
The internet is negatively affecting gamers to the point they are choosing sides because... the internet

2.) I haven't taken "sides" unless you mean the side where the games are. I own every system. Played more games this gen than all of you and I'm sure of that. I've played so many that I finish NONE of them.

3.) Don Mattrick is not the devil

4.) Blocking used games to bring down sales is NOT debatable. PC shows you this. I've heard Liquid say its not the same thing but he never explained how so. He even said Steam was hated at first, so I don't see what the difference is :hula:

5.) You don't buy it because you not real bruh, Real recognizes real :yeshrug: Go check my gamertag. Ask anyone on here who was on Uncharted daily. I got into the uncharted craze late in the game (after pt.2 dropped) but quickly became a problem. Then when Uncharted 3 came out I was the top rated player on this forum (sohh) I also RAN the wii-friendcode thread back on the old site and would promote the games MOST GAMERS WOULD SLEEP ON. You can ask anybody including my haters about what I just wrote.

The whole "the internet is making people retarded" angle I was getting at is why you'll see the hate mixed in with the acknowledgments :suge: cuuuuuuuz

1. :bryan: Right......the ps4 is turning people gay? god don't like gays? :wtf: why did you link that garbage?

2. 'sides' of course you have taken sides, bashing one constantly while praising the other is taking sides. don't know how else to put it. You finish NONE of your games? :wtf: then don't buy them.

3. :deadrose:

4.it is very much debatable, don't be so arrogant.
5. That is cool i was also on that Uncharted 2 and 3 MP, in the top percentage of players. I still think you are biased to the xbox though.

6. see you on Uncharted 4 then? on that PS4? :krs:


Jul 16, 2012
DFW Metroplex
So someone attempted to speak on these features? :leon:
Your still not doing it objectionably but I see you are intrigued. So let me dispel any doubts by brotha...

Xbox One: Ultra HD 4K Gaming Supported by Next-gen Xbox | BGR

Now to save you the time and effort, here's sony's take on it

PlayStation 4 Won't Support 4K Games, 3D 'Not a Focus' - IGN

I don't give a fukk what that Microsoft corporate shill said. He's either lying or more likely doesn't know what the fukk he's talking.

nikka just think about how much it would cost to build a PC that can play games in 4K at ONLY 30fps. You're EASILY gonna spend over $1000-$1500 on JUST the GPU alone.

But you actually believe the XB1 that would cost $350-$400 without the Kinect is capable of 4K gaming. :russ:.

Here's a link on some info:
Page 2 - Xbox One and PS4: Analyzing their support for 4K video and gaming | ExtremeTech