At a certain point, you'll get to a stage where you gotta ask yourself:
Do I want to be in shape and get all of the benefits of it or do I want to eat tasty foods? I read something somewhere that resonated with me "Nothing tastes as good as being in shape"
Bro, I'm 23 as well. The best time to have lost the weight you needed was yesterday but that isn't the case. Don't let your 20's go past you all because you don't wanna eat healthy foods.
Like posters above me said: Plan ahead and meal prep. Also, find a way to treat your self every now and then.
I cannot stress how beneficial meal prep is. When I'm on point with my eating it's because I meal prep. On Sunday I'll prep 4 different recipes for the week. Two recipes for lunch and another two for dinner. Usually I'll do M-Th then I'll eat out for dinner on Friday but skip lunch on Friday as well.
First couple weeks are tough but eventually you'll get into the hang of things. Best part is this, as you go longer and longer into it, the moment you backslide you're body will let you know.
If I were to eat something at McDonalds even before I leave the parking lot I'll be getting gas and my stomach gonna be hollering.
Start now. 50 lbs is a lot but look at it in 5 lbs chunks. If you're serious you can probably knock out 20 lbs by the end of 2018. I imagine once that 20 goes you'll get more motivated to keep pushing on.
Do I want to be in shape and get all of the benefits of it or do I want to eat tasty foods? I read something somewhere that resonated with me "Nothing tastes as good as being in shape"
Bro, I'm 23 as well. The best time to have lost the weight you needed was yesterday but that isn't the case. Don't let your 20's go past you all because you don't wanna eat healthy foods.
Like posters above me said: Plan ahead and meal prep. Also, find a way to treat your self every now and then.
I cannot stress how beneficial meal prep is. When I'm on point with my eating it's because I meal prep. On Sunday I'll prep 4 different recipes for the week. Two recipes for lunch and another two for dinner. Usually I'll do M-Th then I'll eat out for dinner on Friday but skip lunch on Friday as well.
First couple weeks are tough but eventually you'll get into the hang of things. Best part is this, as you go longer and longer into it, the moment you backslide you're body will let you know.
If I were to eat something at McDonalds even before I leave the parking lot I'll be getting gas and my stomach gonna be hollering.
Start now. 50 lbs is a lot but look at it in 5 lbs chunks. If you're serious you can probably knock out 20 lbs by the end of 2018. I imagine once that 20 goes you'll get more motivated to keep pushing on.