And a current strength goku would wipe everyone of those guys out,
Yamcha, the weakest dbz character is said to be as strong as freeza first form, whom was blowing up planets with no effort.

Ok this alone tells me you haven't actually been keeping up with this. First of all, POWER LEVELS IN DBZ ARE BULLshyt. The entire reason they were created was to show how irrelevant they are, that is from Toriyama himself.
Second, NO got damn way fukkin YAMCHA was even at any point strong enough to blow up a planet. fukkin Yamcha

Third,.... "is said"

Fourth, Frieza could blow up planets, he channeled his energy through his finger. Just because Frieza could do it, doesn't mean each and every character that "might" be on his level could duplicate this feat. Just because one super hero could blow up planets doesn't mean they all can, etc.
Last, once again SSGSS Goku is not and never has been unbeatable, he never beat Golden Frieza if you want to get technical. Goku has limits on his ability and while he can train hard enough to surpass his limits, he will NEVER catch up to someone who's power is LIMITLESS like Superman. If both characters are at full potential and ability, Goku CAN NOT WIN that fight. It staunchly goes against the character nature of both characters.