Drip Bayless
Vegeta almost blew earth up when he first got thereWhat I'm saying is that if it never happened in the MANGA (which trumps the Anime as far as canon and legitimacy goes), its not a logical argument point.
We can speculate about what a character might be able to do all day, Superman MIGHT be able to learn to do a Kiao-Ken or Kamehameha and Goku MIGHT be able to destroy a planet with his fists or learn how to absorb solar energy, but none of that is factual as far as what they are currently and actually capable of doing. Also, keep in mind the Anime and its filler has done and shown a lot of contradictory feats and abilities of the characters. They showed an early Vegeta being able to destroy that bug planet, when nowhere else in DBZ does he show that level of power, that is a contradiction. You citing that feat is just as ridiculous as Krillin almost KOinig SSJ Goku with a rock. My intention was not to be a dikk with that post but to draw a parallel of how outlandish it is to cite out of continuity showings.
And if you really WANTED to go there, I assure you Superman has WAYYYYY more outlandish out of continuity feats than Goku. Superman is literally the most overpowered hero in fiction, these two are not comparable, Goku would be better off fighting Shazam or Thor.

Oh wait he didn't actually blow it up so it means he couldn't