Tony D'Amato
It's all about the inches
Im sayin. That lowlife @88m3 suggested the US just take in all of HaitiThese dudes think we have an endless stream of money. Anyone who’s halfway paying attention can see the United States is a sinking ship with its best days behind it just waiting on the next world power to put us out of our misery and their genius plan is to import millions of people…when right now this very second we still as a country can’t provide basic health care, housing or livable wages to the Americans living here now. Got camps of homeless muthafukkas blocks from the U.S. Capitol Building living like animals and their plan is to pay out more money we obviously don’t have. Afghans are here because we fukked over their country beyond recognition, so we begrudgingly let some in…and even then we left the wide majority…millions of them to their fate. So what? The people of Haiti thought because we had an agreement with someone else that didn’t involve them that it was an opportune time to bogart their way in? And we’re supposed to defend this? The whipping is obviously wrong and blatantly racist but all them Haitians gotta go back. Mexicans too. We can’t afford to take care of all these people.