Who's doing that except maybe Rose Twitter? I'm not on that "pRiMaRy mAnChIn wIt A pRuGrEsSiV" shyt, and I don't think most people are. All most people are saying is he's threatening to block legislation that is not only popular with both Republicans and Democrats, but popular with his own constituents too. His own constituents wrote a letter to him saying they wanted a $15 minimum wage. His own Republican governor supported a big stimulus bill. I'm not denying that he's in a deep red state and has to tow the line on certain issues, but there's no need for that in these cases.
What's really a bad faith discussion is the narrative that he's some "Aw, shucks!" good ol boy from West Virginia who just has no choice but to ratfukk the Dems because he needs to keep his seat. No. That is a demonstrable lie. He's not against a $15 minimum wage because, aw, shucks, he just doesn't think small ol rural West Virginia needs it like big city California or New York. He's against it because his family owns businesses that don't pay $15 an hour, and they don't want to pay $15 an hour. That's it.