I don't have the patience to be texting with these unitextin ass chicks. A week ago I sent out a blitz of messages to chicks on POF and one hit me back saying nice to meet you I'm _____.
I hit her back and after a few exchanges, I ask for her FB. I then added her, told her I added her and she said ok. The chick never added me back but I'm likeI just start chatting with her through the messenger app. She responding with one word texts like yes, no, duhh, lol and shyt. I'm asking open ended questions too but idk she just came off as simply uninteresting. She then said she don't have a job so I was like
. Sad thing is she was decent looking too but after a day of texting on and off with her she just hit me with the close like "well ok goodnite, i mean goodbye." I said OK and ain't hit her back since.
If the conversation starts off with one word answers I just ghost immediately. She isn't interested and it's never worth trying to turn the disinterest into interest. She's just using you for entertainment or a free meal until that guy she really wants comes along. Now it's true, a couple chicks are shy or just truly boring but they ain't really worth the investment either. Ain't got time for an uninteresting woman.