True. And besides these nikkas haven’t been clubbing since Nelly and Luda were poppinTo be fair breh, The Coli (or any internet forum really) is the last place you need to go to get advice on social skills.
First of, no one is owed a bad bytch. Second, the club isn't the only place to meet them. Third, if you're bent on meeting chicks at the club, then do what it takes to grab their attention there.This seems like good advice on a surface level but…
With the way society is set up it’s pretty rare to meet fine ass women doing hobbies or a social event a “normal” person would attend. And even then when you’re in a social environment like that it’s a one shot kill type of thing. If the women in that environment aren’t feeling you, then you’re assed out.
And plus the main difference between social events and going out is that the events are not centered around socializing in that way - they’re centered around the event/hobby itself. And you’d always have to walk that bytch ass thin line of not coming off like a creep trying to spit game at a random ass meet up.
Especially not compared to going out at night which has an incredibly large amount of women from pretty much every demographic (of hobbies that is). Women from the gym go out, from salsa classes, improv, marine biologists, accountants, etc. And it’s also a social event where hooking up and flirting is considered socially acceptable.
So in addition to hobbies only having few women and the amount of avalibke social events
And aside from that there aren’t even places here in the US that people can go to to have fun. Especially not now in the social media and late stage capitalism era where most people are at home and on social media to fill those voids.
And even then, the women there aren’t going to be the most attractive. Not trying to be a downer or anything, just saying how things are and why I can’t really get behind that.
Hell even when I was in college, the women weren’t at events/cool hobbies like that. They were at parties and concerts and shyt. I tried out salsa and all that - shyt just ain’t the same because there’s group dynamics involved and it was always the same core group of mfers there who was already dating/platonic or whatever.
Unless you have any ideas for social events? Meetup ain’t popping from what I’m seeing.
The coli in 2025True. And besides these nikkas haven’t been clubbing since Nelly and Luda were poppin![]()
May as well share this story.You guys need to get out more man. And not even focus on talking to women you guys are tryna smash. Like, go out and socialize with everyone.
having the ability to have conversations with anyone can get you places.
First of, no one is owed a bad bytch. Second, the club isn't the only place to meet them. Third, if you're bent on meeting chicks at the club, then do what it takes to grab their attention there.
For those of us that aren't about the club life, I'm just saying there are other avenues to meet women.
Personally, I've went to a few cultural exchange joints here and abroad, and have done well. I tend to be on the friendly side and can strike up convos with anyone.
I only know about these shyts cause of a brown (nerdy) cat I used to work work, and my man was cleaning up. I'm talking a revolving door of cute Japanese chicks that was here to learn English. Same dude wouldn't stand a chance at a night club, but he found his own lane and was crushing it
Learned this the hard way. Recently I hit the club and it’s 1-2 true baddies"bad bytchs" don't go to the club, usually avg and below avg women go because it''s where they get the most attention.
Gotta find what works for you breh. Don’t give upSee cause I actually tried that shyt and it came off mad awkward and felt corny as shyt plus the chicks wasn’t feeling me but okay
I’m no longer in the area but yeah I been meaning to get back on my daygame. Crazy thing is I was approaching like 5x a day at the beginning of COVID. Like July 2020. Chicks was down but it never went anywhere cause I guess they were scared of the virus or some shyt.
Shyt is just weird now cause I’m in OC and it’s nothing but old ass CACS and shyt out here. Everything closes early and it’s like car central out this bytch.
Tried going to bars earlier in the day and it’s just NPCs out there, random ass Cheers mfers
Local college are commuter schools to sohh finding a good spot is tough
Thinking of saying fukk it and making the trip out to LA every now and then
Men on here spend their spare time talking to other men about how they're not going to jerk off for a month then wonder why they can't talk to women in real life![]()