there is a movie about a kung fu Master in China.... that basically shows up everything we need to do. Every black man in amerkka should watch it IMO.
Japan would be the CACS in this movie.
The main dude got pissed off - his name in Chen Zen.. played by jet li I believe.
his master was killed... the leader. You find out later that he was poisoned ( and then find out he was poisoned because he was on the only real nikka that could lead a movement)
Then you find out that the cook who is actually on of the groups of main characters family members -- c00nED out and was the one who poisoned dude. A few c00ns is all they needed to disrupt the movement. that part fukked me up , but I would have never guessed it would have been him. NTM - they wouldn't have even had the issues they were having hadn't some of their clan not c00ned out.
Jet li broke the sign that said 'acceptance' in chinese writing. ..... Gave a Malcolm X style speech about... how we accepted them too much, allowed them to infiltrate us to much. All we have is us. Then proceeded to First train up all the other people... establish unity.... then he went and fukked up and killed the main Japs.
There was some internal beef, but at the end of the day they all Followed the Code and were successful.
The only problem is... Jet li ended up leaving it all behind for some Japanese p*ssy.

Last line in the movie was.... at least i can be w the one I love. Dude low key sold out.