Peace - Whats your view on this
@motion order ?
The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan said that one of the reasons he held the Million Man March was, "to show you what a free Blackman looks like." He wanted to do it, so he criss crossed the country, galvanizing Black men, and mobilized the FOI to help his efforts. He didn't ask the the U.S. government for permission, he did it because he wanted to do it.
The Nation of Islam are the only Black people that operate, and strive to increasingly operate, outside of the confines, norms, culture, and general paradigm of their oppressors.
The Nation of Islam doesn't ask the whiteman for permission to teach religion
Doesn't ask the whiteman's permission to open a school
Doesn't ask the whiteman for permission to print and sell their newspaper
Doesn't ask the whiteman for permission to change their names
Black people in America don't know what it's like to rule themselves. Any other Black organization, at best, strives to soften the blows of existing as 3rd or 4th class citizens under white folks. The Nation of Islam obeys the laws of America, as long as it doesn't conflict with the religion, but it operates with its own set of rules.
There is no such thing as a "Black community" outside of the teachings of The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Everything else is watered pro-blackness