Dzali OG
Dz Ali OG...Pay me like you owe me!
Ok so that means that the "king" will be spending all his money paying for everything and the "queen" is just paying cable/internet (if that) and maybe water/sanitation and pocking the rest of her money. When shyt goes south due to irreconcilable differences or she cheating because she found another man attractive or she bored because u always working and need to be entertained...u gonna be fuked cuz u damn near broke paying for nearly everything and she will be well off cuz of all she saved by her having such little if any bills and some other sucka/simp will be her sponsor. Yeah OK...
See when you're a man and a KING, you're not even worried about what if you break up.
As a King you're always supposed be able to get your weight up. We can get out here and get it off the muscle.
I've broken up with women after I've paid the rent, furnished the place, paid the bill, bought them big tv's, bought them cars...and when I left only took my clothes and music. That shyt was no sweat because I know as a man I can start over again and again. Do it even better each time!
See that's grown man, King, status.
Plus because I handle it like a boss, when I see her yesrs down the line I can still fukk at will.
Women like power and what I display is power.