How many good matches does Sheamus have to work

May 2, 2012
thetown to global
About what? None of what I said there was wrong.

The IWC wants to pick their stars, and then when their stars get everything they want, they turn on them to pick somebody else. We see it with damn near every wrestler known to man. We saw it with Punk. We're gonna see it with Ziggler and even Bryan too if they decide to turn him face. Me and Liggins both said this shyt would go down. Once the E figures out how over you are, they decide that you'd be incredibly marketable to kids, and once that happens, the IWC hates you. The second Ziggler wins the WWE or World Title and ditches Vickie to turn face, he'll be doing WWE movies and everyone will go back to hating him and calling him Nicky from the Spirit Squad.

I'm not disputing that. Most of the IWC carry a very hipster like mentality.

I was referring to this:

People just don't wanna respect Sheamus' hustle because he's affiliated with Triple H (even though HBK trained DB). People don't wanna give him props because of his look (which isn't the generic shyt you see). People don't wanna give him props because of how he came up (even though he beat Cena and Triple H, 2 other fiercely hated wrestlers to do so)

Is not true.

Most people here who are posting agrees that Sheamus is a good hand in the ring and a decent worker. Obviously the fact that he was pretty much handpicked and pushed to the moon would rub people the wrong way, especially when he's gotten opportunities many people have never or will never get. Liggins was making it sound like Sheamus had to work hard in the undercard but he was thrust into the main event scene from the jump. Even if we were to assume the whole "spotting HHH to get where he is" and the HHH c/s to be false or exaggerated, it was still obvious that he was favored by the brass as evidenced by the fact that he was protected for the majority of his career so far.

DB was trained in HBK's school it wasn't like HBK was super hands on with the training. Regal is to be credited for training Bryan more so than HBK. (Cade, Kendrick, Michael Shane etc all trained in HBK's school too, didn't really mean anything)

I am pretty sure no one here shyts on Sheamus solely based on his look, considering internet favorites like Punk and Bryan don't fit the traditional mold of a wrestler either. Only a few truly seem to write him off entirely (CC, Barr), others just don't think he is good enough (or "deserving") to warrant the push he got.

The thread did get temporarily derailed by the whole vs DB thing, cuz Liggins was trolling :laugh:

Rarely-Wrong Liggins

Name another Liggins hot I'm just honest.
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Where did I even HINT that Sheamus had to work his way up?

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May 2, 2012
thetown to global

Rarely-Wrong Liggins

Name another Liggins hot I'm just honest.
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
I already knew Sheamus was a force that couldn't be denied. :jawalrus:

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Indiana's Finest
May 3, 2012
I'm tired of dudes acting like the "iwc" turns on dudes because they're successful. No, we turn on them because the wwe waters them the fukk down when they dont have to.

Take cena for example. We all liked him at one point. We didnt start disliking him because he turned face or won the ship, we turned on him because he abandoned what we liked about his ass in the first place. Its like waka flocka ditching the trap and making pitbull type music. Of course dudes arent gonna rock with that.

Even if youre a sheamus stan, how could you enjoy what hes becomming right before our very eyes? They got him looking like a herb ass fukk nikka version of cena, and yall defending him for no other reason than he's sheamus? Give me a break.

I consider myself more so a fan of the actions than a fan of the wrestlers themselves. Same with music. I enjoy the content, not who its coming from. I'm behind db because i enjoy what hes doing, but if he does become a giant cornball like he was during his initial run, you wont see me hugging his nuts. Ill be the first to call him out.

But atm db is on fire and sheamus isnt. Its as simple as that.


I didn't eat nobody
May 17, 2012
He's definitely better than anybody ever gave him credit for (in terms of his ring work).

He's a horrible face though. Dude works best as a Heel Bully. WWE just does a horrible job of booking faces.


May 15, 2012
I'm tired of dudes acting like the "iwc" turns on dudes because they're successful. No, we turn on them because the wwe waters them the fukk down when they dont have to.

WWE simply does not know how to book their faces. With heels they more or less allow them to tell truth; truth about the nature of wrestler's character, truth about the status of the product, truth about popular ideas, truth about society etc. Even Big Show is starting to look interesting since he is allowed to tell truth on mic. Faces by comparison appear boring because they are there to uphold the status quo. When a heel critiques anything all faces can do is shout "you are wrong" or punch the heel in the face.

Sheamus did get props on the internet when he was a heel. As a face right now he is simply out there affirming the status quo, just like Punk. That is why both of them are out of favor for certain wrestling fans. These same fans will fall in love with both of them once more when they go heel again. By the same virture Danielson Scorn Squad is just waiting to be born and thrive once he goes face, count on it.


Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
Um..Shawn Michaels didn't train Daniel Bryan. They barely even saw each other during that whole time. Regal was more in tune with style and training than anything he got from the Michaels school..

Just needed to point that out.


Countdown to Armageddon
Apr 30, 2012
The ONLY time he was in danger of losing his heat was after that 18 seconds fiasco. Which he's recovered from nicely I might add.

Yes he's recovered so nicely that he's still getting Cena-ass mixed reactions, crowd firmly behind #HeelZiggler at the PPV :beli:

Caught the match, btw. Zigzag carrying another bum to a 3.5 star match :wow: Could've been 4 if not for the ending.

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
About what? None of what I said there was wrong.

The IWC wants to pick their stars, and then when their stars get everything they want, they turn on them to pick somebody else. We see it with damn near every wrestler known to man. We saw it with Punk. We're gonna see it with Ziggler and even Bryan too if they decide to turn him face. Me and Liggins both said this shyt would go down. Once the E figures out how over you are, they decide that you'd be incredibly marketable to kids, and once that happens, the IWC hates you. The second Ziggler wins the WWE or World Title and ditches Vickie to turn face, he'll be doing WWE movies and everyone will go back to hating him and calling him Nicky from the Spirit Squad.

dawg,..the iwc picks stars based off consistent performances.

if you really knew of the workrate. instead of lumping the iwc into this imaginary pool of guys at round table you would know that.

this is not basketball where we pick motherfukkers because they have a great pair of gym shoes and a hot jersey,..stoopid mr mod, suh.

go learn what these term are first:


then you will understand what makes a wrassler great.

it has nuffin to do with belts, gym shoes or none of that bullshyt.

other sports or activities find to deem heroes in.

like i said before go talk about the t-wolves, steve-tree kamla.

you over here trying to talk down to a community of guys. who other argueably than the ktl.

are, the most knowledgeable on the subiect of what their subforum is.

you are a fukkin mark, steve-tree kamla.

this is a fukk'n smarts forum,......period. we don't do that mark bullshyt in the tsc.

art barr

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
I'm tired of dudes acting like the "iwc" turns on dudes because they're successful. No, we turn on them because the wwe waters them the fukk down when they dont have to.

thank you,....

i advocated cena be pushed to the moon since he was prototype and used the protobomb. i have always like cena and felt if he was not tampered with. he could always have been a higher quality hogun since he was prototype.

the problem occurred when they started to book him in oversaturated moments worse than and more superior than hogun. that is where the problem occurred. plus the fact,..when he was booked worse than and more superior than hogun. here cripple ache comes with his fat nosed inferiority complex bullshyt. then humanizes cena more than hogun ever did,..just because he is married to steph. plus the fact he defies steph's own original direction of cena.

just to make himself look good for his fake ass legacy,..he will try to establish as a hof'r. which does not exist at all factually.

i been cena's biggest online supporter since prototype. yet i can not get behind him being pushed worse in quality than hogun. do i like cena more than hogun,..yes. yet i don't like thr fact he is booked better than what makes high quality sense. plus, cena never looks vulnerable as magnum did. which is what made magnum better than hogun in quality.

when magnum was pegged to be nwa's better hogun. cena should be in quality better than hogun,..

plus an evolution of what magnum could have done.

yet wwe is so obsessed with bullshyt and consistent tampering and low quality on purpose. all because it is ownd by an out of touch vkm manipulated by his son-in-law. just like the period that almost made it so there was no wwf to begin with. that is the issue,.......that is why i want to see change in this historically low quality built company.

if not for rocky, the movie,..and scsa!!

this company would not exist, period!!

larry legend said:
Take cena for example. We all liked him at one point. We didnt start disliking him because he turned face or won the ship, we turned on him because he abandoned what we liked about his ass in the first place. Its like waka flocka ditching the trap and making pitbull type music. Of course dudes arent gonna rock with that.

Even if youre a sheamus stan, how could you enjoy what hes becomming right before our very eyes? They got him looking like a herb ass fukk nikka version of cena, and yall defending him for no other reason than he's sheamus? Give me a break.

I consider myself more so a fan of the actions than a fan of the wrestlers themselves. Same with music. I enjoy the content, not who its coming from. I'm behind db because i enjoy what hes doing, but if he does become a giant cornball like he was during his initial run, you wont see me hugging his nuts. Ill be the first to call him out.

But atm db is on fire and sheamus isnt. Its as simple as that.

great posting,.....

for me i would not turn on db,..

as we can all readily see. db, just like cena is being shackled by three wack individuals. who are out of touch and playing nanny-nannie boo games because they have money.

when i know for a fact,..when they were on deaths door.

that same bytch punk vkm,..was cop'n pleas and crying cause he was near death's door.

that is the issue,...that is the problem. a company that points the bird to the very fans,....who saved his ho ass company. making it go public no less,..then disrespecting the shyt outta those fans.. now they are up.

plus try to use booking and the wrasslers erroneously booked as a scapegoat. by trying to erroneously charge it to the culture card of talent. so they can never properly draw. or use their draw if they leave.

to create a high quality visible sustsined and well marketed company to compete with them.

that is the fukking issue. this company lives in fear of its own workers.

it purposefully sabotages the talent so that talent will never be a threat.

when everyone educatrd enough historically knows this.

that is the issue,........

art barr

yes, i like john cena

i adore john cena actually and anyone who knows my history knows that, too!!

do i like him more than magnum, the real art barr, cc, chris, the shooter, eddy, db , aa

all because he did not do a shade of what hogun, as the goblin did.

when hogun's quality or draw was threatened.

when a bit of the goblin is needed in cena like he did in the punk situation last year.

,..but just like hogun, and undertaker[i also WAS a huge mean mark callous SUPPORTER].

when it is booked as some purposeful bullshyt,..i will be vocal.

when i continue to see the same garbage that almost made it.

so,..there was no wwf/wwe to begin with....


May 8, 2012






:yeshrug: :pachaha:

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
:laff::laff::laff: that shyt caught me so off guard.

Most people turned on Punk because he turned into Cena V2 with corny ass promos :manny:. Punk has been booked like shyt ever since MITB. He was about to feud with Nash, but then HHH decided that he should do it. He shyts on Johnny Ace all the time in promos, yet Cena is the guy they went with. The feuds with Jericho & Bryan are the only things that have been good about his title run.

Bryan wasn't treated like a big deal even when he had the belt. He was given the angle playing the p*ssy & running away from shyt. Miami made him seem like the biggest star in the WWE at Mania, & then he lost in 18 seconds. WWE wasn't trying to make him that big after Mania, he probably would have dropped down to Ziggler/Rhodes level afterwards. But the reactions of the crowds made that seem like a stupid move so he stuck around in the main event.

I don't have a problem with Sheamus, it's more the booking of Sheamus.

my problem with sheamus is,...

it is brown nose'n on the level of the nasty boys and hogun.

when just like the nasty boys,..the nasty boys never had a quality angle.

unless put opposite the steiners. then inring were always exposed.

then when the nasty's were exposed by the greatest workrate and innovative marketed team ever. the nasty's did not try to elevate their workrate to draw. the weak ass nasty boys,..brown nosed to hogun as lackeys.

to erroneously get placed on rosters and cards.

that is the problem with sheamus.....if sheamus had a workrate or mc skills like even barrett as a rook on wwe tv. i could support sheamus. yet he has not ramped up and is the benefit of brown nose'n.

when it comes to db/sheamus...

db did not brown nose. plus because of db's talent and grassroots draw.

talent that could argueably make him the greatest grappler of all time.

which is not out of his talent rsnge.

what does ho ass sheamus do,...he sides with his buddy cripple ache at mania of all places.

just because ache fears being upstaged by bryant like savage/steamboat.

plus hbk, sheamus and ache all clit licking glory hounds. who do not want talent to draw or be on par with them. agree to just go along with the most errant decision in mania history pretty much and attempt to bury db.

all because they fear the possibility of the bag carrier and the student upstaging them. what made it even worse is,...where was mean mark tapong his fist then. oh i know,..he did not give a fukk as the company man.

this time,..because the company was not on death's door. nor would he have to go back to a promotion. where his talent is now humanized by better workers.

these dolts are so easy to see through it is ridiculous.

all them are some pussies,..and fear having to stay sharp like you are supposed to. so they play good ol boi games, to stay relevent.

when if db was allowed to work with sheamus legit. db could have lengthened the company's draw and watermark quality in this era.

yet, since they fear talent drawing and making a rival promotion. they try to book talent in low quality situations purposefully. all so they will have no rivals. when rivals in commerce and especially wrasslin is what business is about.

art barr

this company fears talent like db, punk and even cena.

as they have the intelligence, draw and brain trust. to actually make three rival promotions.

that could effectively spring up like did to that other promotion.

the wwe lives in fear of that shyt....they don't live in fear of it from hogum or jarrett.

as both are to inept and egotistical to create a sound quality product top to bottom.

yet,..cena, db and punk.....all individually could make three separate rival promotions and be come instant competition.

the wwe lives in fear of that factor and they should not,....

commerce and competition is good,...that is what business is about.