How many good matches does Sheamus have to work


May 7, 2012
You, sir, get the daily dap.

I'm tired of dudes acting like the "iwc" turns on dudes because they're successful. No, we turn on them because the wwe waters them the fukk down when they dont have to.

Take cena for example. We all liked him at one point. We didnt start disliking him because he turned face or won the ship, we turned on him because he abandoned what we liked about his ass in the first place. Its like waka flocka ditching the trap and making pitbull type music. Of course dudes arent gonna rock with that.

Even if youre a sheamus stan, how could you enjoy what hes becomming right before our very eyes? They got him looking like a herb ass fukk nikka version of cena, and yall defending him for no other reason than he's sheamus? Give me a break.

I consider myself more so a fan of the actions than a fan of the wrestlers themselves. Same with music. I enjoy the content, not who its coming from. I'm behind db because i enjoy what hes doing, but if he does become a giant cornball like he was during his initial run, you wont see me hugging his nuts. Ill be the first to call him out.

But atm db is on fire and sheamus isnt. Its as simple as that.