How is Man of Steel "Trash"?


Apr 30, 2012
I loved MoS and it stabs head and shoulders above all the other movies as the best superhero/comic book movie of the year.
The people who hate on it fall into 6 different camps:
1. The ones who wanted the same Superman from the old Reeves flicks despite shytting all over that exact thing when it was given to them in that horrible Superman Returns travesty.
2. The "Superman is Perfect" contingent who only want a flawless Boy Scout version of the character so they cry like babies at the concept of a flawed rookie Superman who would snap Zod's neck.
3. The devout Superman haters who think the character is corny and will never like a movie featuring him.
4. The Snyder haters who hate the dude's directing style.
5. The Goyer haters who claim to hate his writing but love Blade 1 & 2 and the Nolan Batman flicks that Goyer wrote.
6. Marvel fanboys who hate any superhero/comic book movie that isn't Marvel.
I think part of the problem with Superman is that its been so long that anything solid was made that featured the character that people are quick to dismiss anything that features him.

Just think about it, since the Reeves movies...
Superman Returns was meh
The Games? AWFUL, Superman 64 :usure:
Cartoons were just not as good as Batman or X-Men

Now to further go on, I think Superman is a hero that not many can relate to...the privileged angle. His story is so unique compared to Batman/Spider-Man that people are just not willing to give the character a chance anymore. His "perfectness" is his biggest weakness because people like to route for the underdog. Who is REALLY going to pose a threat to Superman?


Jun 1, 2012


May 5, 2012
North Jersey
I loved MoS and it stabs head and shoulders above all the other movies as the best superhero/comic book movie of the year.
The people who hate on it fall into 6 different camps:
1. The ones who wanted the same Superman from the old Reeves flicks despite shytting all over that exact thing when it was given to them in that horrible Superman Returns travesty.
2. The "Superman is Perfect" contingent who only want a flawless Boy Scout version of the character so they cry like babies at the concept of a flawed rookie Superman who would snap Zod's neck.
3. The devout Superman haters who think the character is corny and will never like a movie featuring him.
4. The Snyder haters who hate the dude's directing style.
5. The Goyer haters who claim to hate his writing but love Blade 1 & 2 and the Nolan Batman flicks that Goyer wrote.
6. Marvel fanboys who hate any superhero/comic book movie that isn't Marvel.
I dont fit in any of those groups:lupe:. I tried to fit in #4, Snyder is a borderline hack but I see the positives in all his movies but one.


Los Ingobernables de Sala de Cine
May 21, 2013
There's plenty of reasons as to why I couldn't ever call it a good movie, but there's three reasons in particular why I actually disliked it.

Pa Kent lecturing Clark to not be a hero over and over, to the point he is not only literally telling Clark that he should've let an entire school bus of children die, but actually went and chose death over letting his son help humanity with his powers. This mind baffling scenario of the worst superhero parenting ever is made even worse by the fact that Pa Kent is the original inspirational parent in comic books.

Clark not even attempting to save any innocents during the Zod battle. Don't even give me that "well, he was too busy dealing with Zod on his ass", he's the one that punched Zod into a gas station in Smallville, and after he first laid the beats on Zod in Metropolis spent five minutes romancing Lois in a giant crater instead of you know, maybe try and save the hundreds if not thousands people who were surely trapped under rubble, because priorities.

Clark killing Zod. Before you open your mouth, let me be clear that I do not object to a Superman that kills. But the entire situation was so poorly done the impact just didn't ring true. It felt like the scene's only purpose was to have Superman kill, not to have it actually impact his life, no matter how poorly they tried to make it seem like that with him doing the dramatic "Nooooooo!", before cutting straight to a jokey scene of him destroying a military drone and styling on an army general, because that really emphasizes his struggle with having taken a life, man.


Apr 30, 2012
i've only seen the movie once in the theaters, and it was def good. I might change my opinion when i rewatch it.
things i didnt like
- having lois in this movie made no sense, especially since supes hasnt started working at daily planet. You're telling me after spending hours with this guy, she wont recognize him once he throws on a pair of rite aid glasses :usure:
- plus the actress they picked was weak. Lois is supposed to be a tough chick that doesnt take no for an answer :shaq: instead they get a pam beasly look alike,who i'm supposed to take seriously :what:
- i wasnt feeling the flashback scenes either. They should've just kept it linear instead of breaking up momentum with kid clark learning some new shyt.
- why did it take supes 30 years to learn how to fly, and zod learned it after less than 24 hours

- i think the worst thing the movie did was disgrace what pa kent stood for. Its from pa kent where supes develops his love of humans and learns what humanity is. Instead they got pa kent talking about letting kids die :comeon: Than this dumb fukk gets himself killed rescuing a dog? :dahell: not a little girl or grandma, but a fukking mutt. just thinking of that scene pisses me off. It might be better if i didnt rewatch it now that i think about it lol

Mr. Somebody

Friend Of A Friend
May 10, 2012
Los Angeles
I saw it twice. Liked it more the first time. The 2nd time I realized I was watching a different movie than I was expecting. Hard to explain, but it just didn't feel like Superman to me.

Still a good movie, tho. I expect the next one to be greatness.
Which superman movie felt like superman to you.


Apr 30, 2012
There's plenty of reasons as to why I couldn't ever call it a good movie, but there's three reasons in particular why I actually disliked it.

Pa Kent lecturing Clark to not be a hero over and over, to the point he is not only literally telling Clark that he should've let an entire school bus of children die, but actually went and chose death over letting his son help humanity with his powers. This mind baffling scenario of the worst superhero parenting ever is made even worse by the fact that Pa Kent is the original inspirational parent in comic books.

Clark not even attempting to save any innocents during the Zod battle. Don't even give me that "well, he was too busy dealing with Zod on his ass", he's the one that punched Zod into a gas station in Smallville, and after he first laid the beats on Zod in Metropolis spent five minutes romancing Lois in a giant crater instead of you know, maybe try and save the hundreds if not thousands people who were surely trapped under rubble, because priorities.

Clark killing Zod. Before you open your mouth, let me be clear that I do not object to a Superman that kills. But the entire situation was so poorly done the impact just didn't ring true. It felt like the scene's only purpose was to have Superman kill, not to have it actually impact his life, no matter how poorly they tried to make it seem like that with him doing the dramatic "Nooooooo!", before cutting straight to a jokey scene of him destroying a military drone and styling on an army general, because that really emphasizes his struggle with having taken a life, man.

I think the reason that part didnt feel that dramatic was because we never got the sense througout the movie that this version of supes even liked humanity. They focused on him being a nomad and doing whatever he wanted, rather than focusing on where he got his character from. (which he was supposed to learn from his parents, and not the dumb fukk pa kent). I honestly didnt have a problem with him killing zod since this version of superman is closer in nature to vegeta rather than goku. The more well known versions of supes like you mentioned, would've rathered taken more punishment, or surrender, rather than seeing thousands of people die in that battle. But like i said, this is a different version of supes.


90-9-1 Principle
May 10, 2012
The Land of fukkery
terrible movie overall...not as bad as Superman Returns....but not that far of an improvement....i thought the acting was shytty....the way clark and lois met was lame....the forced labor of trying to incorporate his name"superman" into the movie as well as the explanations of "the symbol on his chest" and the "cape" situation was just awful....i could tear this movie apart in a whole day but i saved it for the ruin your fav movie thread....fukk this flick...:pacspit: