How does HL feel about Dr. Claud Anderson?


Jun 4, 2012
malcolm x was also a a guy that led people to believe in fantasy stories about aliens and false prophets and also led people to believe that islam was not a racist religion that had enslaved black people before europeans
:stopitslime: Malcolm never said cac held slaves before Arabs or Africans..... most people in the noi can break that down better than u.
malcom and black muslims never explain why they embrace islamic imperialism, racism and oppression and why they never denounce it
I've never met a black Muslim that embraced Islamic Imperialism. Just because your bigoted towards a group - doesn't mean u can make shyt up fakkit.

as far as capitalism, capitalism is not a moral system or a moral code, capitalism means private property, rule of law and economic freedom
:stopitslime: We know what Capitalism is and we understand it. That doesn't explain why you're to simple to get how a nations identity affects it's economic system and/or how Capitalism is based on exploitation. Plus you don't have any freedoms without morality.... Capitalism speaks to good morals (by promoting 'free' markets and ' economic freedom) while not working unless exploration happens.

like education black people were prevented from participating in capitalism, so like education it doesn't mean black people should fall back on it, black people should double down on it
I feel that black people should participate only to take advantage.. but never to take on the mentality of it. We see prime examples of this all the time.... people who make money because of their options and location - but they still know that for their people and the masses, the current system is set to suck their blood.
but back to anderson, what exactly do you think you are endorsing when you endorse the notion that business is the fundamental issue, what delusion do you have in your head that tells you opening up a business is not capitalism?
Opening up a business is not capitalism. What we know of capitalism goes back to the 16th century........ there were businesses and ways to make money prior to that. 16th century had merchants, but there were various forms for thousands of years prior.

Hyping up Western Imperialism, romanticizing modern capitalism - are delusions things people do when they don't understand our system in full. We begin to actually believe that 1% owning most of the Wealth in a nation has no roots in exploitation. We actually start to believe That Capitalism is a system 'based on individual rights'. We start to confused politics, democracy, and economy --- then start to believe that capitalism is = to democracy........... WHEN ITS Not :stopitslime:

There are ways for both the economy and society to be ran democratically.. Anderson is only speaking on current options. He's not speaking on utopia.... just speaking on ways we can work this fukkery to our advantage to better our people.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
:stopitslime: Malcolm never said cac held slaves before Arabs or Africans..... most people in the noi can break that down better than u.

that isnt what i mean, what i mean is elijah Muhammad and malcom never noted that muslims in africa were engaging in slavery before the european and that the people that spread islam were also devils and that islamic names are also slave names

the point im getting at is that everybody's opinion whether its elijah muhammad or milton friedman or anderson or malcom x should be taken with a caveat, nobody has a monopoly on the whole truth

malcom x's opinion of capitalism is just that, an opinion, i think malcolm x had a lot of wisdom especially in describing the situation black people are in, but not when it came to economics and definitely not when it came to religion

I've never met a black Muslim that embraced Islamic Imperialism. Just because your bigoted towards a group - doesn't mean u can make shyt up fakkit.

when you embrace islam you are embracing islamic imperialism or the vestiges of it, that is what elijah muhammad and malcolm x forgot to tell black people

:stopitslime: We know what Capitalism is and we understand it. That doesn't explain why you're to simple to get how a nations identity affects it's economic system and/or how Capitalism is based on exploitation. Plus you don't have any freedoms without morality.... Capitalism speaks to good morals (by promoting 'free' markets and ' economic freedom) while not working unless exploration happens.

capitalism means whatever you want it to mean, and i just explained to mr somebody that capitalism is not a moral code

I feel that black people should participate only to take advantage.. but never to take on the mentality of it.

i have no idea what that means, you mean black people should participate in a system that you say oppresses black people?

We see prime examples of this all the time.... people who make money because of their options and location - but they still know that for their people and the masses, the current system is set to suck their blood.
Opening up a business is not capitalism. What we know of capitalism goes back to the 16th century........ there were businesses and ways to make money prior to that. 16th century had merchants, but there were various forms for thousands of years prior.

lol, how can opening up a business not be capitalism, a business is the epitome and definition of capitalism

if there were other forms of business, what evidence do you have that those forms were better than capitalism of today? were people better off in those days than today?

Hyping up Western Imperialism, romanticizing modern capitalism - are delusions things people do when they don't understand our system in full. We begin to actually believe that 1% owning most of the Wealth in a nation has no roots in exploitation. We actually start to believe That Capitalism is a system 'based on individual rights'. We start to confused politics, democracy, and economy --- then start to believe that capitalism is = to democracy........... WHEN ITS Not :stopitslime:

ive said even before this page that capitalism isnt a moral code and capitalism isnt democracy

capitalism is not based on individual rights, capitalism is based on economic rights

but like democracy as soon as you show me a system that works better ill be happy to consider it

There are ways for both the economy and society to be ran democratically.. Anderson is only speaking on current options. He's not speaking on utopia.... just speaking on ways we can work this fukkery to our advantage to better our people.

yeah and that is why i co-signed what anderson said, it fits in perfectly with my support of capitalism


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
The united states has laws against behavior that were essential to its growth and prosperity and any nation that hopes to succeed has to engage in said unlawful behavior.

capitalism doesnt care about "unlawful" behavior, lawful behavior and unlawful behavior is the same difference as far as capitalism is concerned


Jun 4, 2012
that isnt what i mean, what i mean is elijah Muhammad and malcom never noted that muslims in africa were engaging in slavery before the european and that the people that spread islam were also devils and that islamic names are also slave names
Nearly 100% of the lasting affects of our slavery that brought us (Our people, IN America that we are discussing) here, .... comes from cac slavery and trade to the Americas.

You really don't understand basic concepts?? The reason why Jackson, Brown and Baldwin, etc... are considered slave names is because Christianity was forced onto our direct people in America and also because Our people had there identity STOLEN and purposeful replaced with Mindsets = to yours. With the other world religions and slave groups in history, people were allow to keep their original culture... Even Hitler let jews be jews before he put them in camps. The Devil is called the proverbial devil for a reason- deeper than Chattel , retard. SMH
the point im getting at is that everybody's opinion whether its elijah muhammad or milton friedman or anderson or malcom x should be taken with a caveat, nobody has a monopoly on the whole truth
Well, it's seems ur opinon > Malcolm x, lol.
malcom x's opinion of capitalism is just that, an opinion, i think malcolm x had a lot of wisdom especially in describing the situation black people are in, but not when it came to economics and definitely not when it came to religion
X spoke the truth overall...... Lucky he also spoke on the type of person who would have trouble receiving the truth.... So peps like u r easy to spot.
when you embrace islam you are embracing islamic imperialism or the vestiges of it, that is what elijah muhammad and malcolm x forgot to tell black people
So, if I accept America, then I accept the slaughter of Native Americans, oppression of my own people, and world wide terror of brown people? I guess it also means I think it's cool that 1% owns all the real wealth?

If I accept Atheism I guess I'm accepting every act and person in history that was atheist?

capitalism means whatever you want it to mean, and i just explained to mr somebody that capitalism is not a moral code
LOL, Capitalism doesn't mean what u want it to mean. It means production and business owned by private individuals for the Sole purpose of making a profit.... with or without a regard for morality, values, fairness, or concern for humanity.
i have no idea what that means, you mean black people should participate in a system that you say oppresses black people?
We shouldn't sit on the sideline. We will exercise our options... but only to take advantage and only for the end-benefit of our people.
lol, how can opening up a business not be capitalism, a business is the epitome and definition of capitalism


if there were other forms of business, what evidence do you have that those forms were better than capitalism of today? were people better off in those days than today?
happier... and even if we keep capitalism... American economy is tied into it's politics - so that's why both society and economy should be more democratic. As it stands our system is set up for exploitation.
ive said even before this page that capitalism isnt a moral code and capitalism isnt democracy

capitalism is not based on individual rights, capitalism is based on economic rights

but like democracy as soon as you show me a system that works better ill be happy to consider it
There are political systems that work better. There are economic systmes that result is less wealth gaps and more democratic control over private corps - Which is needed if big business will control politics. Our system is more than flawed , it's gross.. ITS only set up for a few to slip through to give the rest hope. It's the hunger games basically. It doesn't work without exploitation. It's invalid without some form of mind control - Manipulation is needed to keep a population OK with increase wealth gaps in a failing economy and like 1000 people controlling virtually all wealth. That shyts crazy.................. TO feel otherwise is even crazier.

I am smarter with better ideas than claud anderson, I'm god emperor afterall


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
Nearly 100% of the lasting affects of our slavery that brought us (Our people, IN America that we are discussing) here, .... comes from cac slavery and trade to the Americas.

yeah, and?

how does that change the fact that muslims invaded africa and engaged in slavery before the european?

how does that absolve centuries of islamic imperialism?

Our people had there identity STOLEN and purposeful replaced with Mindsets = to yours. With the other world religions and slave groups in history, people were allow to keep their original culture... Even Hitler let jews be jews before he put them in camps. The Devil is called the proverbial devil for a reason- deeper than Chattel , retard. SMH

and here we go again, this is why muslims cant trusted, always trying to play down the deaths and enslavement of black people by muslims

do we really need to come with the links and the videos showing the devastation caused by muslims in africa?

X spoke the truth overall...... Lucky he also spoke on the type of person who would have trouble receiving the truth.... So peps like u r easy to spot.

when it came to religion, pretty much everything malcolm x said was a lie, he himself was bamboozled first by his own admission by the nation of islam and then by arabic islam

So, if I accept America, then I accept the slaughter of Native Americans, oppression of my own people, and world wide terror of brown people? I guess it also means I think it's cool that 1% owns all the real wealth?

yeah you do accept the slaughter of native americans and the enslavement and oppression of black people, if you are an american you should accept your history

If I accept Atheism I guess I'm accepting every act and person in history that was atheist?

you are accepting the actions of other people that call themselves atheist, yes

LOL, Capitalism doesn't mean what u want it to mean. It means production and business owned by private individuals for the Sole purpose of making a profit.... with or without a regard for morality, values, fairness, or concern for humanity.

yeah, and?

There are political systems that work better.

like what?

There are economic systmes that result is less wealth gaps and more democratic control over private corps - Which is needed if big business will control politics. Our system is more than flawed , it's gross.. ITS only set up for a few to slip through to give the rest hope. It's the hunger games basically. It doesn't work without exploitation. It's invalid without some form of mind control - Manipulation is needed to keep a population OK with increase wealth gaps in a failing economy and like 1000 people controlling virtually all wealth. That shyts crazy.................. TO feel otherwise is even crazier.

what are these non capitalist systems that you speak of that are so great?
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A genius is the one most like himself
Aug 5, 2013
Does anyone in this convo have an actual plan that they plan on putting into action? Or is this just conversation that won't lead to anything but intellectual posturing?


Jun 4, 2012
yeah, and?
how does that change the fact that muslims invaded africa and engaged in slavery before the european?
how does that absolve centuries of islamic imperialism?
y r we focused on history that isn't affecting us.......... long ago some afican village kidnapped people from another one - what does it matter now. Ghangus Khan killed like half the world... what does it matter now.
Traslantic slave trade wouldn't even really be worth US talking about if u couldn't go to any hood in the US and seen recent results from it.
and here we go again, this is why muslims cant trusted, always trying to play down the deaths and enslavement of black people by muslims

do we really need to come with the links and the videos showing the devastation caused by muslims in africa?
You are really obsessed with the wrong things...
when it came to religion, pretty much everything malcolm x said was a lie, he himself was bamboozled first by his own admission by the nation of islam and then by arabic islam
We really aren't talking about religion or people's person beliefs. X was brought up for his economic views- stop avoiding the fact that ur stating ur view > his view .

yeah you do accept the slaughter of native americans and the enslavement and oppression of black people, if you are an american you should accept your history
you are accepting the actions of other people that call themselves atheist, yes

Some other retarded questions n shyt
People get used to anything. The less you think about your oppression, the more your tolerance for it grows. After a while, people just think oppression is a normal state of things. But to become free, you have to be acutely aware of being a slave. - Assata Shakur


A genius is the one most like himself
Aug 5, 2013
yes. But,

What's ur plan sir?

I have short term and long term plans. At the moment I am part of a youth mentoring organization in my city that teaches young people from the ages of 12-18 to have a passion for service and being involved in the community. We work with them throughout the academic year and we break each part of the year by sessions. The first session are the workshops we hold to get them working together as a group and to individually cultivate their skills. The second part of the year is spent on working on a major service project. We conduct workshops in Finance, leadership, health and wellness and other things that prepare for them for the work they will be doing on the Youth service project in the second half of the year. Throughout the entire of the year we have them interact with and talk to professionals in various fields through a slew events. And best believe these people look just like them. Then in the second part of the year, We give the students $5000 to conduct a major service project in the city. We have the mentors there to guide them and help them set the budget, but the creativity, ideas, and the implementation of them are purely the students. Over the years we have had many great project by the students ranging from PSA's to 5k runs for the homeless in the city.

As far as long term goals, I recently teamed up with a group of friends and associates of mine looking to invest in land in both the South Sudan and the Ivory coast.

My plans are simple. I want to be one of many people who help create a pipeline of business between Africans in Africa and African Americans. The only way I know how to do such a thing is through my own career in shipping and Manufacturing. I won't get into specifics here on this board since I feel this board isn't the right place for that.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
y r we focused on history that isn't affecting us..........

wow this is pathetic, are you trying to say that islamic imperialism isnt impacting the world today?

islamic imperialism and western imperialism are 2 of the major forces impacting the world today and it has been impacting us for the past 1000 years, the level of ignorance it takes to say that islamic imperialism doesnt effect is just :wow:

if you mean specifically african americans, if somebody is going around saying islam is the black man;s religion or saying they are islamic then the history of islam effects black people in america

secondly it effects black people in africa directly because there is islamic slavery going on right now as we speak, islamic slavery has NEVER stopped in the continent of africa


if you need me to post the links to islamic slavery to refresh your memory let me know

i think Malcolm x meant well but the reality is him and elijah muhammad made a geo political error by trying to associate african americans with a desert racist, slave trading pedophilic religion or suggesting they are better than white christians

long ago some afican village kidnapped people from another one - what does it matter now.

who said it doesnt matter now, africans being kidnapped by other africans matters a whole lot, the level of ignorance to say that it doesnt matter is just :wow:

Ghangus Khan killed like half the world... what does it matter now.

it matters a whole lot that ghanghis khan killed a lot of people

the level of ignorance to say that it doesn't matter is just :wow:

Traslantic slave trade wouldn't even really be worth US talking about if u couldn't go to any hood in the US and seen recent results from it.
You are really obsessed with the wrong things...

speak for yourself, i dont share your profound ignorance and your non interest in history

We really aren't talking about religion or people's person beliefs. X was brought up for his economic views- stop avoiding the fact that ur stating ur view > his view .

im rejecting both his economic and religious beliefs, i support capitalism and i think black people should double down on it and i think islam is worse than christianity

i think malcolm x was good at expressing what black people felt and at explaining white racism and its impact

People get used to anything. The less you think about your oppression, the more your tolerance for it grows. After a while, people just think oppression is a normal state of things. But to become free, you have to be acutely aware of being a slave. - Assata Shakur

thanks for sharing


Jun 4, 2012
I have short term and long term plans. At the moment I am part of a youth mentoring organization in my city that teaches young people from the ages of 12-18 to have a passion for service and being involved in the community. We work with them throughout the academic year and we break each part of the year by sessions. The first session are the workshops we hold to get them working together as a group and to individually cultivate their skills. The second part of the year is spent on working on a major service project. We conduct workshops in Finance, leadership, health and wellness and other things that prepare for them for the work they will be doing on the Youth service project in the second half of the year. Throughout the entire of the year we have them interact with and talk to professionals in various fields through a slew events. And best believe these people look just like them. Then in the second part of the year, We give the students $5000 to conduct a major service project in the city. We have the mentors there to guide them and help them set the budget, but the creativity, ideas, and the implementation of them are purely the students. Over the years we have had many great project by the students ranging from PSA's to 5k runs for the homeless in the city.

As far as long term goals, I recently teamed up with a group of friends and associates of mine looking to invest in land in both the South Sudan and the Ivory coast.

My plans are simple. I want to be one of many people who help create a pipeline of business between Africans in Africa and African Americans. The only way I know how to do such a thing is through my own career in shipping and Manufacturing. I won't get into specifics here on this board since I feel this board isn't the right place for that.
Your right. This board isn't the right place for that....

In the past, I've donated to African causes... and even sent animals, money, clothes and all sorts of shyt to help certain children. I was planning a trip for 2014 a couple years ago.. but I canceled that shyt. My bros and sis can go if they still want to but I'm off that shyt now.

I switched it up. I'm all about youth in American at this point. Doing my part... and doing what i can now, but long term, I wanna break off and have a better organization promoting technology interested, careers, and training for black youth (mainly boys) in America.


Jun 4, 2012
wow this is pathetic, are you trying to say that the impact of islamic imperialism isnt impacting the world today?

islamic imperialism and western imperialism are 2 of the major forces impacting the world today and it has been impacting us for the past 1000 years, the level of ignorance it takes to say that islamic imperialism doesnt effect is just :wow:

if you mean specifically african americans, if somebody is going around saying islam is the black man;s religion or saying they are islamic then the history of islam effects black people in america

secondly it effects black people in africa directly because there is islamic slavery going on right now as we speak, islamic slavery has NEVER stopped in the continent of africa


if you need me to post the links to islamic slavery to refresh your memory let me know

i think Malcolm x meant well but the reality is him and elijah muhammad made a geo political error by trying to associate african americans with a desert racist, slave trading pedophilic religion or suggesting they are better than white christians

who said it doesnt matter now, africans being kidnapped by other africans matters a whole lot, the level of ignorance to say that it doesnt matter is just :wow:

it matters a whole lot that ghanghis khan killed a lot of people

the level of ignorance to say that it doesn't matter is just :wow:

speak for yourself, i dont share your profound ignorance and your non interest in history

im rejecting both his economic and religious beliefs, i support capitalism and i think black people should double down on it and i think islam is worse than christianity

i think malcolm x was good at expressing what black people felt and at explaining white racism and its impact

thanks for sharing

you can worry about arab slavery, asian murders, and ancient african village take overs if you want........ Then you can simultaneously romanticize and promote the systems and ideas that actually have direct, recent, and great impact on the day to day lives of American Blacks.

You can do all that - all while downplaying Malcolm X and his views..., dissing random religions, not focusing on history that really affects us, and not fully understanding the quotes of people who ACTUALLY did have positive impact on the mentally of blacks in America.

You can do all that because not only is this the land of the free.... being this gottdamn foolish actually encouraged.



A genius is the one most like himself
Aug 5, 2013
Your right. This board isn't the right place for that....

In the past, I've donated to African causes... and even sent animals, money, clothes and all sorts of shyt to help certain children. I was planning a trip for 2014 a couple years ago.. but I canceled that shyt. My bros and sis can go if they still want to but I'm off that shyt now.

I switched it up. I'm all about youth in American at this point. Doing my part... and doing what i can now, but long term, I wanna break off and have a better organization promoting technology interested, careers, and training for black youth (mainly boys) in America.

Why did you cancel? What changed your mind? I had the chance to live and study in Africa and it gave me a connection to the land the people there that I wouldn't have had if I didn't go and experience that. At the moment I don't have the influence or the power to effect things on a bigger scale beyond my own circumstances, which is why I am asked the question to to remind people that these issues should be taken more seriously outside of intellectual debate. As it stands, there is no NATIONAL agenda put forth by anyone, that is being worked on by anyone at the moment for people to take a hold of and start building towards. And I feel as though the conversations we are having right now we've been having before many of us got here.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
you can worry about arab slavery, asian murders, and ancient african village take overs if you want........

of course i will because those things have a direct impact on black people today and the development of the world in general

Then you can simultaneously romanticize and promote the systems and ideas that actually have direct, recent, and great impact on the day to day lives of American Blacks.

i promote ideas that are beneficial to the progress of black americans, and i think capitalism is one of the main things that will get black people out of out situation

You can do all that - all while downplaying Malcolm X and his views...,

i critiqued malcom x's views, is there something wrong with that? i think his religious views and his anti capitalism views were wrong

dissing random religions,

im not dissing random religions, im specifically dissing islam

not focusing on history that really affects us,

there is no history that doesnt effect us, that is an ignorant accusation

and not fully understanding the quotes of people who ACTUALLY did have positive impact on the mentally of blacks in America.

i understand perfectly what malcom x said, its the same critiques made of capitalism today, and i reject them, black people should double down on capitalism not stay away from it

You can do all that because not only is this the land of the free.... being this gottdamn foolish actually encouraged.



A genius is the one most like himself
Aug 5, 2013
of course i will because those things have a direct impact on black people today and the development of the world in general

i promote ideas that are beneficial to the progress of black americans, and i think capitalism is one of the main things that will get black people out of out situation

i critiqued malcom x's views, is there something wrong with that? i think his religious views and his anti capitalism views were wrong

im not dissing random religions, im specifically dissing islam

there is no history that doesnt effect us, that is an ignorant accusation

i understand perfectly what malcom x said, its the same critiques made of capitalism today, and i reject them, black people should double down on capitalism not stay away from it


Just as I asked Blackking, I will ask you the same thing. What is your plan For Africans/African Americans and what are you doing to implement it?