How do you feel about your dad?


All Star
Sep 16, 2015
No, he wouldn't dummy. What part of East Africa would he get murked in? Tell me the town or area specifically.

And I don't have any sisters but if I did they'd tell me to stop replying to dumb asses on the Internet.

So to ignore you go until you tell me where specifically do they murk men for being so swaggy
Your 8 brothers lost. Try encouraging your daughter to be community p*ssy in Mogadishu. I assure you in my hood in Sudan, your dad would be food. fukk you know about East Africa anyway ho.


Pugs get lonely too...
May 24, 2012
Cincinnati, OH
My dad is far from perfect but he's still my dad. I see a lot of myself in him. We both are pretty laid back guys who aren't down for the bullshyt and have small circles. We're also very stubborn too. I've learned a lot from him, what to do and what not.

He doesn't really mess with his family outside of his wife and kids and it can drive me nuts sometimes. He's one of eight kids. I'm the youngest of three but can't see myself never talking to my sister or brother. He doesn't do as much family outings as I would like. The ultimate mistake he's had was cheating on my mom which resulted in another child. My parents have remained together but that relationship has many cracks. My mom at times can be a ticking time bomb and just lash out on him for no reason and deep down it's cause of that affair. The classic case of forgive but don't forget. The child support he had to pay is a big reason why he feels he's not financially stable to retire (he's 67 now). I hate to see him still doing that blue collar stuff at his age.

Yes, he's had his issues but he's always been around in my life. He's the strongest man I know. I can go through the motions and not challenge myself but he always wants me to do better. Definitely be a better man than he ever was. I wouldn't trade him for any one else man. :mjcry:


Dec 17, 2012
Haven't spoken in 15 years.

I left home with nothing; no money, no support, NOTHING. No bullshyt.

I HOPE and PRAY I don't have my father's bad traits (super serious, beatings and violence towards me, my brother and my mother) when I have kids otherwise I will be worse than him


He whooped all yall asses? :wtf: Why? What did yall do?


Dec 17, 2012
Your 8 brothers lost. Try encouraging your daughter to be community p*ssy in Mogadishu. I assure you in my hood in Sudan, your dad would be food. fukk you know about East Africa anyway ho.

Hey, keep Somalia out of this.:ufdup: She isnt Somali. She's Ethiopian.


Jul 1, 2012
I feel good about him. I hadn't spoken to him since I was a small child and he died without us reuniting. I used to question if he cared or thought about me but I received message from him beyond the grave that he never forgot about me and it changed my life for the better. RIP EP


Apr 11, 2015
When I was 2, he beat down my Mom (she was 19 at the time). Then left me, her, and my older brother (one year older the me) stranded in Frisco. We lived couch to couch, while she stacked money by winning little singing competitions or just collecting tips at different Bay area bars (she had to bring us there with her too, no choice). She used that little cash to Greyhound / Amtrack us down here to SD.
Fast forward 6 years. The 80's bar life caught up with my mom, and she got caught up selling coke while bartending (I respect her grind..trying to feed us). Next thing you know, my "Dad" is awarded custody of us.
Me and big bro only lasted with him for 3 months. We were human punching Bags to him, and the beatings were so common that I wouldn't cry anymore. For example, Dude would even upgrade weapons, and use a big old school leather weightlifting belt instead of a regular belt. My 1st grade teacher noticed all the bruises and welts on my face and body. Sends me to the nurses office, and my bro is already in there when I enter (his teacher saw welts on his forehead). 30 mins later, social services takes us to an all boys shelter home.
3 foster homes later, Mom gets out and gets us back. Dude never showed face again.

But :salute:to my stepdad tho. He wifed up my mom when she didn't have shyt but 2 kids and a criminal record. Till this day, He's worked "2" full time jobs so my mom never had to work a day in her life. He's been my step pops for 25 years now. We currently chop it up on the daily. He's taught me alot on life, and he's the reason why I never complain about my 8hr job being difficult.

My biological dad showed me how "not" to be a father. Don't miss him at all.
Sep 22, 2015
Occulonimbus edoequus
When I was 2, he beat down my Mom (she was 19 at the time). Then left me, her, and my older brother (one year older the me) stranded in Frisco. We lived couch to couch, while she stacked money by winning little singing competitions or just collecting tips at different Bay area bars (she had to bring us there with her too, no choice). She used that little cash to Greyhound / Amtrack us down here to SD.
Fast forward 6 years. The 80's bar life caught up with my mom, and she got caught up selling coke while bartending (I respect her grind..trying to feed us). Next thing you know, my "Dad" is awarded custody of us.
Me and big bro only lasted with him for 3 months. We were human punching Bags to him, and the beatings were so common that I wouldn't cry anymore. For example, Dude would even upgrade weapons, and use a big old school leather weightlifting belt instead of a regular belt. My 1st grade teacher noticed all the bruises and welts on my face and body. Sends me to the nurses office, and my bro is already in there when I enter (his teacher saw welts on his forehead). 30 mins later, social services takes us to an all boys shelter home.
3 foster homes later, Mom gets out and gets us back. Dude never showed face again.

But :salute:to my stepdad tho. He wifed up my mom when she didn't have shyt but 2 kids and a criminal record. Till this day, He's worked "2" full time jobs so my mom never had to work a day in her life. He's been my step pops for 25 years now. We currently chop it up on the daily. He's taught me alot on life, and he's the reason why I never complain about my 8hr job being difficult.

My biological dad showed me how "not" to be a father. Don't miss him at all.

Glad you made it.


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
When I was 2, he beat down my Mom (she was 19 at the time). Then left me, her, and my older brother (one year older the me) stranded in Frisco. We lived couch to couch, while she stacked money by winning little singing competitions or just collecting tips at different Bay area bars (she had to bring us there with her too, no choice). She used that little cash to Greyhound / Amtrack us down here to SD.
Fast forward 6 years. The 80's bar life caught up with my mom, and she got caught up selling coke while bartending (I respect her grind..trying to feed us). Next thing you know, my "Dad" is awarded custody of us.
Me and big bro only lasted with him for 3 months. We were human punching Bags to him, and the beatings were so common that I wouldn't cry anymore. For example, Dude would even upgrade weapons, and use a big old school leather weightlifting belt instead of a regular belt. My 1st grade teacher noticed all the bruises and welts on my face and body. Sends me to the nurses office, and my bro is already in there when I enter (his teacher saw welts on his forehead). 30 mins later, social services takes us to an all boys shelter home.
3 foster homes later, Mom gets out and gets us back. Dude never showed face again.

But :salute:to my stepdad tho. He wifed up my mom when she didn't have shyt but 2 kids and a criminal record. Till this day, He's worked "2" full time jobs so my mom never had to work a day in her life. He's been my step pops for 25 years now. We currently chop it up on the daily. He's taught me alot on life, and he's the reason why I never complain about my 8hr job being difficult.

My biological dad showed me how "not" to be a father. Don't miss him at all.
Surprised you didnt look for your biological dad now that your grown and kick his ass.

Good to see that you survived. :salute: