How did the Arabs get through North Africa so fast in the 7th century


All Star
Oct 24, 2013
p*ssycat...u got me I've only read excerpts from the Koran but it was enough to form my position which non one in thread has been able to refute for obvious reasons.

p*ssycat...u got me I've only read excerpts from the Koran but it was enough to form my position which non one in thread has been able to refute for obvious reasons.
p*ssycat...u got me I've only read excerpts from the Koran but it was enough to form my position which non one in thread has been able to refute for obvious reasons.
p*ssycat...u got me I've only read excerpts from the Koran but it was enough to form my position which non one in thread has been able to refute for obvious reasons.

LOL Done and Done... You should've just kept that to yourself. Everything you said has been refuted even with scripture from the Qur'an that was the /thread

You're a clown.:laff::laff::laff::laff:

oh btw you not having cac blood in you is wishful thinking... it is what it is. LOL yeah me being mixed explains a lot... it doesn't explain how you're a liar.... it doesn't explain how and why you're an idiot who bases everything he argues about on misinformation. Yes slave status in morocco even tho that majority of the royal family in morocco is BLACK :russ::russ::russ::russ::russ:. My mother was treated like a damn queen in Morocco. All our friends were from Senegal, Nigeria, Guinea, etc ... also treated like damn royalty... btw I've also lived in Dakkar and Conakry... go look them up because I'm sure you don't even know where those places are.

At the end of the day you're just insecure:heh::heh::heh:

PS AA's for the most part are 22% percent white and 10% of yall are 50% white and better.... you're all wishful thinking and fantasy. You don't even know how genetics work.. marrying black won't get rid of it.

B-Rock Odrama

Oct 24, 2012
You would not know who Malcolm little was if it were not for Black Muslims.. Most real revolutionaries are cool w and deal w black Muslims. Most of the black slaves that gave cAC trouble... were Muslim. much of hip hop influence and lingo comes from black muslims and black islam spin off groups.

Anyway, about pan africanism. Stop it.. it's not the same as pro black.. Pan African is the idea that we are one diaspora connected and unified... and goals should be focused around that. Which is a good idea. AA aren't the only blacks.... but that's what we are... that's what are children are. Also, we usually are the only part of the diaspora concerned with other groups.....when really we have our own issues.

What's your point? Malcolm Little wouldn't have got assassinated by his own people if it wasn't for black Muslims..real revolutionaries? you mean like the NOI whom are nothing but cheap talk no action..really name one black muslim slave whom gave cacs any problems..and how is hip hop ling contributing to the advancement of black people?

pan Africanism and black nationalism go hand and hand...if you think pan Africanism is dead so is being pro black.

B-Rock Odrama

Oct 24, 2012
Ive traveled a lot.. i think it's better on the internet.

I've met Africans and afro latinos in person and had no issues with them....I think that's better than taking the word of an muslim abid trying cause division between black brothers/sisters to justify a-rab on African racism in the Islamic community.:lupe:


Jun 4, 2012
you're still peddling your bullshyt theory that black muslims stood up to slavery? who were these black muslims? was nat turner, fredercik douglas and harriet tubman muslim?

start naming names and references to these muslims that stood up to slavery, either that or stop spreading lies
I can name all the people 'they' teach in Elementary school during February too.... and ask if they were atheist or Muslim or Christian. What's your point other than your ignorance on this subject?

First off, you never noticed that when people want to tell the stories of defiant slaves... they make them Muslim? Like Alex Haley and roots? Or the historical story of Amistad... there is a reason they were painted as Muslim. You say you been to Detroit... well they even talk about this in the African American History Museum-- so to you the Museum is a lie??

Have you not read account by slave sellers and master speaking on the 'religious practices' and stubbornness of their " Mahometan" slaves?

For the most part only the first generation slaves kept their Muslim Identity. The names of some of them are lost... but most Muslim slaves were forced to convert to Christianity. The Islamic identity was intentionally stomped out during American slavery- for the same reason that the French banned Liberians from going to Mosque, forming groups, praying, or doing anything Islamic.

You know historians who don't say that the Spanish didn't 'ensure' purposefully that their first slaves WERE Not Muslim in 1501? They weren't afraid of other AFricans and Native Americans being converted or taught Muslim 'ways'. There aren't royal degrees on this shyt you can't look up?
NTM, no Portugese, spanish, etc wanted and actually WROTE legistlation to keep Muslims out of the "NEW World" for at least 50 years. Thoughts of the CAC at the time were-- Who needed the Africans who knew of horses, had knowledge of CAC military advancements, knew of most modern world cultures, etc... corrupting the Mind manipulation and intergenerational slave efforts??

NTM, reading, math, and the Islamic slaves choosing death over not maintaining his way of life... There were some revolts.. but I never said all revolts were by Muslims. I just said a lot.. and I say that because 'they' say Muslims only made up around 20% of slaves.

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Jun 4, 2012
I've met Africans and afro latinos in person and had no issues with them....I think that's better than taking the word of an muslim abid trying cause division between black brothers/sisters to justify a-rab on African racism in the Islamic community.:lupe:
lol, I don't any division amongst black people..... only ignorant people beef over and divide over ideology.

And I don't have issues with certain groups... but I have knowledge, eyes and hears.... I know some groups try to distance themselves from us. I guess you never been out of America (not that you would need to)


All Star
Oct 24, 2013
I can name all the people 'they' teach in Elementary school during February too.... and ask if they were atheist or Muslim or Christian. What's your point other than your ignorance on this subject?

First off, you never noticed that when people want to tell the stories of defiant slaves... they make them Muslim? Like Alex Haley and roots? Or the historical story of Amistad... there is a reason they were painted as Muslim. You say you been to Detroit... well they even talk about this in the African American History Museum-- so to you the Museum is a lie??

Have you not read account by slave sellers and master speaking on the 'religious practices' and stubbornness of their " Mahometan" slaves?

For the most part only the first generation slaves kept their Muslim Identity. The names of some of them are lost... but most Muslim slaves were forced to convert to Christianity. The Islamic identity was intentionally stomped out during American slavery- for the same reason that the French banned Liberians from going to Mosque, forming groups, praying, or doing anything Islamic.

You know historians who don't say that the Spanish didn't 'ensure' purposefully that their first slaves WERE Not Muslim in 1501? They weren't afraid of other AFricans and Native Americans being converted or taught Muslim 'ways'. There aren't royal degrees on this shyt you can't look up?
NTM, no Portugese, spanish, etc wanted and actually WROTE legistlation to keep Muslims out of the "NEW World" for at least 50 years. Thoughts of the CAC at the time were-- Who needed the Africans who knew of horse, had knowledge of CAC military advancements, knew of most modern world cultures, etc... corrupting the Mind manipulation and intergenerational slave efforts??

NTM, reading, math, and the Islamic slave choosing death over not maintaining his way of life... There were some revolts.. but I never said all revolts were by Muslims. I just said a lot.. and I say that because 'they' say Muslims only mad up around 20% of slaves.

just look at where the slaves were even coming from, it makes sense that a lot of them would be muslim.

I remember reading an account of a moroccan slave who ended up in america. I'll try to find excerpts of it. Below is a list of moroccan slaves though, most likely they would've been muslim, but there's no garuantee. It was also illegal for a moroccan to be a slave in the new world, as per the moroccan treaty, but some slipped through the cracks... maybe even purposefully for revenge.

  • [paste:font size="4"]List of Moroccan Slaves in the New World, 1595-96
    Almançor de Marruecos

    Cassimo de Fez

    Yaçyn de Marruecos

    Hassan de Xexuan

    Hamete de Fez

    Hamete de Fez Hamete

    Hassan de Alcazar

    Ali de Miquinas

    Ali de Selen

B-Rock Odrama

Oct 24, 2012
what argument is there? There's nothing to argue about. Blacks play no roles in tribal conflicts? ok ever heard of the taureg? Ever heard of the polisario?? You don't know anything, if you were smart you'd go learn instead of claiming to know everything. You talk about virtually all arab countries but you have no proof besides isolated instances, besides Libya and Yemen. You fail to recognize the fact that all these countries are going through major changes and upheavals that involved Extremists and salaafist groups trying to take over the country. You then use that as your ammo against all muslim countries. Your viewpoint is limited and basic.

Yes you're an armchair warrior, you do nothing for black people but sit on your computer and brood about shyt. At least I volunteer in Haiti, work in a black owned company, and think progressively while you live in the past. Yeah I believe your bullshyt anecdotes. You also don't know shyt about me, fistfights are a hobby (in the ring). If someone is racist I don't fukk with'em I dont really care what they are.. they can be arab too. It's funny you think I'm caping but really I'm just against your ignorance that you try to pass off as fact. Saudis and Yemenis don't even get along with people from the Maghreb for the most part, yet you don't see me crying calling all of them racist.. because I know better. Whereas you have the mind of a child and can't see that some people are just ignorant.. you're one of them.

my point is you claim blacks are mistreated in the arab world because of tribalism which is a weak argument considering most blacks in the a-rab countries play no role in tribal conflicts..the turaegs in Libya are an exception which I already acknowledged. The incidents of a-rab muslim oppression of blacks in mid east is the norm not an isolated thing...

you want a cookie for that? helping out the community is something you supposed and is nothing to boast on though I suspect you are full of shyt...the fact that you apologize for and even attempt to rationalize a-rab persecution of Africans tells me you identify more with ragheads than your alleged hatian side or maybe you are just an muslim a-rab loving c00n..either way you are a mole and enemy of progressive blacks


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
I can name all the people 'they' teach in Elementary school during February too.... and ask if they were atheist or Muslim or Christian. What's your point other than your ignorance on this subject?

First off, you never noticed that when people want to tell the stories of defiant slaves... they make them Muslim? Like Alex Haley and roots? Or the historical story of Amistad... there is a reason they were painted as Muslim. You say you been to Detroit... well they even talk about this in the African American History Museum-- so to you the Museum is a lie??

Have you not read account by slave sellers and master speaking on the 'religious practices' and stubbornness of their " Mahometan" slaves?

For the most part only the first generation slaves kept their Muslim Identity. The names of some of them are lost... but most Muslim slaves were forced to convert to Christianity. The Islamic identity was intentionally stomped out during American slavery- for the same reason that the French banned Liberians from going to Mosque, forming groups, praying, or doing anything Islamic.

You know historians who don't say that the Spanish didn't 'ensure' purposefully that their first slaves WERE Not Muslim in 1501? They weren't afraid of other AFricans and Native Americans being converted or taught Muslim 'ways'. There aren't royal degrees on this shyt you can't look up?
NTM, no Portugese, spanish, etc wanted and actually WROTE legistlation to keep Muslims out of the "NEW World" for at least 50 years. Thoughts of the CAC at the time were-- Who needed the Africans who knew of horse, had knowledge of CAC military advancements, knew of most modern world cultures, etc... corrupting the Mind manipulation and intergenerational slave efforts??

NTM, reading, math, and the Islamic slave choosing death over not maintaining his way of life... There were some revolts.. but I never said all revolts were by Muslims. I just said a lot.. and I say that because 'they' say Muslims only mad up around 20% of slaves.


first of all roots was not a book about any particular resistance to slavery and i dont recall anything about them being muslim, but either way its not an example of any particular standing up to slavery, its simply a story about slavery

ive never seen amistad, but is it actually historical that they were muslim?

if the islamic identity was stomped out then that is evidence that muslims did not stand up to slavery anymore than other people and none of the other stuff you said is any evidence of muslims standing up to slavery


Jun 4, 2012
What's your point? Malcolm Little wouldn't have got assassinated by his own people if it wasn't for black Muslims..real revolutionaries? you mean like the NOI whom are nothing but cheap talk no action..really name one black muslim slave whom gave cacs any problems..and how is hip hop ling contributing to the advancement of black people?

pan Africanism and black nationalism go hand and hand...if you think pan Africanism is dead so is being pro black.
pan africanism isn't really dead... but

black kids in America with education, technology and business.. can be top priority all this other shyt...

I'm not in the NOI, it's not my place to defend them... especially to the likes of u.

And if you're just blanketly dissing all black muslims.. you're dissing many of the good people in the 50's and 60's...your dissing Malcom.. you dissing many of the people who have opened up charter schools, food programs, prison reform programs, etc. You r just being ignorant.

if you need to know about Muslim's who were slaves who gave CAC problems then watch movies, go to the library.

There has been black youth who might not even be interested in history, knowledge, social political movements, etc... overall 'consciousness' if it wasn't for hip hop. The board and all hip hop boards exist because of hip hop. Many of the young black groups that start off are due to hip hop and the 5%. I'm not a fan of the industry, not saying hip hop is helping out the community... Saying that many of the people who came with the knowledge and the resurgence of the youth interested in all this shyt is because of hip hop... and Islamic spin off groups. I mean, it's just a fact.


All Star
Oct 24, 2013
my point is you claim blacks are mistreated in the arab world because of tribalism which is a weak argument considering most blacks in the a-rab countries play no role in tribal conflicts..the turaegs in Libya are an exception which I already acknowledged. The incidents of a-rab muslim oppression of blacks in mid east is the norm not an isolated thing...

you want a cookie for that? helping out the community is something you supposed and is nothing to boast on though I suspect you are full of shyt...the fact that you apologize for and even attempt to rationalize a-rab persecution of Africans tells me you identify more with ragheads than your alleged hatian side or maybe you are just an muslim a-rab loving c00n..either way you are a mole and enemy of progressive blacks
I claim it's because of tribal conflicts yes. How you jump from that to blacks not playing a role in tribal conflicts is a fukking mystery. I didn't even mean the Tauregs in Libya.. i didn't specify where... I meant the Tuaregs and the polisario in the Sahara. Stop assuming shyt, you have a bad habit of just taking shyt and running with it. I wanna know how you'd know it was the norm if you never lived there. You're living vicarously through news reports and the internet. The reason I said tribal conflicts is because the salaffist groups are sowing discord between tribes to create dissaray in countries who's governments are weak or have been removed.

As for Yemen, the Northern Yemenis have always been backwards and ignorant. They somehow took over all of Yemeni offices during the unification and the country has been slipping ever since. Obviously if the Yemenis in the south are nothing like them then, they are not all racist... shyt is fukking basic logic. The south Yemenites had people in high positons of government who were not even from yemen... hmm i wonder how a racist group of people would elected them into office?

I'm not apologizing for shyt, racism is wrong period. It's against the tenets of Islam and all racist will have to pay for their actions, I've said this numerous times already. I don't even like Yemenis (or Saudis)for the most part, but for other reasons. I'm not like you though, I don't generalize groups of people, I leave that for racist cacs and insecure idiots like you.

Keep making false accusations on my allegiances and character based on my ethnicity, it only reveals your snake mentality. I'm a mole now ... why because you're an idiot and I corrected you? LOL ok. Yeah black people are really gonna progress with people like you at the helm, bitter fakkits living in the past not promoting advancement.

This is why nobody really takes people from the west seriously when it comes to race relations or any type of relations. This is why Africans laugh at yall, with your fake knowledge of what goes on fueled by fake ass internet scholars and youtube videos.


Jun 4, 2012
first of all roots was not a book about any particular resistance to slavery and i dont recall anything about them being muslim, but either way its not an example of any particular standing up to slavery, its simply a story about slavery

ive never seen amistad, but is it actually historical that they were muslim?

if the islamic identity was stomped out then that is evidence that muslims did not stand up to slavery anymore than other people and none of the other stuff you said is any evidence of muslims standing up to slavery
the children were taken away then converted... You don't really know anything about this subject so I'm not sure why you're even asking questions and making statements about it.

I see that you ignored the rest of the post, lol.

B-Rock Odrama

Oct 24, 2012
LOL Done and Done... You should've just kept that to yourself. Everything you said has been refuted even with scripture from the Qur'an that was the /thread

You're a clown.:laff::laff::laff::laff:

oh btw you not having cac blood in you is wishful thinking... it is what it is. LOL yeah me being mixed explains a lot... it doesn't explain how you're a liar.... it doesn't explain how and why you're an idiot who bases everything he argues about on misinformation. Yes slave status in morocco even tho that majority of the royal family in morocco is BLACK :russ::russ::russ::russ::russ:. My mother was treated like a damn queen in Morocco. All our friends were from Senegal, Nigeria, Guinea, etc ... also treated like damn royalty... btw I've also lived in Dakkar and Conakry... go look them up because I'm sure you don't even know where those places are.

At the end of the day you're just insecure:heh::heh::heh:

PS AA's for the most part are 22% percent white and 10% of yall are 50% white and better.... you're all wishful thinking and fantasy. You don't even know how genetics work.. marrying black won't get rid of it.

and everything you said has been refuted by Prophet Muhommed(may he burn in eternal hell fire owning/trading in slaves not to mention the koranic verses and hadiths which blatantly promote slavery

and you still and confused fakkit have cac ancestry AAs would actually have to be able to trace European family or ancestors which isn't reality for most of us cause they don't exist..
:pachaha: @ Morocco royal family being must be one of those dumb muslim abids whom claim all arabs are black cause some allegedly had African great great grandmas whom were raped in arab haram and bore little sand nikkers...the morrocan royal family would probably have you mutt ass arrested for blasphemy if you ever made those accusations in morocco

right i'm really supposed to believe your alleged hatian mother and black African friends were treated like royalty in the a-rab republic of morocco when African migrants and even native black Moroccans treated like slaves:duck:

nah at the end of the day i'm a realist and you are an muslim zanj trying to defend his masters racist religion and abuse of Africans cause you don't know any better

B-Rock Odrama

Oct 24, 2012
lol, I don't any division amongst black people..... only ignorant people beef over and divide over ideology.

And I don't have issues with certain groups... but I have knowledge, eyes and hears.... I know some groups try to distance themselves from us. I guess you never been out of America (not that you would need to)

so suggesting AAs shouldn't be Pan Africans cause Africans and other blacks don't think highly of us all the while preaching Islamic brotherhood with a-rabs isn't trying to create devision between blacks.:childplease:

I doubt you have any real interactions with the people you mentioned in their countries of origin to make such an broad generalization


All Star
Oct 24, 2013
and everything you said has been refuted by Prophet Muhommed(may he burn in eternal hell fire owning/trading in slaves not to mention the koranic verses and hadiths which blatantly promote slavery

and you still and confused fakkit have cac ancestry AAs would actually have to be able to trace European family or ancestors which isn't reality for most of us cause they don't exist..
:pachaha: @ Morocco royal family being must be one of those dumb muslim abids whom claim all arabs are black cause some allegedly had African great great grandmas whom were raped in arab haram and bore little sand nikkers...the morrocan royal family would probably have you mutt ass arrested for blasphemy if you ever made those accusations in morocco

right i'm really supposed to believe your alleged hatian mother and black African friends were treated like royalty in the a-rab republic of morocco when African migrants and even native black Moroccans treated like slaves:duck:

nah at the end of the day i'm a realist and you are an muslim zanj trying to defend his masters racist religion and abuse of Africans cause you don't know any better
At the end of the day you're a fakkit.

I know what I'm talking about lolol done arguing with some misinformed clown who admitted to not even reading the shyt he's arguing about.

You calling me an abd means nothing since you don't know what it means... calling me a zanj:yeshrug:

lil nikka telling me he doesn't have cac ancestry because he can't trace them. It's because you haven't tried just like you haven't tried reading up on the shyt you're arguing about. I'm willing to bet it would be easier for you to trace your cac ancestry than your african roots... thems is the breaks.:manny:

Yes they would have me arrested even though I'm friends with many of them and went to school wit them... I'm even related to some of them. Yes they would arrest my mom and her friends... yeah they treated them like slaves... your a fukking idiot.. obviously nobody was treated like slaves.. we're still here.. no calluses on my hands breh... any more :duck::duck::duck: ??it's like you never run out.

Frankly I don't care what you beleive. I'd be surprise if you ever left your hometown cuz i know damn sure you aint never been nowhere.

Now scram got no more time for you.


B-Rock Odrama

Oct 24, 2012
I claim it's because of tribal conflicts yes. How you jump from that to blacks not playing a role in tribal conflicts is a fukking mystery. I didn't even mean the Tauregs in Libya.. i didn't specify where... I meant the Tuaregs and the polisario in the Sahara. Stop assuming shyt, you have a bad habit of just taking shyt and running with it. I wanna know how you'd know it was the norm if you never lived there. You're living vicarously through news reports and the internet. The reason I said tribal conflicts is because the salaffist groups are sowing discord between tribes to create dissaray in countries who's governments are weak or have been removed.

As for Yemen, the Northern Yemenis have always been backwards and ignorant. They somehow took over all of Yemeni offices during the unification and the country has been slipping ever since. Obviously if the Yemenis in the south are nothing like them then, they are not all racist... shyt is fukking basic logic. The south Yemenites had people in high positons of government who were not even from yemen... hmm i wonder how a racist group of people would elected them into office?

I'm not apologizing for shyt, racism is wrong period. It's against the tenets of Islam and all racist will have to pay for their actions, I've said this numerous times already. I don't even like Yemenis (or Saudis)for the most part, but for other reasons. I'm not like you though, I don't generalize groups of people, I leave that for racist cacs and insecure idiots like you.

Keep making false accusations on my allegiances and character based on my ethnicity, it only reveals your snake mentality. I'm a mole now ... why because you're an idiot and I corrected you? LOL ok. Yeah black people are really gonna progress with people like you at the helm, bitter fakkits living in the past not promoting advancement.

This is why nobody really takes people from the west seriously when it comes to race relations or any type of relations. This is why Africans laugh at yall, with your fake knowledge of what goes on fueled by fake ass internet scholars and youtube videos.

so tuaregs and the polasarioi are 2 African people allegedly involved in tribal conflicts in 2 African countries out of the 20 or so arab countries in which blacks are oppressed cause of their color so what's the excuse for the rest in which there is no black involvement in tribal conflict..btw toureg and the polasrio were only rebelling against arab imperialism in their ancestral land so their fight was one of independence not tribal..nah I let the facts speak for themselves and the paint a picture of deep seeded hate for blacks and a culture of submissiveness for black muslims in the arab world.

bbbbut...I thought yemnis were the purest arabs with a huge black population and Yemenis having significant black/African can our black arab Yemeni muslim brohers be known as ignorant racist:usure: yeah and i'm sure all those foreigners whom held powerful positions in yemen's government were arabs from neighboring countries not blacks.

actually the tenants of traditional islam are rooted in arab supremacy-African(black) servitude which is proven by history and the status of blacks in the arab world

i'm just saying you defend ayrab/Islamic oppression of Africans a little to strongly to be someone of alleged African descent. What other conclusion would you expect me to have considering the precedent you've set

so the acknowledging the current marginalization and abuse of blacks in the mid east/Islamic world is living in the past now:what:
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