Location: Under Your Skin
Nas ain't have a hit in almost a decade.That's like asking why Nas is better than Jay man. Marvel is just better. lol
Stop it.
Nas ain't have a hit in almost a decade.That's like asking why Nas is better than Jay man. Marvel is just better. lol
I t(combined with the fact that Marvel is on somestuff with making toys for movie properties they don't own, but that's another story)
I think OP needs to restate what he means by popular so we can be more objective about it. I feel like everyone is going off of their own biased perception, but having worked with this stuff the numbers paint a different picture.
For example, X-Men is super popular with those of use who grew up in the 90's. I'd argue X-Men has performed well in the movies and in video games. But the X-Men perform TERRIBLE as a toy. Like abysmal units. That's why Hasbro doesn't even make them any more (combined with the fact that Marvel is on somestuff with making toys for movie properties they don't own, but that's another story) You might see a Wolverine toy now and then but that's it. The lack of toys indicates X-Men isn't really that popular with the young kids crowd.
It's also funny what name recognition can do. I worked Comic-Con last year and saw all these lil kids with Superman and Batman costumes/shirts. I'd ask them why they liked Superman and they didn't even know. They just DID. That's the kinda of pop culture power that transcends generations right there.
What's the deal behind that? If Disney/Marvel made the toys for X-Men/Dead/Gambit/F4 would they see any/all of that money or would they have to share? Or are they just on thatphase to be dikks? I think the fans lose out on that the most with this frosty relationship between Disney/Fox, because there is some serious money I'd invest into some Deadpool merch. means Marvel is trying to freeze them out and just offere you Iron Man, Avengers, Spider Man, and Inhumans as an alternative. Everyone knows that..what's the matter with you?
It was a joke relax.Nas ain't have a hit in almost a decade.
Stop it.
Aliens in a Batman ComicMarvel character have always been pushed to be relatable or flawed. I'm a batman stan til the day I die but he manages to be less believable than some of the aliens in most of his comcis.
I deal with this all the time. Or they bring up one arbitrary event as the end all be all of comic knowledge. "Silver Surfer did his thing in Infinity Saga, nobody in DC is fukkin with him....Not talking about anyone in here but people make mewhen they say "marvel>dc" or "I'm more of a marvel fan" but they can name more DC characters than Marvel and didn't know shyt about Marvel before those Iron man and Co movies