I wonder how many people are going to address this specifically? Because this is another example of how "Black Men" are supposedly the problem with the black community that these BLM and twitter SJWs try to spit all the time.
I hear you and agree to an extent. I will even say that I am biasd and will give Mr. Willaims to benefit of the doubt because he has put in the work. The same why I will give Farrakhan or Eric Dyson or Claude Anderson or Boyce Watkins a pass.
Now in saying that I totally understand and agree that often times we as black men are used as the scape goat on all things bad. Which is an absolute issue because in the end it is divide and conquer.
Especially when you look at all the civil rights movements and how it took everyone to get it accomplished. We are a small group of folks and it takes everyone of us to fight against oppression.
Let me also add that even white groups would not be here without the effort of women. I mean look at the anti war movement. Look at occupy wall street, look at the tea party.
shyt look at world war 2 for example and how white women who almost never worked had to work in factories because of the war.
All hands on deck are always needed to fight a powerful enemy.
Last it has always been funny to me when these debates come along.....how middle class and upper class black women and men always escape with out getting called out. Same with older blacks.
Poor, young and uneducated black women and men are always at the front lines of a social movement for black people. Yet almost never reap the benefits until they are old. Often times they are assassinated, thrown in jail or forced to live in poverty all their lives because they are blackballed. Yet educated, older, professional or well to do blacks reap all the benefits of these young folks struggles.