I wuznt joking,sounds horrible and was probaly a best seller

...I don't know the storyline but just the idea of them experimenting on some poor brutha,injecting him with shyt to be a super soldier for america sounds like bad taste,and doesn't sound like a movie I would have anything other than the

face the whole time
"Truth: Red White & Black" is actually one of the better comic book stories written during the past decade.
It wasn't some happy go lucky tale of about a black man who became Captain America. It was a story about how the United States Government exploited and abused a group of black soldiers and how they covered it up from the public. Best way I can describe is a cross between Captain America, Rosewood, and Schindlers List.
It's a comic book mini series that I HIGHLY recommend, but unfortunately the book is out of print.
When it debuted white fanboys were on their typical bullshyt, but then reviewers started reading the book and had to recant because it was actually a great story. It didn't sell all that well because many white readers refused to give the book a chance.
The comic also has one of my all time favorite splash pages. I'm not going to post in here for fear of spoiling for those who haven't read it but it's a pretty powerful image by the time you get to that point of the story.
I can't recommend it enough, if you can find it online you should read it.