The American society like one of the vids in the op says is designed to be anti-intellectual. All these programs on tv like American idol and love and hip hop are used as distractions to keep people stupid.
This is 100% true. Noam Chomsky basically devoted his life to proving this point.
But here's the thing, we embrace it. You don't ever see any leaders in the so called african american community speaking out and denouncing anti-intellectualism. The only person I can think of is Ben Carson. If we as a community wanted to get people educated and stop them from being sucked in to all these distractions, you would think there would be a movement to do so, but there isn't.The black community is especially targeted and assaulted by this anti-intellectualism culture. .
The law is designed to keep the black community in a state of confusion and the prison industrial complex profits on this. Wall street profits off this. They get prisoners to work for pennies on the dollar for profit.
It's modern day slavery with a twist. It's slavery. Nothing's changed. We have to look at them as the problem first.
I'm not sure what laws you're talking about but right now liberal policies are designed to keep the african american feeling like a victim so he doesn't have to work to get anywhere. Why should someone stand up on their own two feet if they've been brainwashed to believe no amount of education will ever get him anywhere? There's nothing holding back the modern day negro except himself, and the welfare state helps to keep him feeling like a victim with a sense of entitlement .