"We are the Fury"
And let me preempt something here. I know you're going to cite statistics that say african americans get less jobs out of college than whites. The problem with that is that you're not controlling for other factors. Because one huge reason for that could be the fact that blacks have lower GPAs than white people do. So naturally, of course you're going to find lower post grade employment rates among blacks.
Even controlling for GPA, blacks still probably get fewer jobs. So there ya go. It's not enough of a reason to forgo education though. People with degrees make more money than people without and this applies across groups. But your inference that blacks get the same jobs as whites with the same GPA is probably wrong, but nice try. An educated black man undoubtedly is BETTER OFF with a college degree than not and it probably increases the quality of his life TO A HIGHER DEGREE than it would increase a middle class cac who was already middle class to begin with, but racism is still there (a small caveat I'm sure).
This whole idea that we're all victims and its all whitey's fault for everything is exactly why black america is so degenerate.
They are indeed part of the reason though we can always do better on our own. Part of the reason we've had consistent unemployment these last 200 years is because cacs won't hire us or pay us fairly for our work. They won't give us loans and so forth, so we turn towards things we can succeed in like music and sports.
If we're ever going to succeed in this country its going to be by first taking accountability for the state we're in today instead of always trying to blame it on white people and slavery. Right now there are too many tools available in this country for black people to succeed and be successful.
We can definitely do better in spite of racism but racism is still there and to blame for much of our condition. That said we have to work with what we have and do what you can where you are.
but you've got the white liberal media and Al Sharpton pulling out the race card any chance they get. But of course they're so conveniently silent about the eight thousand blacks that are killed every year by their own brothers.
Get the fukk out of here with this cac false equivalency bullshyt. I can't stand you c00ns. I guess when the Nazis killed the Jews, and the Jews complained, the Nazis could go: "Well jews kill jews, sometimes. It happens". Part of the reason blacks have so much crime is because we've been stuck in these dead end ghettos with high unemployment for 200 years. When a man gives up on life he drinks and he smokes. That's what AAs have done.
You know the ironic thing is that a big reason why so many people are racist is because so many black people think they're problems are due to racism.
More c00nery and self hate. You have the audacity to infer that white racism is justified because blacks feel persecuted.

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