God Emperor of SOHH
troll away. A problem is not knowing how things are invented or created. I'm in a creative profession so I know how that works.
We solve issues as humans. Guns wouldn't have added anything to Ancient Africa. Europeans dealt with different raw materials, greater depression, and had a need for more effective killing. Simple as that. It's not like asians, native american, and African were living and acting more barbaric. When you read the accounts from native american we see that the Europeans learned from them, just like they learned from Africans.... they were made less barbaric by their contact with asians and african... not the other way around. Africans created some of the most advanced civilizations and advanced as needed; but ignorant people say different because they didn't have rifles n shyt.
i understand what you are saying, and i think that is the type of thinking that will keep black people behind, its a way of thinking that needs to setup the african as a victim of european imperialism and doesnt want to address the underlying issue, which is, why did the west african NOT have a gun when the europeans first came to west africa? until we address that issue, we cannot move forward IMO
its like marcus garvey jr was saying in the arab slave trade video when he asked why did africans allow the slave trade?
1) africans were technologically behind
2) africans enslaved each other
those 2 things still impact us today, the oppression of the african by african elites was going on 500 years ago, it did not start with the european, and if we do not address african oppression by africans we wont fix anything
and the same thing goes for technology, if we dont address why africans do not have the technology to build guns and ships, africans will always be behind and that is a problem that existed BEFORE the european
by simply blaming europeans we arent addressing fundamental issues like technology and african oppression by african elites that was going on before the europeans and is still continuing till this day
IMO the african dictators today are the same people that sold us 500 years ago and who enslaved us and oppressed us before the european