How Africa Underdevelops Africa


Jun 4, 2012
i honestly have no idea what any if that means, is that some muslim shyt, which reminds me are you in any position to talk? cuz you are the dude going around spreading arab ideology in the black community and saying muslims are the only people that stood up to slavery when in reality muslims participated in the slave trade and all kinds of other islamic gibberish

but bottom line, my point and the point of the article is that focusing on individual rights and economic rights and capitalism is the key to creating a prosperous africa and it it follows from that that its also the key to creating prosperous black communities in the americas, that is the bottom line
it has nothing to do w islam. It's well documented that black muslims stood up during slavery and had multiple uprisings and were considered difficult to deal w. Also, my own people in africa and area have been historically muslim for a long time.... so it's not too bad for me to b one, especially since people of the area converted willingly. But if any black person wanted to be a Muslim.... I would surely suggest that's a personal religion, not affecting anything...

and I don't spread Islam or religion in the black community. most people probably think i'm atheist because I believe that religion is part of the problem in our community. But spreading religion > spreading western imperialism and c00nery
One day we must ask the question, “Why are there forty million poor people in America?” And when you begin to ask that question, you are raising questions about the economic system, about a broader distribution of wealth. When you ask that question, you begin to question the capitalistic economy. And I’m simply saying that more and more, we’ve got to begin to ask questions about the whole society. We are called upon to help the discouraged beggars in life’s market place. But one day we must come to see that an edifice which produces beggars needs restructuring. It means that questions must be raised. You see, my friends, when you deal with this, you begin to ask the question, “Who owns the oil?” You begin to ask the question, “Who owns the iron ore?” You begin to ask the question, “Why is it that people have to pay water bills in a world that is two thirds water?” These are questions that must be asked.
I might point out here that colonialism or imperialism, as the slave system of the West is called, is not something that is just confined to England or France or the United States. The interests in this country are in cahoots with the interests in France and the interests in Britain. It's one huge complex or combine, and it creates what's known not as the American power structure or the French power structure, but an international power structure. This international power structure is used to suppress the masses of dark-skinned people all over the world and exploit them of their natural resources."
- X

The are some sad muthfukas on The Coli
-Assata Shakur


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
it has nothing to do w islam. It's well documented that black muslims stood up during slavery and had multiple uprisings and were considered difficult to deal w. Also, my own people in africa and area have been historically muslim for a long time.... so it's not too bad for me to b one, especially since people of the area converted willingly. But if any black person wanted to be a Muslim.... I would surely suggest that's a personal religion, not affecting anything...

and I don't spread Islam or religion in the black community. most people probably think i'm atheist because I believe that religion is part of the problem in our community. But spreading religion > spreading western imperialism and c00nery

- X

-Assata Shakur

and you continue spreading lies about islam, there isnt any real difference between christian imperialism and slavery and islamic imperialism and slavery in africa, the notion that you think have a shred of moral high ground by spreading some filthy arab ideology is :laff:


Dec 15, 2019
Caucasians arent the most technologically advanced racial group in the world right now. for the most part western cac imperalism controls the world.

We know exactly y African's didn't have the gun, I tried to explain it to you, but just because you don't understand why they didn't have guns doesn't mean that they had a need for guns - they didn't.

You don't know anything about technology, how and why it's created.

Who do you think actually brought Europe out of the dark ages - I believe it was arabs and africans.... who encouraged them to not eat each other, not be barbaric or even bath their bodies on a consistent basis.... When Asians and Africans traveled to Europe they didn't marvel at what they saw... it was Europeans who admired these other places.

You consider the people who were pioneering science, steel production, mining, brain surgery, accurate astronomy, city planning, advanced water systems, the best libraries and centers of knowledge in the world, and a million other things i can't think of - as backwards just because they didn't have guns? That's ignorant as fukk.

So If I develop a device that can revolutionize public transportation in China... I would be less advance than some cac who invents a way to increase the power of rifles?? Your c00nery has no shame.

Coming out of Europe in the 1400's these people you admire for having guns were no more advance than any society on Earth. Your analytical ability is equal to Phyllis Wheatley..... your poetry would be the same as hers.

And youre confused about speaking about history. Only ignorant c00ns say shyt like " simply blaming europeans we arent addressing .........blah". In what universe does speaking on the root cause of an issue or speaking about history stop you from addressing technology and ways to advance your people? It doesn't - you just say retarded negro talking points because you believe they sound good. They don't.

And the African leaders today aren't the equivalent of some traders in Africa in the past. There has always been slavery... but that was due to war not race, and wasn't like what we think of when we think slavery. Also, those leaders in the past were not puppets of Europeans and weren't interested in the oppression of an entire race. It wasn't until European trade with Africa did we began to have theworldismine type of leaders who sold Africans to Europeans... and said, 'well it's our fault for not having guns'. but even the tribes who tried to resist that were subjected to annihilation by surrounding tribes who were promised guns and weapons by the Europeans. That's just what it is..... but you can't say lets not bring up the past -- but mention African leaders selling slaves every chance you get. That doesn't make sense. Especially because it's not African leaders who promote and create the imperialist agendas in Africa, or set up the jim crow, slavery, oppression, prision industrial complex, mental brainwashing etc in the Americas.

Get real, most black in America aren't even focused on their oppression, they focus on their own struggle and life..... not knowing about shyt hasn't helped us. We haven't made progress or had effective leaders that say the shyt ur saying... MLK and Malcolm X both brought shyt up - because they understand the difference between victim mentality and analysis.
I have no idea why the poster @Blackking was banned. Ive Just been lurking through classic threads and his posting was always consistent and knowledgeable on the state of black people globally.

He literally typed everything I was going to say in response to the OG poster that @Blackking was replying too.:obama:

The only thing that I would've added to @Blackking's response is that technology alone wasn't our downfall. Most of our kingdoms(kingdom-of-Kongo, kingdom of uganda, half the swahilii city states, kingdom-of-benin, Sudanese and shiluk empires, etc) were still intact up until the 1800s, despite the technological differences of white nations and the African continent. Even our social systems took hundreds of years to collapse under divide-and-conquer strategies.

Though we shouldn't downplay the role of European powers, sometimes I feel that time itself was our enemy. Very few entities can be under a constant onslaught by hostile powers for 300yrs (since 1500s Portugal entry) and still be standing.:yeshrug: