Hey, can y’all shut the fukk up about Shogun in this thread?
You sound like an idiot. Dafuq does "black panther" has to do with anything? I hate dumb nikkas that move the goal posts when they argument fail. Just accept the L.I pointed out battlefield action and you ass pull closed location scene action.
=/= that's not action. That's glorified fight scene.
I know for a fact you a "black panther" lover and that's why this convoy has to end.
Y'all accept any and every bullshyt and champion it as if it is something to behold. This is why Hollywood is failing
Hey, can y’all shut the fukk up about Shogun in this thread?
NeggedI hate Ulf on some elitist shyt
‘A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms’ GoT SPINOFF teaser
Yea, Targaryen at least. Also seems it takes place timewise in between HotD and GoT.Is this related to a GOT family?
Green Men from the Isle of Faces, I would guess.^ subs said it was an "antlered human shape"
Whatever Daemon saw in the Godswood looked weird.
It seemed to have antlers, almost half man half animal.
I don’t know if it’s supposed to represent the Baratheons or sumn else
ehh, not really on condal. Seems it was Zaslav. It seems Condal and the writers had plans of a 10 episode season. and WBD cut them off at the legs by saying it would be 8 episodes. Depending on when they were made aware of that(writers strike/shoot schedule set), maybe they couldnt fix the shyt to all fit in 8 episodes. That's on top of the budget cuts, which meant they had to skip battles.