Rap Guerilla
I'm on episode 11 and frank is really cuckin' too hard right now. just blatant 

Meechum was half a f@g, but he was a damn soldier
Claire really does know how yo mold men. VPs swag was thru the roof when he came outta that room
I hope ep 5 isnt Frank dreaming
They are just using war to buy them time to come up with a way to get around that story.. But it does seem far fetched to have that all go away in 3 weeks just cause we saw a live execution on tv.. Like that wasn't even a bold move, we've seen that before..If a story came out that all but proved the president had murdered people, manipulated their way (with multiple instances of proof) into the White House, and was actively lying/deceiving the public it wouldn't play well at all. Add to that that the president would be under fire for their big program "America Works" shytting the bed. Then that same president who just got exposed is just going to start a "war" overnight?
Wouldn't play.
Good season. Entertaining show. But I'm not going to give the writers credit.
The real media would be lined up, human centipede style, to leach anything they could off of that story the broke at the end of the season. "President Underwood killed a third man tonight when he refused to release a terrorist who talked circles around him in backdoor negotiations."
I was actually looking forward to the backlash from the story breaking. I'm kind of disappointed that the writers are attempting to dismiss the entire plot point by "waging a war!" - which is really just a continuance of the war on terror. It doesn't really have the same "oh shyt, a war" impact that going to war with a superpower, or declaring war for the first time in x amount of years would have.
I digress. I hope they aren't attempting to introduce and immediately dismiss the reckoning article though.
shyt reminded me of bobby bacala at the cabin when tony finally pushed his last button. every man has their limit and that rib request in that southern drawl sent freddy over his. only thing he didnt do was beat the shyt outta frank which he woulda got murdered for, but alas...
Wrap it up
Show jumped the shark
This season feels like they were like Hmmn how can we get frank out of this ?? Hmmn idk fukkery ? When before he managed to at least make the fukkery seem somewhat believableseason was good. i give it a B.
since when do people in witness protection have parole officers?
the writers showed little effort on several parts, like the reaction of jackie's huband being he was happy for her when she told him she had an affair.
no evil plotting to get cathy to give up her VP or Prez nomination, just a simple threat. that does no go inline with the show. it's about betrayal and calculated revenge. a threat is too simple.
there was no ring knocking the table this season either, so i know the writers were being sloppy losing sight of the characters.
and one of the sloppiest areas to me was no revenge against Claire on Frank's part. while he was in the hospital she was willing to ruin his plan & let him die and he merely apologizes and awards her with the VP slot. i'd expect for frank to play into her ego, give her what she wanted and then snatch it from her at the very end.
remy's a simp. in 4 seasons the only time jackie has "risked it all" for him was at the very end meanwhile remy pretty much gave up his career to be the side-dikk to a married woman.
the inflated egos of the writers allowed them to dedicate 15-20% of the season to a plot about writers that should have been killed off by season 2 & Underwood hushed up the incident with fear mongering in like 3 minutes. it was a huge build up and ended with a whimper.
the good parts outnumbered the bad tho. i agree with others it feels incomplete like it should've been longer.