*Doug is a goddamn weirdo. But, besides that, why would Doug be concerned with a widow from what we know of his character? This is a character that turned a truck around, killed the woman he loved after she thought she was home free, and left her decaying body in unmarked grave

. Doug is a super savage

. Him being concerned for the deceased family, donating, etc. after he bumped dude to save the president, which we know he has unwavering loyalty to is extremely out of context with his history. Doug has only shown empathy ever towards the president.
*This show works best when there's an inside force (within the White House and not Claire) opposing the president's machinations. The episodes where the secretary of state was pulling Frank's card were the best.
*I wanted Freddy to beat Frank's ass.
* Neve Campbell was a nice addition.
*I hope this show ends next season. The story lines literally become more outlandish with each passing season.
I'll finish episode 12 and 13 later today.