The Sudan/Ethiopia border beef starting to get more heated 

Huh?but didn't you want there to be ethnic cleansing?
I dont know man. Hard to know whats what with Tigray largely being shut off from the outside world and so much lies and propaganda coming from both sides. I kinda zoned out. I did read the amnesty report though, but it was mostly based on alleged eyewitness accounts from refugees in Sudan, not really much hard evidence to corroborate anything.@JDH true? I ask b/c I know Vanessa Tsehaye/Amnesty want regime change and Plaut is suspect.
Don’t believe everything being reported as 100% accurate, I know for a fact the TPLF orphans aka western analyst like Matt Bryden (former plumber from Canada) and his minions on the ground like Abdi Rashid are carrying out a massive campaign of misinformation. The truth is, no one is innocent specially TPLF who has inflicted unbelievable amount of terror against Eritreans, Oromos, Somalis, Amharas etc for decades and now they’re surprised when the tides have turned? I’m shocked.
I’m not shocked at all. They are a shameless criminal bunch and will do whatever it takes. I think what was disappointing is Abiy’s naivety when it comes to the situation. Only recently has his side finally seen how important it is to be aggressive in the media to provide counter narratives. But with the lack of real info as well as the great heart start provided by the lackadaisical and frankly arrogant display of inaction of the govt has made that pushback much more difficult.
Abiy made some terrible decisions and could have been prepared better. I would not have Eritrean forces physically involved inside Tigray region considering the historic animosity between the two groups. It was bound to get ugly at some point. Whatever the case is, it's going to be interesting how things play out from here.
Not just that, but ethnic violence was inevitable since the TPLF stole Amhara lands and annexed them into the Tigray province so now there are ethnic Amharas that are obviously taking their revenge. It should’ve been clear for the Amhara militias from the jump that the land issues would be resolved following the return of stability and normalcy and proper trials against the junta. Now they’ve threatened to open up another front with the border issues with Sudan which would help TPLF reestablish a supply line.
Now shyt is all in the open and again, imo, that has to be blamed on Abiy being a novice statesman in one of the most politically volatile and dangerous places on earth.