Egypt is the biggest winner in all this. A weak and divided Ethiopia makes it easier for the Renaissance Dam to be undermined.
….and it’s an across the board sentiment no matter who runs Egypt. The infamous Morsi video where he explicitly spelled out how Egypt would use subversive tactics by encouraging separatists.
It’s been clear to most Ethiopians that this has been an Egypt/America effort. The moment Egypt brokered the latest Israel/Palestine ceasefire was the moment they got the Biden admins. attention regarding the dam. Moreover, sabotaging Ethiopia and supporting dictators like the TPLF is a policy going back decades. Especially so during the Obama years.
This Vanessa chick was supporting the Bolivia coup
This is neocolonialism. Simple as that. And if you’re Black or of African descent and support this neocolonial campaign then you have no business talking about the Black struggle in any form or fashion.
This shyt fukkin bothers the hell outta me most of all. But this is also chickens coming home to roost. Far too many Ethiopians closed themselves off from the African American community when this could’ve been their staunchest ally. Now we have to go about it mostly alone with incoherent idiots speaking for us while different subsections of the Black community take up whichever position works best for them.
Worse yet, we’ve allowed outsiders to frame Ethiopian history in the light of the same ones looking to destroy the country. It’s a complete denial of the other side’s story in the name of framing criminal, torturing dictators as some rag tag lovable rebels. Ethiopia has always been a counter to non African paradigms. Be it religion, politics, whatever it is. Ethiopia has always been the one thing African that whites can’t deny. The Greeks spoke more highly of Ethiopians than they did of themselves and this is Europe’s cultural root. In Israel, they brought in Ethiopians yo make themselves look less racist just for those Ethiopians to claim their Africanness first while calling out their hypocrisy and racism. Quite frankly I understand, whites have been wanting us to be wiped out for a long time now.