Our brother @2Quik4UHoes is Amhara so you'll probably get the Amhara tinged view of things, however well he means.
He wants to Make Ethiopia Great Again when the lingua franca and default culture was Amharic...and to hell with all that pesky decentralisation
I’m actually also Oromo and Tigray by way of Eritrea but let you tell it. I believe in Ethiopian unity and to characterize what I’m sayin as MAGA shyt when the opps run on a racist ethnic based divide and rule platform is laughable. Amharic is the most widely spoken language other than English in the country. How would it be efficient to not use it as a lingua franca? That’s no different than Swahili in Kenya or Tanzania. Culturally Ethiopia is mixed, there are influences from many tribes. Just because Amharas were a key group in centralizing the nation after decades of chaos doesn’t mean it’s exclusively Amhara in nature or scope.
Decentralization turned the country into a repressed state with extrajudicial killings and disappearances of activists. Nothing the TPLF did is redeemable other than beginning the GERD project. That aside, their political program was a failure and turned a country into a tinderbox of ethnic violence.
Waryas like you have some weird complex against a successful Ethiopia because they think it’s somehow Amhara driven when it’s driven by all the groups including the ones that suddenly want to act extra marginalized. Once we’re successful wiping out the Woyane scourge the country will finally be United and working towards a better future.
Don’t worry, we still gon keep doing security for y’all capital too.

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