I mean that they’re no longer in power, are a rebel group, and that means of documenting wars are far more advanced than the 90s.
You are talking about the CIA as if they’re omnipresent. Their current operations in Somalia are well documented and reported by various sources. Same as the US use of Djibouti and Kenya as outposts for military operations in Somalia.
If they were flying sorties into Northern Ethiopia to provide logistical support to TPLF, you really think that they could do this undetected by Ethiopian Government and it’s allies? With only evidence being grainy audio posted on Twitter? This strains credulity.
Also fascinating how much rhetoric of every party of this conflict has shifted as alliances have changed. A few years ago Eritrean govt supporters were cheering Jawar/ Qeerro and agreeing with their view of Ethiopian history. Fast forward now and you got Eritrean Government supports talking about Ethiopia’s national integrity and history

Same with OLA/Jawar supports who were strongly opposed to TPLF and have shifted into a partnership of convenience. Ditto for Ethiopian Government supporters who used to have nothing but insults for Afwerki and now see him as a statesman. What a change a decade can make.