Honestly brehs, can women really be THAT bad?!


Paleo Girl
Jun 18, 2013
North America
What else do you bring to the table?

I don't understand why you're even asking me, as if my opinion holds any value to you...

Your opinion of 99.99% of women is obviously set: we're evil, we cheat, scheme and lie, take advantage of men and drain your bank accounts, and everything about us is worthless except for what's between our legs.

So please, spare us both and don't pretend like you care what I have to say. I'm only a p*ssy after all.


Just like bruddas

Couple shooters in the cut.
May 1, 2012

"American society has become anti-male. Men are sensing the backlash and are consciously and unconsciously going “on strike.” They are dropping out of college, leaving the workforce and avoiding marriage and fatherhood at alarming rates. The trend is so pronounced that a number of books have been written about this “man-child” phenomenon, concluding that men have taken a vacation from responsibility simply because they can. But why should men participate in a system that seems to be increasingly stacked against them?

As Men on Strike demonstrates, men aren’t dropping out because they are stuck in arrested development. They are instead acting rationally in response to the lack of incentives society offers them to be responsible fathers, husbands and providers. In addition, men are going on strike, either consciously or unconsciously, because they do not want to be injured by the myriad of laws, attitudes and hostility against them for the crime of happening to be male in the twenty-first century. Men are starting to fight back against the backlash. Men on Strike explains their battle cry."

:patrice: seems like nothing but a bunch of excuses for men who are failing to adapt to certain situations. Nonsense in my opinion...Nothing and I mean NOTHING should stop a man from handling his responsibilities. NOTHING! We want the title of King, Alpha (:skip: I hate that word) provider. So we go out and get along with all the prizes that come with it, but with those prizes come drama, heart break, etc. Once dudes get knocked on their ass, they wanna go on strike :skip: instead doing what they have to do to secure their legacy, their. :skip:

Those are the men that bet it all on women and not themselves. I love women :whoa: dont get me wrong but I'll be damn if I invest my dreams, life, my legacy on women. Cause women come and go, a dime a dozen. But your legacy? That shyt is forever man. That's something that really deserve all your attenion. @His_Excellence_Reincar should have thought about his legacy before he put his hopes and dreams into a women :skip: now look at him.

Long story short, if yall guys would have build yourselves up with all this love and attention then your falls wouldnt have been so deep. Build your foundation first fellas, let that girl build hers. Don't invest your bricks in her foundation and get mad when she builds it and invite someone to stay and not you.
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Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
:patrice: seems like nothing but a bunch of excuses for men who are failing to adapt to certain situations. Nonsense in my opinion...Nothing and I mean NOTHING should stop a man from handling his responsibilities. NOTHING! We want the title of King, Alpha (:skip: I hate that word) provider. So we go out and get along with all the prizes that come with it, but with those prizes come drama, heart break, etc. Once dudes get knocked on their ass, they wanna go on strike :skip: instead doing what they have to do to secure their legacy, their. :skip:

Those are the men that bet it all on women and not themselves. I love women :whoa: dont get me wrong but I'll be damn if I invest my dreams, life, my legacy on women. Cause women come and go, a dime a dozen. But your legacy? That shyt is forever man. That's something that really deserve all your attenion. @His_Excellence_Reincar should have thought about his legacy before he put his hopes and dreams into a women :skip: now look at him.

Long story short, if yall guys would have build yourselves up with all this love and attention then your falls wouldnt have been so deep. Build your foundation first fellas, let that girl build hers. Don't invest your bricks in her foundation and get mad when she builds it and invite someone to stay and not you.

I have no idea y you mentioned Me

But yeah let's look at me
Successful, traveling across the globe, building my portfolio, still look like I'm 22, still getting attention from women, still getting calls and text msgs, still going out, volunteering at my church and in the community living a celibate lifestyle
Yeah let's look at his excellence

And let's look at will styles
Broke, living in the ghetto , driving a pos car, unemployed, no passport, 5'5 and that's pushing it, wifing single moms, looking like a 35 year old bum azz nygga, says he's a Muslim but fornicating all the time.

Sent from royalty using Tapatalk 4 beta
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Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
I don't understand why you're even asking me, as if my opinion holds any value to you...

Your opinion of 99.99% of women is obviously set: we're evil, we cheat, scheme and lie, take advantage of men and drain your bank accounts, and everything about us is worthless except for what's between our legs.

So please, spare us both and don't pretend like you care what I have to say. I'm only a p*ssy after all.


Not at all, I asked a question.

Sent from royalty using Tapatalk 4 beta
Feb 14, 2013
Some of the views in this thread are so sad. There is this man who I assumes lives in my neighborhood, I keep seeing him around. He is older, is graying, a little bit flashy in terms his car and attire and he keeps sweating me. I know what type of relationship he wants but I am not interested in being anyone's sugar baby. I do feel sorry for him. You accumulate so much in terms of material things, with no one to share it with. Successful on the job, but outside work you're out trying to lure younger women into relationships with you based on the money you could offer them. What a mess.

I could see some of the guys on this forum ending up like that.

Just like bruddas

Couple shooters in the cut.
May 1, 2012
I have no idea y you mentioned Me

But yeah let's look at me
Successful, traveling across the globe, building my portfolio, still look like I'm 22, still getting attention from women, still getting calls and text msgs, still going out, volunteering at my church and in the community living a celibate lifestyle
Yeah let's look at his excellence

And let's look at will styles
Broke, living in the ghetto , driving a pos car, unemployed, no passport, 5'5 and that's pushing it, wifing single moms, looking like a 35 year old bum azz nygga, says he's a Muslim but fornicating all the time.

Sent from royalty using Tapatalk 4 beta

:whew: but where is your legacy my nikka? You can stay what you want but you cant never say that I put my whole life on a long shot (a woman) :skip: Just imagine where you would be at if you would have thought about yourself all them days you spent chasing after her:pachaha:

You could have invested that engagement ring money into yourself my nikka but you didnt... you gave it to her and she pawned it. You wasnt thinking about your foundation, you wanted to share if with that russian girl:troll: but she didnt wanna share hers

Fine example of men risking it all for a woman, now look at you :skip:

youre on strike

Im not broke, but Im not rich, I live in the ghetto :ehh: I drive a 97 lexus. I have a job making 30 bucks an hr personal training and another job making 14:pachaha: I have passports :troll: I look like a well athletic built 27 years. Im Muslim but I still have sex...whats your point?

Call me what you want, but you can't call me a joke.

:ohlawd: my foundation is stable enough to handle shocks and quakes from my love life, cause never will I determine my success by the woman in my life. Thats what I have my happiness for :obama:


All Star
May 1, 2012
I have nothing against women personally but I feel that a high number of them are morally bankrupt. they're constantly looking for something for nothing and feel that as women they should be provided for just because they're female.

the number of them that are morally bankrupt is so high that its not worth looking for one that isn't that way. women for the most part will do whatever you let them get away with and if you don't let them get away with anything they'll use deception and attempt to con you into doing what they want.

many of them lack base concepts like integrity and loyalty. they're constantly on the lookout for a sucker and if you aren't willing to knowingly play they role they'll fukk you and play the girlfriend role and just fukk around on you behind your back and turn you into an unknowing sucker.

for many women men are a source of entertainment. their lives are boring so they place much of their expectation for mystery, thrills, enjoyment, and entertainment on the shoulders of a man. when your entertainment value drops off they'll look elsewhere for thrills.

sex is their ultimate leverage against men but i look at sex and see it for what it is. an activity that inherently carries the risk of ruining you as a man. child support and custody battles, diseases, financial drain. why put effort into an activity that the more i have it the higher the chances my quality of life will take a nose dive.

the average woman brings nothing more than an undeserved sense of entitlement, an attitude, and p*ssy to the table. once you get past the p*ssy what's really left?


It's all true, I just don't wanna believe it. I wanna keep hope alive brehs. Is there genuine women left on this earth ?? Probably in 3rd world villages somewhere. Surely not in good 'Murica. :russ:

Just like bruddas

Couple shooters in the cut.
May 1, 2012

It's all true, I just don't wanna believe it. I wanna keep hope alive brehs. Is there genuine women left on this earth ?? Probably in 3rd world villages somewhere. Surely not in good 'Murica. :russ:

have you experience such trails sir to back up this man's claim.

Be honest...


All Star
May 1, 2012
have you experience such trails sir to back up this man's claim.

Be honest...

Not nessecarily as vile as he makes them seem but I have noticed an alarming rate of what seems to me to be morally bankrupt women. A lot of these girls today are on some bullshyt with their mentalities and it's like society encourages them. I've met a multitude of girls who seem to think all they should/need to bring to the table are their looks and p*ssy. Like I should fall to their feet and bow to them simply because they look good and may possibly give up the butt. :demonic:

Just like bruddas

Couple shooters in the cut.
May 1, 2012
Not nessecarily as vile as he makes them seem but I have noticed an alarming rate of what seems to me to be morally bankrupt women. A lot of these girls today are on some bullshyt with their mentalities and it's like society encourages them. I've met a multitude of girls who seem to think all they should/need to bring to the table are their looks and p*ssy. Like I should fall to their feet and bow to them simply because they look good and may possibly give up the butt. :demonic:

My father gave me a warning about this women :patrice:.

Basically told me if she don't have shyt to offer besides p*ssy, then make sure you only give her the one thing that's equality to p*ssy...which is dikk. Nothing but dikk. Anything more than dikk son and you will be up shyt creek without a paddle and broke.

I told him how about I just avoid them hoes as a whole. He said even better :krs: but you can't avoid them...its alot of them bytches :pachaha:
May 1, 2012
i wanna hunnid and fitty thousand!
Some of the views in this thread are so sad. There is this man who I assumes lives in my neighborhood, I keep seeing him around. He is older, is graying, a little bit flashy in terms his car and attire and he keeps sweating me. I know what type of relationship he wants but I am not interested in being anyone's sugar baby. I do feel sorry for him. You accumulate so much in terms of material things, with no one to share it with. Successful on the job, but outside work you're out trying to lure younger women into relationships with you based on the money you could offer them. What a mess.

I could see some of the guys on this forum ending up like that.
he might just want some younger p*ssy :yeshrug:


All Star
May 1, 2012
My father gave me a warning about this women :patrice:.

Basically told me if she don't have shyt to offer besides p*ssy, then make sure you only give her the one thing that's equality to p*ssy...which is dikk. Nothing but dikk. Anything more than dikk son and you will be up shyt creek without a paddle and broke.

I told him how about I just avoid them hoes as a whole. He said even better :krs: but you can't avoid them...its alot of them bytches :pachaha:

That's what I'm saying! It seems like those women are now becoming the vast majority instead a healthy minority or whatever it used to be. I feel like our fathers and uncles had a way easier time at finding at least morally decent women. This shyt is like needles in haystacks now. Everybody think they a bad bytch. :scusthov:

Just like bruddas

Couple shooters in the cut.
May 1, 2012
That's what I'm saying! It seems like those women are now becoming the vast majority instead a healthy minority or whatever it used to be. I feel like our fathers and uncles had a way easier time at finding at least morally decent women. This shyt is like needles in haystacks now. Everybody think they a bad bytch. :scusthov:

I don't think they did, from what my dad desribe his dating life was a lot like ours but without all the STDS and people dying over p*ssy. Remember him telling me the time he was dating this chick and she was lazy as fukk. He went to work 6am came back at 5pm just to see that woman still in her bed clothes watching tv with her house looking the same and no food cooked asking if he was buying burger king.

He told her yeah, left out and never came back :dead:

Are you familiar with the wire when cuddy said " the game done changed " and Slim charles said " its still the same...just more fierce. Thats how I feel about the generations. Same shyt, more STDs :skip:

I have ran into some great quality women that feel the same way about us men. It is what it is though.

Just keep your head clear, your dikk wrap and your pockets safe.
May 1, 2012
i wanna hunnid and fitty thousand!
Like its nothing like coming home to seeing an woman that adore and that will pretty much do everything in her power to make you happy and vice versa.

I love women :whoa: dont get me wrong but I'll be damn if I invest my dreams, life, my legacy on women. Cause women come and go, a dime a dozen. But your legacy? That shyt is forever man.
so first it was you value companionship to the point where you would do anything to make your woman happy...but now it's that you refuse to invest your all into a woman with the fear of losing? :ld: