Honestly brehs, can women really be THAT bad?!

Just like bruddas

Couple shooters in the cut.
May 1, 2012
its only a war for those that cant grasp the simplicity of women. Its not fukking rocket science man. I love women for many reason but the main reason is companionship. Like its nothing like coming home to seeing an woman that adore and that will pretty much do everything in her power to make you happy and vice versa. Starting a family, cooking together, playing around in the kitchen, watching tv etc. I would come home from work and see my parents both knocked out on the couch watching all hugged up and what not.

I seen them get at each other throats a bunch of times, even had a small split (him moving into the garbage :skip:) but at the end of the day theyre still together. This is what I seen growing up. No good relationship is without its trials, but if she worth it then why not fight?

Seem a lot of people ( mostly us men ) feel as though just because they do good shyt for women like buy them shyt, treat them with respect etc that women are supposed to like us. As if the aura from our love and dedication is suppose to change their minds about being with us. A lot of dudes be hopped on this drug that society has been giving us since...well forever. Its doesnt matter how good you treat a woman, it will not make her love you. Dudes find this out the hard way and wanna become bitter, thus this friction/war we have with them. Or they did us wrong, cheated on us, lead us on etc.

Due to us hearing stories about gold diggers, millionaires losing it all etc. Every guy wanna have a plan to avoid this happening to them. We wanna try to out think women, we wanna play the cat and mouse game. In reality all they are doing is just distancing themselves from women period and can't tell who is friend or foe...thus the term asexual pops up as a cop out for some...(not saying thats the case all) but most dudes that claim this title still watches and get aroused by porn :yeshrug: where they do that at?

At the end of they day women will be women...divas, high maintenance, trailer thrash, hoodrats, aggy, whores, caring, loving, submissive, respectful etc. Gotta go through them all, cant make a omelet without cracking a few eggs :manny:


Newly-wed :blessed:
May 16, 2013
it is what it is. the last time i had sex was about a year ago and ever since then i haven't felt compelled to peruse it. pretty much all the sex i've had was raw and i've been lucky to have no kids or diseases but i don't feel like pressing that luck any further.

part of it is if i can't have unprotected sex then the activity is worthless to me. honestly i'd rather jack off than fukk with a condom on and not using a condom is too irresponsible to be doing. i can't nut with a condom every time i've had sex with one on i just end up losing my erection after a while.

how old are you ? how many sexual partners have you had ?


Newly-wed :blessed:
May 16, 2013
its only a war for those that cant grasp the simplicity of women. Its not fukking rocket science man. I love women for many reason but the main reason is companionship. Like its nothing like coming home to seeing an woman that adore and that will pretty much do everything in her power to make you happy and vice versa. Starting a family, cooking together, playing around in the kitchen, watching tv etc. I would come home from work and see my parents both knocked out on the couch watching all hugged up and what not.

I seen them get at each other throats a bunch of times, even had a small split (him moving into the garbage :skip:) but at the end of the day theyre still together. This is what I seen growing up. No good relationship is without its trials, but if she worth it then why not fight?

Seem a lot of people ( mostly us men ) feel as though just because they do good shyt for women like buy them shyt, treat them with respect etc that women are supposed to like us. As if the aura from our love and dedication is suppose to change their minds about being with us. A lot of dudes be hopped on this drug that society has been giving us since...well forever. Its doesnt matter how good you treat a woman, it will not make her love you. Dudes find this out the hard way and wanna become bitter, thus this friction/war we have with them. Or they did us wrong, cheated on us, lead us on etc.

Due to us hearing stories about gold diggers, millionaires losing it all etc. Every guy wanna have a plan to avoid this happening to them. We wanna try to out think women, we wanna play the cat and mouse game. In reality all they are doing is just distancing themselves from women period and can't tell who is friend or foe...thus the term asexual pops up as a cop out for some...(not saying thats the case all) but most dudes that claim this title still watches and get aroused by porn :yeshrug: where they do that at?

At the end of they day women will be women...divas, high maintenance, trailer thrash, hoodrats, aggy, whores, caring, loving, submissive, respectful etc. Gotta go through them all, cant make a omelet without cracking a few eggs :manny:

I agree whole heartedly.

This pretty much sums up why I love my girl. :jawalrus:


All Star
May 5, 2012
what made you come to that conclusion ?

Well I'm not sure if that's entirely true, due to the fact that women still arouse me. The reason I was saying that though, is bc the few times ive dated/messed around with women, it always seemed lackluster. Basically I can't really look back on anything and reminisce; it always felt like it wasn't worth it. Then again, I've really only had sex with like 4 women (I'm 29), and only seriously dated one.....so in thinking "maybe it was just them, and I oughtta just date/fukk more chicks"...idk....


All Star
May 5, 2012
As for actually finding a companion....idk. I refuse to be taken to the cleaners, or even put myself in the position for that to occur...that's why I'm thinking my companion will probably be in a foreign country. But I've always wondered if the same thing could happen out there (getting screwed by the system and losing your house, money, kids,etc.)...I damn sure hope not, bc I'd love to be happily married one day....


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
its only a war for those that cant grasp the simplicity of women. Its not fukking rocket science man. I love women for many reason but the main reason is companionship. Like its nothing like coming home to seeing an woman that adore and that will pretty much do everything in her power to make you happy and vice versa. Starting a family, cooking together, playing around in the kitchen, watching tv etc. I would come home from work and see my parents both knocked out on the couch watching all hugged up and what not.

I seen them get at each other throats a bunch of times, even had a small split (him moving into the garbage :skip:) but at the end of the day theyre still together. This is what I seen growing up. No good relationship is without its trials, but if she worth it then why not fight?

Seem a lot of people ( mostly us men ) feel as though just because they do good shyt for women like buy them shyt, treat them with respect etc that women are supposed to like us. As if the aura from our love and dedication is suppose to change their minds about being with us. A lot of dudes be hopped on this drug that society has been giving us since...well forever. Its doesnt matter how good you treat a woman, it will not make her love you. Dudes find this out the hard way and wanna become bitter, thus this friction/war we have with them. Or they did us wrong, cheated on us, lead us on etc.

Due to us hearing stories about gold diggers, millionaires losing it all etc. Every guy wanna have a plan to avoid this happening to them. We wanna try to out think women, we wanna play the cat and mouse game. In reality all they are doing is just distancing themselves from women period and can't tell who is friend or foe...thus the term asexual pops up as a cop out for some...(not saying thats the case all) but most dudes that claim this title still watches and get aroused by porn :yeshrug: where they do that at?

At the end of they day women will be women...divas, high maintenance, trailer thrash, hoodrats, aggy, whores, caring, loving, submissive, respectful etc. Gotta go through them all, cant make a omelet without cracking a few eggs :manny:
your mother and father are from a different generation. its like the difference between someone that's first generation rich and someone that's third generation rich. the first generation rich person they had to go out and earn that money they know what hard work is and they know what having less is. the third generation rich person all they know is being born into that money. they were never poor, never had to struggle to make it, that warps their sense of reality.

back in the day a woman had to be a better bytch than they do these days. a woman can skate through life being subpar and just getting by on her p*ssy now. as men many of us will fukk anything half decent looking with a p*ssy and start dumping resources into it to maintain access to the p*ssy.

to the modern female companionship is what she has to do to get you to be a utility in her life. if she has to play the girlfriend role and fukk you she'll do that. i've literally seen loving caring girlfriends that get away from their dude and transform into a monster. verbally trash the shyt outta him and have a level of disdain that's ridiculous for someone they're laying up with.

a woman doesn't have to like you to fukk you, to be your "girlfriend". maybe your income + hers allows her to live a life she couldn't afford otherwise.have a better car, a better house, more things, maybe you provide the stability her guys on the side would never provide.


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
how old are you ? how many sexual partners have you had ?
30 and 11. i spent most of my sexually active years 19-24 and 27-29 in long term relationships with two chicks i didn't cheat on so inbetween then i'd been with 9 chicks. i got out of that last relationship and when i ended it i decided i'm pretty much done with sex.


Paleo Girl
Jun 18, 2013
North America

Then again...I cant think of many reasons besides p*ssy that make a women worth the hassle for most dudes. Companionship? Bragging rights? :patrice:.

The moment I decided I'm no longer interested in perusing sex indefenetly I quit dealing with all nonrelated women outside of work. Honestly there's nothing a woman can provide any man that he actually needs.

Come on guys, you can't honestly believe that... right?


All Star
May 6, 2012
In the Clouds

"American society has become anti-male. Men are sensing the backlash and are consciously and unconsciously going “on strike.” They are dropping out of college, leaving the workforce and avoiding marriage and fatherhood at alarming rates. The trend is so pronounced that a number of books have been written about this “man-child” phenomenon, concluding that men have taken a vacation from responsibility simply because they can. But why should men participate in a system that seems to be increasingly stacked against them?

As Men on Strike demonstrates, men aren’t dropping out because they are stuck in arrested development. They are instead acting rationally in response to the lack of incentives society offers them to be responsible fathers, husbands and providers. In addition, men are going on strike, either consciously or unconsciously, because they do not want to be injured by the myriad of laws, attitudes and hostility against them for the crime of happening to be male in the twenty-first century. Men are starting to fight back against the backlash. Men on Strike explains their battle cry."


The Patron Saint of Threads
Apr 30, 2012
The Bushes
I have nothing against women personally but I feel that a high number of them are morally bankrupt. they're constantly looking for something for nothing and feel that as women they should be provided for just because they're female.

the number of them that are morally bankrupt is so high that its not worth looking for one that isn't that way. women for the most part will do whatever you let them get away with and if you don't let them get away with anything they'll use deception and attempt to con you into doing what they want.

many of them lack base concepts like integrity and loyalty. they're constantly on the lookout for a sucker and if you aren't willing to knowingly play they role they'll fukk you and play the girlfriend role and just fukk around on you behind your back and turn you into an unknowing sucker.

for many women men are a source of entertainment. their lives are boring so they place much of their expectation for mystery, thrills, enjoyment, and entertainment on the shoulders of a man. when your entertainment value drops off they'll look elsewhere for thrills.

sex is their ultimate leverage against men but i look at sex and see it for what it is. an activity that inherently carries the risk of ruining you as a man. child support and custody battles, diseases, financial drain. why put effort into an activity that the more i have it the higher the chances my quality of life will take a nose dive.

the average woman brings nothing more than an undeserved sense of entitlement, an attitude, and p*ssy to the table. once you get past the p*ssy what's really left?

:whoo: :whew:

Just like bruddas

Couple shooters in the cut.
May 1, 2012
your mother and father are from a different generation. its like the difference between someone that's first generation rich and someone that's third generation rich. the first generation rich person they had to go out and earn that money they know what hard work is and they know what having less is. the third generation rich person all they know is being born into that money. they were never poor, never had to struggle to make it, that warps their sense of reality.

back in the day a woman had to be a better bytch than they do these days. a woman can skate through life being subpar and just getting by on her p*ssy now. as men many of us will fukk anything half decent looking with a p*ssy and start dumping resources into it to maintain access to the p*ssy.

to the modern female companionship is what she has to do to get you to be a utility in her life. if she has to play the girlfriend role and fukk you she'll do that. i've literally seen loving caring girlfriends that get away from their dude and transform into a monster. verbally trash the shyt outta him and have a level of disdain that's ridiculous for someone they're laying up with.

a woman doesn't have to like you to fukk you, to be your "girlfriend". maybe your income + hers allows her to live a life she couldn't afford otherwise.have a better car, a better house, more things, maybe you provide the stability her guys on the side would never provide.

:yawn: Enough with the excuses @winb83 seriously man. You wanna bring up the generation gap between us as if back then shyt was peaches and cream. You making it seems like out generation is the only ones with these of women you are describing. I remember my dad telling me the first time he got his heart broken, first time he loved a woman but didnt get the same love in return. Running into gold diggers, lazy women etc. Pretty much the same shyt I had to deal to with.

Its doesnt matter the generation cause, I mean these women you just described aren't a new breed a women, they had to learn that shyt from someone correct? Hell I done fukked older married women that pretty much do the same shyt you just said. I been the side nikka :snoop:. So yes I seen both sides of the fence. I feel as though if I was to walk the same path as you and @His_Excellence_Reincar are I will be well within my rights to do so.

But I refuse to do that. I refuse to let statics, stories, other people misfortunes affect and determined my happiness. I don't think any person male or female should stop them from finding that one true love. Like shyt thats worth having is never easy to obtain. A lot of trial and error is involved. Like don't lock yourself off from this aspect of life just because youre afraid of being played, cause at the end of the day. Its the game, sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. Its all about adjusting to the level of difficulty and moving forward.

Can't lose if you don't play, but you can't win either.
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