Kyle C. Barker
Migos VERZUZ Mahalia Jackson
Read a yahoo article about another woman doing this. Toxic femininity and incredibly selfish. Think about the kids. That kid is going to be an adult one day that is going to think for themselves. You know how many screwed up people out here with daddy issues from abandonment, absent fathers and etc because of selfish mothers? Same reason why you dont have too many men out here. Just boys or emasculated men. fukk these people trying to kill masculinity. We need both manhood and womanhood. Treating men as sperm donors so you can be a mother is corny. How does a woman explain to her child that their father is a sperm donor?
Not saying she cant do what she does but the odds are against her. Hope shes doing her best to keep her child out of a cage because i dont want to have to worry about another human being whos the product of bad parenting.
I really didn't expect you to have such strong views on the nuclear family and toxic feminity