Then why are you offended by Mephist if you don't actually practice that Heeb shyt![]()
I think someone just nominated him. Maybe you can put him on?
@Brady Hoke's Artery Yeah, that's what I thought, you subhuman cracker. Your name should be up there among the WOAT candidates.
I didn't choose anything. I was born into it. I'm agnostic and don't believe in religion. What else you got?
Religion is a crutch for the weak minded. You're not only dumb enough to choose a religion, you chose Judaism of all of them
fakkit kike.
That's your m.o. The kid was crying over Meph, claims he ain't offended yet put what he said in his sig. Pretty bytchmade, like you.Be dumb as fukk, brehs.
Please show me this supposed putrid racism. Where is it.added benefit of the most putrid racism,ad hominems and antisemitism all while claiming to be an off brand militant
i cant think of a single post i saw from him that that added an iota of value to HL
how THIS ^^^ cat slipped by without getting a few votes is beyond me.....
The former "poe damoron" has been consistent with the developmentally delayed posting but with the added benefit of the most putrid racism,ad hominems and antisemitism all while claiming to be an off brand militant
i cant think of a single post i saw from him that that added an iota of value to HL
That's your m.o. The kid was crying over Meph, claims he ain't offended yet put what he said in his sig.
Please show me this supposed putrid racism. Where is it.
You trumptards turned this section into TLR2 this election season, there's no turning back. Blame yourselves.
"Do you understand how many people fail before they succeed?" in your squeaky fakkit white boy voice. Why you nikkas so feminine, answer me that. You're a little white p*ssy
Let's see them receipts on all this supposed loot you got. You ain't shyt, you're a wimpy little white fukk who didn't get p*ssy till 30 years old.
trump is a failure, he was born into millions and had every break imaginable. You're the ultimate beta male for voting for that clown.
This peckerwood didn't even read the post
Damn, after seeing Nap's continued fakkitry today, this is even a bigger L for CAC. How can you lose to:
"If Putin wants you to do it
You don't do it
The height of shytposting. If only CAC wasn't literally celebrating Jeff Sessions' appointment, he'd've been fine, but dude had to hit 5 when he had 20Enjoy your WOAT, it coulda been easily avoidable with Nap as your opposition.
Religion is a crutch for the weak minded. You're not only dumb enough to choose a religion, you chose Judaism of all of them
fakkit kike.
I'm not "liberal," kikeboy. And unprovoked personal disrespect of a racist nature supersedes any macro-world ideals about race. You don't get that because you're a Opie and Anthony-minded cac bigot.I didn't realize he was that Poe guy. Makes sense now.
The sig is to display the excellence of liberals.
The falseness of kind of reasoning is reasoning
it leads me to believe you must have some kind of neurological damage.
I'm not "liberal," kikeboy. And personal disrespect of a racist nature supersedes any macro-world ideals. You don't get that because you're a Opie and Anthony-minded cac bigot.
You called me Kumal repeatedly and I told you your stinking ass pink grandmother should've been stuck in an oven. It is what it is. I'm glad you put it in your sig.
This thread is embarrassing looking back![]()