Is time to panic I was one of few who was optimistic when we started 1-1 despite what everybody says what made us win was the passing and critical third down stop on defense not the run game
Running when your down by 2+ td is useless conservative play calling + stagnant run game +useless defense who can't stop shyt=Loss
Murray is not that good I seen better running backs
Cut the white boy his
I was saying we need another wide receiver when we were winning so not surprised draft cooper or something
The only way to win now to throw 50+ times but knowing jason Garretts group they will try to establish the run game with little succes for 3+ quarters before they realize is not working and their defense is shyt and giving up points every drive then panic and put romo in a no win position where he throws an int after being down 25+ with 5 minutes left
Then everybody will talk about how he choked
Then guys like me will be their to defend him talking about is everybody else fault
Romo does no wrong