I noticed you never responded to my response
Yeah I never responded to u because I told u to show and prove and u didnt....I remember specifically saying post 5 "popular" Jazz/blues/whatever songs.....What u did was u posted songs that werent popular. You posted songs that were back then called "underground"...Like for instance...I posted a song on Youtube by Hot Breath Hanna a few years ago...
I posted this on Youtube because of the nostalgia.....This was a song that my Grandmother said wasnt for kids so when she wasnt around we snuck and listened to it.....Back in the 50's this is what was considered raunchy but it was considered "underground." Yet when you listen to the lyrics there isnt anything raunchy about it judging by todays standards. This song was some down south sh*t that was mostly word of mouth...Not Popular. You see where u messed up was U started reaching...U didnt even try. You posted songs that werent getting radioplay or were popular in the mainstream. How could something underground paint a stereotypical picture of Blackpeople when only those who are paying attention to underground music hear it?? If you would have posted My Ding A Ling by Chuck Berry...
....then you would have been in the ballpark but you didnt.
Now I cant speak for the 50's but in the 80's they did play this song on the radio and when it came on the radio....the whole room would light up in my grandmothers house....U see homie, you cant bullsh*t someone whos well aware of what.....My knowledge on jazz/blues is pretty average enough to know that what u posted was underground and not popular. My old school collection is extensive enough that I dont have to look to youtube like u did...I could just look at my collection and know whats up.
....u started reaching by posting songs that werent popular but actually underground so I ignored you
Also......The fact that u would post underground songs further dismisses your claims that raunchy jazz songs were there first time the stereotypes of Blackfolks was self inflicted. If something is underground then its not the popular image homie, unlike Hip Hop.