Hip Hop was the 1st time in America where stereotypes of Blackfolks were self inflicted


Jun 22, 2014
Rap is a problem that's true, young people getting neck and hand tats making them unemployable .
Doing stupid things like smoking weed in public and getting a misdemeanor on their record.

Rap music didn't create those problems...those things existed before rap

Wearing oversize clothes and saying its part of my culture.

Baggy clothes originated from Jazz culture not rap

The zoot suit: an all-American fashion that changed history

The zoot suit: an all-American fashion that changed history | Penn Current

Didn't see any Africans wearing baggy crap and calling their women thots and sluts and bragging about running trains on them .
Many africans wear no clothes and others run trains on albinos because of black magic rituals...you can't blame rap for that:skip::beli:
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Jun 22, 2014
I gotta disagree...you could be in a business suit they still gone see a ******

You think these cacs in the 70's wasn't judging us as a group?

white (racist) people have been judging "black" folk ever since they first stepped into Africa as primitive and backwards subhumans :francis::scust:...it just continued on the slaves ship and into the new world:leostare:


Jul 13, 2012
Some of yall are so in denial, I'll never forget being approach by some Russians in Miami who were giddy af making squeezing gestures with their hands while asking me where the fat booty hiphop girls are. I seen first hand how Barbados went from a peaceful Island to a place filled with wannabe gangsta's because of gangsta rap. I seen first hand how huge the drill impact was on NYC youth. But let yall tell it the impact of Hiphop is restricted to fashion. :smh:

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
Cry about hip hop and pretend it's the beginning of social ills. Funny part is millions of people listened to it growing up. Did the majority sell drugs? Join gangs? Shoot people? Or did they enjoy it as entertainment that most people understand it to be? It's like blaming Pesci, DeNiro and Pacino for cosa nostra even though it existed before motion pictures and them. Even if there was never the music, gangs would have still existed, drugs would be around and sold, and crime would still be going on.

People want to blame everything, and everybody except the weak people who emulated it. Millions of people of grew up listening to the music are they all in jail or dead now? Not even close. If it was even half responsible for the societal ills as hypocrites love to stand on a soap box and say it is, then the entire world would have collapsed by now....but it hasn't after decades of "dangerous music". That should tell you something.


Cats talking about propaganda,when maybe the real propaganda is convincing so called "acceptable negroes" to discredit hiphop....Just look at your history,theyve used the "acceptable negroe" to discredit poor,uneducated,"unacceptable negros" since slavery ended...Do some of you ever stop to think you are simply a decoy doing the white mans bidding:jbhmm:? Do you ever stop to think maybe you are unwilling agents?They have people like you at the forefront, arguing hiphop is the devil and root of all of our far more complicated problems instead of us talking about THE REAL problems and solutions? You ever wonder why they constantly have random nikkas,rappers,Oprahs,and even Bill Oreilys'fox news anchors of the world on tv to rally AGAINST hiphop? I see it a lot more than I see nikkas on tv allowed to rally against the system and real evils:sas2:...Is that not suspicious to you:jbhmm:?

Just check your history,educated/elitist negroes/upstanding black folks have been used every step of the way as the white mans puppet,to discredit and marginalize black movements that white supremecy feared.....Its even in the Contilpro objectives,before discrediting the Black Panthers to white America,the main target was discrediting them to blacks who's main goal was assimilation who didn't appreciate the panthers kicking up dust making things harder for them,or who were worried panthers were making them "look bad".

Many people are showing you history lesson after history lesson of repeated rhetoric,lets just say the tactics that work don't get changed:sas1:....They got you nikkas repeating the same shyt they told nikkas just like you,who they fooled decades ago to say:snoop:

Not saying you may not mean well either,you,the naacp,Delores Tucker or whoever....I'm just saying beware,its more than one way to be a tool of white supremacy:sas2:


Jul 13, 2012
Rap music didn't create those problems...those things existed before rap

No shyt, but it definitely exaggerated them, and in the case of face/neck tats it absolutely did create the problem. There were no where near as many black ppl with fact & neck tats before it became a trend for rappers, to act like there's no correlation between that trend in hiphop & the trend irl is bullshyt.


Jun 22, 2014
Some of yall are so in denial, I'll never forget being approach by some Russians in Miami who were giddy af making squeezing gestures with their hands while asking me where the fat booty hiphop girls are. I seen first hand how Barbados went from a peaceful Island to a place filled with wannabe gangsta's because of gangsta rap. I seen first hand how huge the drill impact was on NYC youth. But let yall tell it the impact of Hiphop is restricted to fashion. :smh:

The thread isn't about whether or not certain aspects of Rap could have negative, self inflicted influence. The OP clearly but incorrectly stated

Hip Hop was the 1st time in America where stereotypes of Blackfolks were self inflicted

this is 100% false and it's easily debunked



Jun 22, 2014
No shyt, but it definitely exaggerated them,

but that's not what the OP made the thread about. He clearly stated HIpHop was the origin of his claims which is false.

and in the case of face/neck tats it absolutely did create the problem. There were no where near as many black ppl with fact & neck tats before it became a trend for rappers, to act like there's no correlation between that trend in hiphop & the trend irl is bullshyt.

Again, noone said HipHop wasn't influential. It can have a negative or positive influence. It's up to you as an individual to decide what to take from it just like with anything else in life.

George's Dilemma

May 27, 2012
Driving on an upward bridge, I noticed a young couple, probably in high school walking. The "male", and for emphasis I say "male" lightly, was saggin considerably. His underwear were real tight too, or maybe it was the wind. At any rate, his azz cheeks were representing quite well despite having on draws. For a split second, Bill Cosby came to mind. As condescending as Cosby was, and as simple minded his approach was on Black youth, he had a point. The older you get, you cant help but be disgusted at the upcoming Black generation(s). They're pathetic. Sticking with the thread topic, their pitiful state is presented to the masses with this current state of Hip Hop too. The funny thing is the art reflects the life and vice versa. Its like vomiting spoiled food into a wine glass, and then drinking that same vomit. Its all good though, because we can afford the wine glass now. Progress SMH.

To be fair, the foundation of these problems existed long before Hip Hop came to existance, and even longer than the time Hip Hop became sh!t. It still doesnt excuse not expecting better of this generation.

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
late 70's- early 90's cosign... after that HELL NO

You think gangstas wasn't listening the fun light hearted hiphop,even the militant shyt like Public Enemy?That music wasn't changing anything for the beter either....Chuck D in fact gave prophecy of what would happen if REAL CHANGES didn't get mad in the crack era:wow:..The following generations was everything that was to be expected....Gangstas listened to Willie Hutch and the Chilites before and after hiphop,dont make them nikkas all simps and lover boys:heh:...Hiphop just gave them a more fitting soundtrack to do they dirt too.

And I didn't say it was the best line of defense,but its been the most powerful for us even if by default....It depends on how you see white supremacy,based on history I know its more to it than just wanting to kill us off and destroy us....Its not all simply evil like that,many of us undestimate the innate savior complex of white people,they want to "save us from ourselves"...They only want us to talk better,dress better,spend OUR money the way they think we should,raise our kids the best way they see fit based on their studies:skip:...The hate can come simply by rejecting the offer and letting them saying "No thanks,I would rather have my own identity:sas1:"...I think its safe to say we've seen negative effects on blacks accepting the offer and wanting badly to fit in and "assimilate" in a designed for white people for white people.

Hiphop no mater the era,no matter the ignorance has slapped the hand away and defiantly said "fukk that cac,I'ma be a nikka for life:pacspit:" in many different context....that can play out in negativeways as well as positive just like anything else....I appreciate hiphop being a nice stop gap that allowed us to not lose ourselves culturally,and in fact allowed black americans to rebuild ourselves in our own way culturally,having lost much of our identity through slavery:mjcry:

After everything hiphop has been and shown these nikkas,you still got cats worried about how to put nikkas in a suit because that's how successful white men told you your supposed to dress:scust:....Quick to talk that Egyptian/Moors shyt when talking about black excellence,but it always comes back to the damn suit,nikkas aint talkin about going back to wearing linens and robes,matter of fact they'll even downplay and shyt on a nikka wearing a bunch of gold:mjpls:
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John Hull

You can’t see me!
Jun 6, 2012
Studio gangstas
Believe it or not, you do not have to ever listen to hip hop or even care about that style of music to be a victim of white supremacy. There is a lot of trash being created in every genre of music I can barely listen... The whole world is infected with evil and it begins and ends with those in power and their values that they pass down to the rest of us.

I'm not religious, but I understand there are forces at work designed to pull us all down to our own personal hell before we clock out of this hologram existence.

Hip Hop at it's best allowed me to reclaim a part of my soul I didn't know I had lost-and it's at that joyful moment when I hear my nikkaz say the coldest shyt ever, or the beat change and I go berserk... I can't let that go.

That's the power of GOD they fear so much, which is why "they" (us?) will stop at nothing to corrupt the message being that they know it's too powerful to censor. It's up to you to delete the fraud shyt and keep the best part.