Hip Hop Is Delicious Poison. Glorification Of Murder Is My Issue With Hip Hop. No Boundaries Exist - Dee-1

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
I wonder if nikkas thought Curtis mayfield was destroying the black community when he made Pusherman


Ice t did not destroy the community with the remake.

Plus was marketed like Mayfield.
with connection to a prohibitive tale based content.

Especially when the street market was created by them. To service their social stratum drug use and drug sales. Along with the white disco social scene and the originsl social drug stratum gateway. They grafted onto black people.
black people are not robber barons or from gypsy indian jewish backgrounds. We as black people are not the pushers in nature.
Being a robber baron and selling powder is a complete American British naval construct.
So all this fake deflection on to hiphop and black people is a lie. this government has riddled us in poverty.
then back slapped us and given reparations.
to every group they have ever wronged.
from race groups to women and children. Yet let a black man.
who actually got civil rights for their women. Let the visage of that and his people.
become the scapegoat for that which they purposefully put here.

This place is a shower shark goofie prison industrial economy robber baron paradise.

Why they continue to try to lie and say.
we as black people.
are the beginning Genesis of issues here is a lie.

Art Barr
Last edited:


May 2, 2012
NY all day..Da Stead & BK..
I'm for calling them all out. You can't make a grown man make destructive music. If you're that easy to buy, oh well. They're super corny talking about turkeys and all this positive shyt, then go right back to the bullshyt making records.
They don’t call them ALL out. They only call out the artists. Then when it’s time to speak on the people who tried to “take advantage” or who runs all this shyt. They quiet as church mice. They don’t say shyt. Always vague shyt. nikkas soft and full of shyt. Same shyt I said about Katt Williams crab ass. nikkas blame hip hop but they love all that negative shyt no matter what form it’s in. Look at all the top interviews with the most views. All negative crab ass shyt and we leading the pack shytting on eachother every single time. Muthafukkas is attracted to negativity. If it ain’t hip hop it’s something else. So all this holier than thou shyt is corny af.


Mar 11, 2022
Old York
No thr problem is trying to allow them to scapegoat a culture that is nonviolent. Simply because the subject speaking out of turn.
are a toy flaug'n about their obvious lack and knowledge of hiphop culture and history of its pillars.

Hiphop did not create crack.
That created this ratcheted up level of violence that now revolves and is misappropriated wrongly as American domestic ferocity behind profits from open air crack sales. Which do not exist in that manner in an urban air drug market. in the extreme gross negligence times of the golden era in rap to the beginning of rhe gold rush for mainstream rap at the start of the gateway to the communications act.

This whole idea of, people speaking out of turn who were not cognitive.
Plus not even well studied.
about which they do not know is the issue. While also not being of the culture and not knowing the mores and norms of rhe culture. Plus not even being skilled in the pillar of emcee'n. To even have an audience in rhe first place to speak culturally about hiphop.

This dude is the equivalent of a an under cover culture thief Uber verse c Delores tucker. Where instead of getting a former reverend or church figure like AL Sharpton. They create a witch hunt against cultures.
from origins they want to misappropriate and create a false narrative to monetize.

Miss me with these fake ass toys.

Who lean into allowing the government.
that facts exist on sending us completely off.
Then creating actual laws to cover up their own illegal drug trade. Then try to pass it off.
on black people including the culture of hiphop. After misappropriation of anything.
it feels it can monetize from any pillar of hiphop systemically from a non violent culture. It is the same lie Hitler told to black people. like nazi culture was safe for black people. While not letting it be generally known in fact. Hitler destroy black schools to the point the way of life and education we are and should seek worldwide I can not even properly pronounce. That Hitler not only destroyed black education systemically. Along with black Germans just like jews were harmed. Just cultural misappropriation on that same level to hiphop is occurring. That the word needed to educated us. has been systemically wiped from general knowledge and of course the black lexicon. I feel this fool is perpetuating this same ill. By trying to lean into hiphop being the cause for issues in the black community and it is a lie.

The prison industrial economy and mind state purposefully crafted to misappropriate gangsta rap and make it a complete vigilante cultural ideal away from hiphop into a much a large doscovrry to gemreal gateway entity is the issue.

What is occurring is systemic general knowledge of hiphop culture. For gangsta rap which is a complete misappropriated construct.
that was compromised purposefully by Jerry heller.

The person who crafted and marketed American white vigilante-ism in music. So trying to even sit and listen to some novice homebody church rapper. Who will sit and play this whole game in the press. While never showcasing any real factual knowledge about heller to the communication act and how all this played a part in how things are. That there is no way.
.anyone who is so called educated on an ivy league endorse level anything. Is gonna sit and not get right to the norms and norms and debunk. Anyone trying to scapegoat hiphop. When they are referencing gangsta rap and not making a distinction. Plus not indepthly going behind the factual explosive draw of how gangsta rap or ruthless records runs the world in a short buzzword statement came to be.

I will not sit while a toy lies to the public. Plus lies about being skilled too.
.naw.. not goin.

...art barr



May 2, 2012
NY all day..Da Stead & BK..
No thr problem is trying to allow them to scapegoat a culture that is nonviolent. Simply because the subject speaking out of turn.
are a toy flaug'n about their obvious lack and knowledge of hiphop culture and history of its pillars.

Hiphop did not create crack.
That created this ratcheted up level of violence that now revolves and is misappropriated wrongly as American domestic ferocity behind profits from open air crack sales. Which do not exist in that manner in an urban air drug market. in the extreme gross negligence times of the golden era in rap to the beginning of rhe gold rush for mainstream rap at the start of the gateway to the communications act.

This whole idea of, people speaking out of turn who were not cognitive.
Plus not even well studied.
about which they do not know is the issue. While also not being of the culture and not knowing the mores and norms of rhe culture. Plus not even being skilled in the pillar of emcee'n. To even have an audience in rhe first place to speak culturally about hiphop.

This dude is the equivalent of a an under cover culture thief Uber verse c Delores tucker. Where instead of getting a former reverend or church figure like AL Sharpton. They create a witch hunt against cultures.
from origins they want to misappropriate and create a false narrative to monetize.

Miss me with these fake ass toys.

Who lean into allowing the government.
that facts exist on sending us completely off.
Then creating actual laws to cover up their own illegal drug trade. Then try to pass it off.
on black people including the culture of hiphop. After misappropriation of anything.
it feels it can monetize from any pillar of hiphop systemically from a non violent culture. It is the same lie Hitler told to black people. like nazi culture was safe for black people. While not letting it be generally known in fact. Hitler destroy black schools to the point the way of life and education we are and should seek worldwide I can not even properly pronounce. That Hitler not only destroyed black education systemically. Along with black Germans just like jews were harmed. Just cultural misappropriation on that same level to hiphop is occurring. That the word needed to educated us. has been systemically wiped from general knowledge and of course the black lexicon. I feel this fool is perpetuating this same ill. By trying to lean into hiphop being the cause for issues in the black community and it is a lie.

The prison industrial economy and mind state purposefully crafted to misappropriate gangsta rap and make it a complete vigilante cultural ideal away from hiphop into a much a large doscovrry to gemreal gateway entity is the issue.

What is occurring is systemic general knowledge of hiphop culture. For gangsta rap which is a complete misappropriated construct.
that was compromised purposefully by Jerry heller.

The person who crafted and marketed American white vigilante-ism in music. So trying to even sit and listen to some novice homebody church rapper. Who will sit and play this whole game in the press. While never showcasing any real factual knowledge about heller to the communication act and how all this played a part in how things are. That there is no way.
.anyone who is so called educated on an ivy league endorse level anything. Is gonna sit and not get right to the norms and norms and debunk. Anyone trying to scapegoat hiphop. When they are referencing gangsta rap and not making a distinction. Plus not indepthly going behind the factual explosive draw of how gangsta rap or ruthless records runs the world in a short buzzword statement came to be.

I will not sit while a toy lies to the public. Plus lies about being skilled too.
.naw.. not goin.

...art barr
Exactly! Like I said before. All these nikkas talkin shyt would be SHOOK to walk thru the version of their city before hip hop existed. Blaming hip hop for some shyt that been here before it and will be here after it.


Mar 11, 2022
Old York

Ice t did not destroy the community with the remake.

Plus was marketed like Mayfield.
with connection to a prohibitive tale based content.

Especially when the street market was created by them. To service their social stratum drug use and drug sales. Along with the white disco social scene and the originsl social drug stratum gateway. They grafted onto black people.
black people are not robber barons or from gypsy indian jewish backgrounds. We as black people are not the pushers in nature.
Being a robber baron and selling powder is a complete American British naval construct.
So all this fake deflection on to hiphop and black people is a lie. this government has riddled us in poverty.
then back slapped us and given reparations.
to every group they have ever wronged.
from race groups to women and children. Yet let a black man.
who actually got civil rights for their women. Let the visage of that and his people.
become the scapegoat for that which they purposefully put here.

This place is a shower shark goofie prison industrial economy robber baron paradise.

Why they continue to try to lie and say.
we as black people.
are the beginning Genesis of issues here is a lie.

Art Barr



Mar 11, 2022
Old York
They don’t call them ALL out. They only call out the artists. Then when it’s time to speak on the people who tried to “take advantage” or who runs all this shyt. They quiet as church mice. They don’t say shyt. Always vague shyt. nikkas soft and full of shyt. Same shyt I said about Katt Williams crab ass. nikkas blame hip hop but they love all that negative shyt no matter what form it’s in. Look at all the top interviews with the most views. All negative crab ass shyt and we leading the pack shytting on eachother every single time. Muthafukkas is attracted to negativity. If it ain’t hip hop it’s something else. So all this holier than thou shyt is corny af.



May 2, 2012
NY all day..Da Stead & BK..

Ice t did not destroy the community with the remake.

Plus was marketed like Mayfield.
with connection to a prohibitive tale based content.

Especially when the street market was created by them. To service their social stratum drug use and drug sales. Along with the white disco social scene and the originsl social drug stratum gateway. They grafted onto black people.
black people are not robber barons or from gypsy indian jewish backgrounds. We as black people are not the pushers in nature.
Being a robber baron and selling powder is a complete American British naval construct.
So all this fake deflection on to hiphop and black people is a lie. this government has riddled us in poverty.
then back slapped us and given reparations.
to every group they have ever wronged.
from race groups to women and children. Yet let a black man.
who actually got civil rights for their women. Let the visage of that and his people.
become the scapegoat for that which they purposefully put here.

This place is a shower shark goofie prison industrial economy robber baron paradise.

Why they continue to try to lie and say.
we as black people.
are the beginning Genesis of issues here is a lie.

Art Barr
Talk To Em!


Mar 11, 2022
Old York
I am still coming back financially from corona. Corona whipped my ass breh. I literally have to start over. When the banks shut off during corona.

That ended me.

Oh this is deflection.
I will bite and give a bit of insight behind the managerial curtain at dot Inc llc.

I like that it is interest here.
to hear me still be an emcee.

In the real world people who lost contact are like. Where yo music at nikka. I want it.. get me music. So i get it. Sorry.

Life is some other shyt.

That i kinda still look at it as i got lucky enough to be a draw as an emcee even past skill drive or talent. Given life hiccups between rhyme to rhyme.

Hiphop and life has not changed. The prohibitive tale that should be in rap never changed either. If you create issued via more based neglect. outside of the issue life can just cause period. It will be difficult to be successful. Right now I am living the same general important lesson from the Roxanne wars. I knew back in 1984. To try to navigate around when I older. I had a child out of wedlock. Which in general stops a career in music. I just am not specifically immune to what atypically happens to emcees that fail to wear a condom every time. It is what it is.
.it is by grace of God they had a gold rush in rap.
at the end of the era.
when I debuted. So people think thing changed as far as cultural rule when it has not. Yet in that.
I still fell into the same pitfalls.
that usually were and generally are a death sentence.
to a general artist career in music.
Plus known to stop grassroots emcees dead in their headlining drawing tracks.

I just was not special in that regard. To be immune to playing roulette in that particular arena of my life. That now I always still wear condoms.

They say it is ten percent talent and ninety percent other things. In the intangible department I got a good bit of the ninety percent to draw in a headliner grassroots manner.
Yet as far as the resources and the full ninety percent of the intangibles.
I have failed and paid the price. Exactly how the culture says I was gonna pay being a poverty maker.

So if you an emcee.

Stop trying to be slick and think you can beat norms since the Roxanne war. Wear a condom.

Art Barr

*brand table hiphop culture public service announcement

Art Barr

hang in there breh; can't stop the hu$$$tle :salute:

hope things r trending upward for u

sincerely appreciate your posting dawg

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Talk To Em!


There are artists who have been successful without making music that glorifies death, but those artists get dissected and tron down like no other. We see it with Common and Lauryn Hill. People like to use terms like self righteous and preachy to describe them. People blamed Kanye for turning Hip Hop soft. Drake gets knocked for being a fraud because he makes songs like "Mob Ties" (and yes I'm aware he has writers, which is also a reason he's called a fraud). Kendrick and Cole are also knocked for being "soft" and not "street enough" to be faces for the culture. So what it says to me is that there are certain consumers who would rather have the music that glorifies death.

The person who marketed making music into products of gateway vigilante-ism.

It just so happened to have success at this. Heller needed a gateway brick and mortar.
to come across hearing rhe said music to become the new gateway to his idea of vigilante-ism.

Now on one of these fateful days at said brick and mortar.

In walks eazy e.

Who knows none of this.

Does it sound familiar.
Hopefully it dies.
So people can stop believe'n these deflection scapegoat based tactics. From the mca way to heller to our government.
to leave us as black folks holding the trick bag like usual.

Don't none of youse.
fall for that bullshyt.

Art Barr

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
hang in there breh; can't stop the hu$$$tle :salute:

hope things r trending upward for u

sincerely appreciate your posting dawg

I mean breh.

When I was a shawty.
You read about the bubonic plague and the Indian flu whatever.
It is crazy cause all the shyt.
you trying to prepare for being black.

I thought..
Maybe it was too compulsive.
to think some shyt like that would happen.
To even commit to prepare for the event of what occurred.
That when I think about it.

I just should have trusted my instincts. Like man dey gon fukk that up too.
That i should have done a bigger discovery.
on what if it was some movie outbreak apocalypse did really happen.

Those chapters and passages on financial blah blah blah in an pandemic. I never believed it would happen at all.

So when I was going through that whole shyt. I could only lol at the irony.
of how much bread i was burning.
once the entire banking system shut down.


I went back to the work force humbled as fukk.

Hopefully these little moves.
I got in the stash all work on a run.

Pray f'oh a nikka.

Art Barr

Double Burger With Cheese

May 6, 2012
I don't know who the writers, engineer, producer, or band director were. You can google those people, I guess.
I think the point that you're trying to make is that people sold and used drugs prior to the Superfly soundtrack was released. They were, obviously. There were also pimps before Priest (the late, great Ron O'Neal's character) threatened to put Fat Freddie's wife on the track. There was also betrayal before Eddie turned on Priest. Crime, sin, sex, drugs and murder all predate Pusherman, but none of that has anything to do with what was said in the posted interviews.

It’s has everything to do with what was said in the interviews. As much as you nikkas don’t like the content, rap music is not turning non killers into killers. It’s not taking kids who would otherwise be upstanding citizens and turning them into career criminals. All this shyt existed before rap music.

Rollie Forbes

Aug 10, 2017
It’s has everything to do with what was said in the interviews. As much as you nikkas don’t like the content, rap music is not turning non killers into killers. It’s not taking kids who would otherwise be upstanding citizens and turning them into career criminals. All this shyt existed before rap music.
Ah, the old "murder was here first" argument. Let me give you some more bullet points: drugs, murder, prostitution, vice, gangs, materialism, and a lot of other wicked things existed before the first emcee was even born.
Now that we know that all of those things predate Hip-Hop culture and rap music, tell me why we as Black people should want those evil old things glorified and pushed on our impressionable youth. :jbhmm:

Double Burger With Cheese

May 6, 2012
Ah, the old "murder was here first" argument. Let me give you some more bullet points: drugs, murder, prostitution, vice, gangs, materialism, and a lot of other wicked things existed before the first emcee was even born.
Now that we know that all of those things predate Hip-Hop culture and rap music, tell me why we as Black people should want those evil old things glorified and pushed on our impressionable youth. :jbhmm:

So what you are telling me is, rap music is NOT the reason the crime exist