
Apr 30, 2012
1st Round Playoff Exits
Dog I'm on my phone, I don't want to read all that but all you have to do is google achievement gap, overall the academic performance of blacks and Latinos is atrocious, I don't say that to shyt on my people but to make sure we are having the correct conversation and discussing the right things

if you don't see or know about the academic gap between black and latino students vs white and asian, you basically don't know what you are talking about and its why I put on my list of recommendations publicizing the stats so that black people grasp properly the situation we are in

all you have shown with your ridiculous post is that you don't grasp the academic situation of black people
That's what I'm saying. I'm reporting from the frontline. The amount of blacks I see in post secondary learning is minimal. The majority of black students who are in school are athletes who rarely come to class and ultimately end up dropping out or pleading with the teacher for a second chance. It isn't uncommon for me to be the only African-American left in the class by the end of the semester. Don't even get me started on the math and science classes :snoop:

I guess I'm a c00n too, for pointing this out, or noticing the declining trends. The future is bleak. I just remember looking back through history, when blacks were prideful in education. Simply, because we were denied education. Where has that hunger or fire gone. Now we have tons of threads bashing education. I'm sorry if you feel duped because you can't find a job. My condolences, the point of history courses is to teach you have everyone gets f*cked over in America, and people will do anything for a profit. But I took it for what it is. I saw college as a chance to take an even further look at how my ancestors fought sohh had, just to be given a chance to succeed. Now we just piss on that chance (education) that others (foreigners) wish they had :smh:



God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
Bruh theres really not much to it

And the achievement gap is bullshyt too

Yes its grown between whites and blacks, but the more important point is there is a higher percentage of blacks involved in higher education today than there were in the "good old days"

And Latinos are within a few percentage points of whites as far as higher education goes, AND unlike blacks their % share of the demographic has grown too

So I am really curious as to how the culture of education for anybody, white, black, Latino, has contributed to the country's decline, when all three groups have significantly higher rates of participation than 10, 20, 30 years ago

I don't know what the hell you have been reading in those reports but there are only 2 words to describe black academic performance, atrocious and unacceptable

Anybody that says otherwise is a straight up liar or doesn't know what they are talking about

it's fukin nuts that you are trying to say black and latino students are doing ok in school, all the statistical evidence says otherwise


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
That's what I'm saying. I'm reporting from the frontline. The amount of blacks I see in post secondary learning is minimal. The majority of black students who are in school are athletes who rarely come to class and ultimately end up dropping out or pleading with the teacher for a second chance. It isn't uncommon for me to be the only African-American left in the class by the end of the semester. Don't even get me started on the math and science classes :snoop:

I guess I'm a c00n too, for pointing this out, or noticing the declining trends. The future is bleak. I just remember looking back through history, when blacks were to prideful in education. Simply, because we were denied education. Where has that hunger or fire gone. Now we have tons of threads bashing education. I'm sorry if you feel duped because you can't find a job. My condolences, the point of history courses is to teach you have everyone gets f*cked over in America, and people will do anything for a profit. But I took it for what it is. I saw college as a chance to take an even further look at how my ancestors fought sohh had, just to be given a chance to succeed. Now we just piss on that chance (education) that others (foreigners) wish they had :smh:


It's cuz dudes are soft intellectually and some have outsourced black politics to other people

Half these dudes have outsourced to liberal politics where the democratic party is dictating the solutions which involve multiculturalism and affirmitave action

The other half are still on some white man is the devil type ish and they believe getting rid of white people will magically uplift black people

And some I don't know, they just don't have a clue about anything, they believe everything is fine

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
That's what I'm saying. I'm reporting from the frontline. The amount of blacks I see in post secondary learning is minimal. The majority of black students who are in school are athletes who rarely come to class and ultimately end up dropping out or pleading with the teacher for a second chance. It isn't uncommon for me to be the only African-American left in the class by the end of the semester. Don't even get me started on the math and science classes :snoop:

I guess I'm a c00n too, for pointing this out, or noticing the declining trends. The future is bleak. I just remember looking back through history, when blacks were prideful in education. Simply, because we were denied education. Where has that hunger or fire gone. Now we have tons of threads bashing education. I'm sorry if you feel duped because you can't find a job. My condolences, the point of history courses is to teach you have everyone gets f*cked over in America, and people will do anything for a profit. But I took it for what it is. I saw college as a chance to take an even further look at how my ancestors fought sohh had, just to be given a chance to succeed. Now we just piss on that chance (education) that others (foreigners) wish they had :smh:

Bruh the stats are right there

Unless you are some kind of statistician or deal with millions of people around the country, no swipes, your observations are kind of meaningless on a grand scale bray. They are prob more representative of your city or social circle. Plus with the mood of the economy people are just down in general.

Bottom line, more people are going to college today than before, % wise, by number, whatever. So I'm at a loss as to how a lack of participation in education by minorities is the problem


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
Bruh the stats are right there

Unless you are some kind of statistician or deal with millions of people around the country, no swipes, your observations are kind of meaningless on a grand scale bray. They are prob more representative of your city or social circle. Plus with the mood of the economy people are just down in general.

Bottom line, more people are going to college today than before, % wise, by number, whatever. So I'm at a loss as to how a lack of participation in education by minorities is the problem

lol, wow


Apr 30, 2012

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
actually no, im talking about culture as what it is, its an amorphous abstract concept that cant always be explained in concrete terms

you keep trying to put in in concrete terms, but there is a limit to how concretely you can explain culture

cultural cohesion means exactly what it says, it means people share the same culture

:laff: What a bullshyt copout. You can't accurate define what you mean by "cultural cohesion" or provide any specific examples of what degree and varieties of "cultural cohesion" comprise the middle ground between necessary for a nation to work and full-blown society collapse. Hell, you can't even begin to define what you mean by "American culture" and how black peoples' culture is not American culture and should be.

The only thing that can't be explained is your own attempted argument.

wow, really? thats a really deep enlightening statement, i never knew that, thanks for the information

No problem. I'm here to help and try to educate.

yeah, but how does that contradict what i am saying?

overall there is a high level of cultural cohesion between somebody from Al and somebody from Seattle relative to other countries, there are regional differences inside the US and if those regional differences increase (in other words the level of cultural cohesion decreases) then the united states will dissipate, thats why we had a civil war

so for the united states to stay strong its important to increase the level of cultural cohesion between people in AL and people in seattle, or at least make sure it doesnt increase

again im befuddled as to what is controversial about what i am saying about cultural cohesion, im not stating my personal opinion as much as im pointing out a basic fact of state building, its self evident that cultural cohesion is important to a nation state and lack of it will lead to decline or dissipation of the nation state

And you're not defining what degree of "cultural cohesion" supposedly necessarily and what manner or varieties these cultural phenomena manifest themselves in. And you're not explaining how exactly so-called black culture is not assimilated and why and how it should be.

because that is to broad of a topic, its impossible to know how much cultural cohesion is needed to keep a country together. there are too many factors involved

so its deliberately vague, if i was able to make a formula to predict the exact level of cultural cohesion needed to keep a nation state together then i would have won a nobel prize for it, there is no concrete answer to that and i doubt there will ever be

lol...well thanks for finally admitting you can't even defend your own assertions. That's big of you.

But back to my original point, any of study of history shows that it's healthy social relations that are vital for a society's success, not necessarily all of the people being one culture. That is a delicate subtlety, but one that is true. As long at the various subcultures of people can coexist, we're good. There have been a multiplicity of subcultures in American for two centuries and America has been doing pretty damn good relative to the rest of the world.
i narrowed it down to education culture, for the record i have never said anything about white people, i simply referred to mainstream american culture, you are more than welcome to equate the two, but for the record i never did

i have asserted before that the educational performance of blacks and latinos is related to culture, i have long said this

the question was asked is america still #1, i simply said that if blacks and latinos do not assimilate our views of education with the mainstream views america will decline

what more specificity do you need other than cultural views of education?

i dont see any reason to argue about semantics, i apologize profusely for describing integration of black and latinos into the education system as assimilation :leon:
Apology accepted. Notice nobody even arguing against your claim that there should be a greater overall emphasis on education among black Americans, you lost people when you talk about how we should all be one culture and assimilate into American culture, a dubious notion that is vague and you haven't even been able to articulate well yourself.

I'm all for collectively focusing on education. Now what else do they need to do to become one American culture?

Stop inventing slang and dances?

Stop wearing dreads, fades, boxes, cornrows, and braids?

Stop creating new fashion trends?

Start drinking Southern Comfort instead of Hennessy?

Stop listening to rap and R&B and start listening to rock or country?

Stop being Christians?

Those are superficial things of not of much consequence I'm throwing out. But culture goes a lot deeper than that, down the core of one's identity.

so using your vocabulary, what i meant to say is that we need to correct the cultural deficiencies of blacks and latinos

You could've left it that. That's entirely different than "we need to assimilate into one culture."

you can interpret it that way if you want, like i said, i have never said anything about white people, but you are free to make that association if you want

if black and latinos assimilated into mainstream culture then that would imply that american culture is not a white culture, my point about assimilation is that american culture isnt a white culture

so i think you are confused, im in essence saying american culture is not white and if it continues to be defined as white, america will collapse

So why don't you define American culture then? We're still waiting on that one.

You're the one who sounds confused. Up until now, you've conflated valuing education with assimilating into this mythological, substance-less "American culture" which you still won't elaborate on; an assertion easily debunked by something as simple as say pointing out the fact that Asians and Africans perform better academically than white Americans while experiencing and exhibiting less "cultural cohesion" than black Americans. That renders your entire premise moot.

sorry, im not interested in sharing anecdotal stories, i dont believe in using anecdotal evidence
That particular story of the guy I know may be anecdotal, but the claim that there are plenty of black Americans who do value and attain education without shedding their cultural identify and blending into this one culture you speak of it is not anecdotal. Why don't you go to Howard's fall graduation and tell all of them to shed their culture and assimilate into this "American culture"?...if you've figured out what you're even trying to say by then.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
:laff: What a bullshyt copout. You can't accurate define what you mean by "cultural cohesion" or provide any specific examples of what degree and varieties of "cultural cohesion" comprise the middle ground between necessary for a nation to work and full-blown society collapse. Hell, you can't even begin to define what you mean by "American culture" and how black peoples' culture is not American culture and should be.

i dont really get why i need to define cultural cohesion, cultural cohesion is 2 words, if you know what culture means and you know what cohesion means i dont see why anybody would have to ask what the definition of cultural cohesion is

cultural cohesion simply means people having the same culture, what is it that im leaving out in that definition? cultural cohesion literally means cultural cohesion, what is there to define?

and you obviously cant put a concrete description of culture but that wouldnt mean you cant define cultural cohesion, it means you have to use a brain cell

any specific examples of what degree and varieties of "cultural cohesion" comprise the middle ground between necessary for a nation to work and full-blown society collapse.

again if i could do that i would win a nobel prize, books and papers have been written on the subject

but again cultural cohesion is a basic definition of nation states, and i gave the examples of canada/quebec and the america civil war as examples of what happens when there is a lack of cultural cohesion

northern europe and some asian countries like korea and japan have very high levels of cultural cohesion, other countries that were carved out like in africa and india have very low levels of cultural cohesion

countries in the americas tend to be somewhere in the middle

^^^im not really sure why i have to explain this, i would think everything i just said is obvious, my bad for not spoon feeding you examples of cultural cohesion

but the point goes back to the definition of nation states, countries that have high cultural cohesion tend to perform well and countries with low cultural cohesion tend to perform worse

which that in turn goes to the actual question of whether america can stay #1, that is why i brought up cultural cohesion/assimilation, its well known by anybody that has studied the issue, that cultural cohesion is a plus for any nation

And you're not explaining how exactly so-called black culture is not assimilated and why and how it should be.

i clearly have said that black culture is not assimilated in terms of views and attitudes toward education, ive said that about a million times

i clearly stated that black people should do it for power and money in this post http://www.the-coli.com/714865-post498.html

and i clearly stated how i think it should be done in this post http://www.the-coli.com/714981-post499.html

so you are clearly lying or stupid or both

ol...well thanks for finally admitting you can't even defend your own assertions. That's big of you.

maybe you dont know how to read, i am admitting that the concept of what it takes to keep a nation state together is too complex to predict by anybody

but i clearly showed that cultural cohesion is part of the basic definition of a nation state Nation state - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and therefore cultural cohesion has to be considered when the question is asked about progress and survival of america, becuase america is nation state

But back to my original point, any of study of history shows that it's healthy social relations that are vital for a society's success, not necessarily all of the people being one culture. That is a delicate subtlety, but one that is true. As long at the various subcultures of people can coexist, we're good. There have been a multiplicity of subcultures in American for two centuries and America has been doing pretty damn good relative to the rest of the world.

first lets play your retarded game, you havent defined in any concrete terms what "healthy social relations" means, you haven't given any examples of what that is

so you are saying america is an example of healthy social relations :laff: :deadrose: :leon::shaq2:

Apology accepted. Notice nobody even arguing against your claim that there should be a greater overall emphasis on education among black Americans,

yeah and i went further than that iand i connected it to the survival of the US

you lost people when you talk about how we should all be one culture and assimilate into American culture, a dubious notion that is vague and you haven't even been able to articulate well yourself.

i didnt lose anything, i think i brought up concepts that people didnt like namely the concept of the importance of cultural cohesion in a nation state

the concept of assimilation in america is not vague, its been part of american thinking and government policy since the very beginning of the country, its what allowed america to absorb millions of immigrants, i posted the theodore roosvelt quote, im simply extending the concept to blacks and latinos

the fact that you dont like it, or that there is no concrete definition of culture doesn't make it vague

I'm all for collectively focusing on education. Now what else do they need to do to become one American culture?

looney asked the same question and like i said, overall america is integrated and in a lot of ways black people are already assimilated, but they havent assimilated in education

i have always been referring to education because i dont think other aspects of culture are important or there is already assimilation going on

unlike yall i stay focused on the issue at hand, the question was asked can america stay #1, and i answered only if the issue of assimilation of blacks and latinos in terms of education is dealt with

thats all i have said from the beginning, the issue of assimilation of education is a subset of the concept of cultural cohesion, cultural cohesion is a basic definition of a nation state and in general there should be push for overall assimilation because it makes a stronger more prosperous nation

cthe question wasnt do you like white people, the question was can america stay #1 and i answered the question

I'm all for collectively focusing on education. Now what else do they need to do to become one American culture?

Stop inventing slang and dances?

Stop wearing dreads, fades, boxes, cornrows, and braids?

Stop creating new fashion trends?

Start drinking Southern Comfort instead of Hennessy?

Stop listening to rap and R&B and start listening to rock or country?

Stop being Christians?

Those are superficial things of not of much consequence I'm throwing out. But culture goes a lot deeper than that, down the core of one's identity.

is this suppose to be some deep enlightening statement that is suppose to prove that cultural cohesion in not part of the definition of nation state?

You could've left it that. That's entirely different than "we need to assimilate into one culture."

i said that also and i stand by it, because cultural cohesion is important for america to stay #1

So why don't you define American culture then? We're still waiting on that one.

i already answered this, there has never been a clear definition of american culture and i think thats a good thing and unlike yall i have never defined american culture as being white

You're the one who sounds confused. Up until now, you've conflated valuing education with assimilating into this mythological, substance-less "American culture" which you still won't elaborate on; an assertion easily debunked by something as simple as say pointing out the fact that Asians and Africans perform better academically than white Americans while being experiencing and exhibiting less "cultural cohesion" than black Americans. That renders your entire premise moot.

thats a different issue

so lets back up, you said that what i was saying implied that education is acting white, im just correcting you and explaining that what i am saying implies that if america defines american culture as being white america will collapse becuase assimilation is a 2 way street

as for as your new negative interpretation, african and asian doing well academically would make not my point mute, its irrelevant to my point, my point is that black and latinos need to shift our views and attitudes toward education toward the mainstream or america will decline

if africans and asian are better academically it wouldn't change my point, again the question is can america stay #1, i answered we have to assimilate blacks and latinos into the mainstream in terms of education

the performance of african and asians are irrelevant to my point, the only thing they are relevant to is what i was saying of the importance of assimilation, which also applies to asians and africans, different groups have different issues, when it comes to education african and asian dont have serious issues when it comes to education like blacks and latinos do but its important to make sure that they assimilate in other ways

again cultural cohesion comes from state formation theory, its not something i made up, maybe your real beef is with wikipedia and the academics in the field and maybe you have beef with theodore roosvelt and the american model of immgration cuz those things are the basis of what im saying

That particular story of the guy I know may be anecdotal, but the claim that there are plenty of black Americans who do value and attain education without shedding their cultural identify and blending into this one culture you speak of it is not anecdotal. Why don't you go to Howard's fall graduation and tell all of them to shed their culture and assimilate into this "American culture"?...if you've figured out what you're even trying to say by then.

i have family at howard, ive been to howard a bunch of times and ive had the argument already and ive said it to their face, black culture needs to change because its too anti academic, some of them agreed, some of them didnt

i dont see what the big deal is, why would i be afraid of saying that in front of howard students? its a free country, people have opinions,

but thanks for sharing your stories


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
notice how people in this thread are spreading 2 bold faced lies

the first lie they are trying to spread is that black academic performance is fine

the second lie is that cultural cohesion doesn't mean literally cultural cohesion and its not a part of the definition of a nation state