Hidden Colors 3: The Rules of Racism (Official Thread)


Apr 30, 2012
who isnt of african descent? so, you really believe the olmecs are of african descent? they came directly from africa? are arabs and berbers of african descent?

I'm asking a lot of questions, none of which are being answered. and I know why.......

Ok show me a gang of euro/american whites touting there african ancestry.


Solid Gold Dashikis
Apr 30, 2012
black love, unity, and music
who isnt of african descent? so, you really believe the olmecs are of african descent? they came directly from africa? are arabs and berbers of african descent?

I'm asking a lot of questions, none of which are being answered. and I know why.......

Perhaps if you took the time to sit down and watch hidden colors some of your ignorance could be alleviated. But instead you'd rather post drivel on message boards, calling others ignorant.


Solid Gold Dashikis
Apr 30, 2012
black love, unity, and music

read it again. african CULTURE. not PEOPLE.


Lucy is also not a homosapien (modern human) OR negro.

Oh fukk. oh fukk this. I'm out. fukk it.


You will not be missed.

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
Ok show me a gang of euro/american whites touting there african ancestry.
nah, you know what, I'm not answering any questions until my questions are answered.

so, you really believe the olmecs are of african descent? they came directly from africa? what vessels did the africans use to go transatlantic, because I dont think you know what it takes to cross the atlantic, maybe you think its a hop skip, but FYI, humans can't survive without water for very long, and that voyage can be anywhere from 1-2 months minimum. and that's with a LARGE vessel. show me how these primitive modern day humans did this, and then show me how come no other african tribes are making such vessels, I mean at this point, I don't even have to link, I'm going to allow you to use your common sense here. humans didn't begin to make ships that can cross the ocean until the 12th-13th century, and that took a hell of a trial and error and lots of navigation. Ask the Polynesians. It's one thing to cross seas, it's another to cross the pacific and atlantic.

if you would perhaps watch hidden colors perhaps some of the extreme ignorance you have could be alleviated. The amount of time you've wasted posting in this very thread could have been better used educating yourself via Hidden Colors. But you'd rather come in here and post n

Perhaps if you took the time to sit down and watch hidden colors some of your ignorance could be alleviated. But instead you'd rather post drivel on message boards, calling others ignorant.
I've watched both. (next time ask me if I watched them). Utterly sensationalized claims. I think one of them even tried to claim mozart (or was it beethovan) was black. I mean wtf. WTF. don't just blindly accept shyt because it's supposedly pro-black, just like you shouldn't blindly accept things that are pro-white. Not questioning shyt just because a black man made it, is ignorant.

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
It's like saying India's civilization is black. wtf. no, it's indian. yes they are black, but they are not the same stock as present day blacks, they've evolved to be indians, because as you know, everyone is black at the end of the day. indians not excluded. Even today they still look black, however, that is not african culture, they created their own culture and it's called indian. at one point do you begin to say, ok, they are indian vs ok they are still african? where does that line get drawn? appearance? that's not a good marker, because everyone within the belt will look the same due to environment, big lips, nappy hair. HC totally ignores this. bantus do not share the same haplogroup as indians.

with present day technology we can pinpoint migration very well, and who belongs to what group, how that group migrated, and who they intermarried with. black indians came from africa like everyone else (whites, asians) but due to being close to the belt, and remaining secluded thus avoiding fast environmental changes, have maintained their orginal look, however, they are a totally different stock of people, and do not share anything culturally in common with present day africans.


Solid Gold Dashikis
Apr 30, 2012
black love, unity, and music
nah, you know what, I'm not answering any questions until my questions are answered.

so, you really believe the olmecs are of african descent? they came directly from africa? what vessels did the africans use to go transatlantic, because I dont think you know what it takes to cross the atlantic, maybe you think its a hop skip, but FYI, humans can't survive without water for very long, and that voyage can be anywhere from 1-2 months minimum. and that's with a LARGE vessel. show me how these primitive modern day humans did this, and then show me how come no other african tribes are making such vessels, I mean at this point, I don't even have to link, I'm going to allow you to use your common sense here. humans didn't begin to make ships that can cross the ocean until the 12th-13th century, and that took a hell of a trial and error and lots of navigation. Ask the Polynesians. It's one thing to cross seas, it's another to cross the pacific and atlantic.

I've watched both. (next time ask me if I watched them). Utterly sensationalized claims. I think one of them even tried to claim mozart (or was it beethovan) was black. I mean wtf. WTF. don't just blindly accept shyt because it's supposedly pro-black, just like you shouldn't blindly accept things that are pro-white. Not questioning shyt just because a black man made it, is ignorant.

Listen you smart dumb nikka. There is copious evidence that Ludwig Van Bethoven was of MOORISH ancestory, as he was from an area of Belgium that was controlled by Moors for over 700 years. Furthermore, Beethoven was routinely accused of having an "exotic" appearance during this existence, and was routinely referred to as a "black-a-moor" by many of his contemporaries.


Below is an excerpt from another site.
Beethoven: The Black-a-Moors of Europe – by ReelDeel

Frederick Hertz, German anthropologist, in “Race and Civilization,” refers twice to Beethoven’s “Negroid traits” and his “dark” skin, and “flat, thick nose.” (pp. 123 and 178).

Frau Fischer, an intimate acquaintance of Beethoven, describes him thus, “Short, stocky, broad shoulders, short neck, round nose, blackish-brown complexion.” (From r. H. Schauffler, The Man Who Freed Music, Vol. I, p. 18, 1929).

In speaking of the immortal Haydn who was Beethoven’s teacher, Andre de Hevesy, says: “Everybody knows the incident at Kismarton or Eisenstadt, the residence of Prince Esterhazy. In the middle of the first allegro of Haydn’s symphony, His Highness asked the name of the author. He was brought forward. “‘What!’exclaimed the prince, ‘the music is by this blackamoor? ‘Well, my fine blackamoor, henceforward, thou art in my service.’”


Carpani, who originally related this says that “Haydn’s complexion gave room for the sarcasm.” And that Haydn had the title of “second professor of music but his new comrades called him The Moor.” (G. Carpani: Le Haydn, etc. Letter 5. Milan, 1812).

Referring to the above incident, Alexander W. Thayer, perhaps the foremost authority on Beethoven, says, “Beethoven had even more of the Moor in his features than his master, ‘Haydn.’” (Beethoven, Vol. I, p. 146). By “Moor” was meant “Negro.” Until recent times the German for “Negro” was “Mohr.”

Paul Bekker, another very noted authority on Beethoven, says that “the most faithful picture of Beethoven’s head” shows him with “wide, thick lipped mouth, short, thick nose, and proudly arched forehead.” (Beethoven, p. 41, 1925. trans. Bozman). Thayer adds that Beethoven was an ugly little man, and no one would be more astonished than the great composer should he return and see how he has been idealized by sculptors and painters.
Beethoven’s family originated in Belgium, which had been ruled for centuries by the Spaniards, who had large numbers of Negro soldiers in their army there. Theophile Gautier speaks of a Belgian type characterized by brown skin and dark hair “a second race which the soldiers of the Spanish Duke of Alva have sown between Brussels and Cambrai.”

In short, the general description of Beethoven, even to his frizzly hair, fits that of many an Aframerican or West Indian mulatto. In the Southern States Beethoven would have been forced to ride in the jim-crow car.

See also: Rogers, J.A., “Sex and Race,” Vol. I, pp. 288, 289,302 (1941) for other data on Beethoven’s Negro strain, one of which is from the new York Times. Also p. 8 for portrait of Beethoven drawn from life by Hofel, which clearly shows the Negro strain. For more extended proof as well as a picture of Beethoven’s life-mask see Sex and Race, Vol. 3, pp. 306-309.

The phenotypical traits he had (namely the kinky hair and large, darker skin, and broad nose) cause him to be considered "exotic" by alot of his peers in Belgium back in the day. Again, no one is calling him a black African idiot, but there is a large amount of evidence that his family lineage is of moorish ancestory, especially given his phenotypical features as well as him being from an area ruled and dominated by Moors for hundreds of years.

Now please go some where else with your bullshyt. Its obvious you don't respect the work or care about he conclusions of black scholars and historians. We get it. Feel free to visit another site that is more inline with your prejudices.

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
idiot, if the oldest discovered African (Lucy) was found to be over 3.5 million years old, how the hell were there not Negros around 18,000 years ago? Log off and go read a book. Your high school history teachers weren't shyt apparently.
:deadmanny: :deadmanny: :deadmanny:

:laff: I...can't...:snoop:

Lucy was not a homo sapien, you retard. And obviously culture as we know it didn't exist among 3 million year old early hominid species. Jesus christ. The statements in this thread just keep getting dumber and dumber.

Dude saying he trusts the "scholars" in HC more than DNA evidence. :snoop: Y'all who stan HC seem to simply be stupid. Not misguided, just dumb. You can't think...lost causes.

"Only c00ns and cacs don't believe a bullshyt evidence-less hypothesis about Africans sailing to South America proposed by a crackpot that no credible historian finds plausible."

"White people make up false history, so it's okay if we do it."

"Google links can be trusted more than DNA evidence."

How can adults be this stupid? :mindblown:

@BarNone are these all those intelligent posters who would post in HL but are put off by the "elitism" here you were talking about way back?
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Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
Again, no one is calling him a black African idiot, but there is a large amount of evidence that his family lineage is of moorish ancestorys.
what is the difference between a black african, and a black moor, and why do you take pride in black moors?

this outta be good.

and since when is some 1/8 'possibly' black, beethoven, black? now we claiming watered down octoroons as black excellence. we reaching here......we...are....reaching.

As a half african, I find this embarrassing. we should take pride in OUR culture, not trying to claim far reached octoroons as our own. wtf. we have enough rich history to where we don't even need to claim some moors kingdom as our own. moors were a mixture of many people (like america), and I don't quite see american accomplishments as black. I see pure black accomplishments as black.

This is like 500 years from now, someone starts analyzing some half breeds in germany created by a few black soldiers, and says look, WWII was black excellence. wat.
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Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
I must look crazy in front of my girl right now. she's looking at me like :ohhh: I'm sitting in front of my monitor literally doing one of these.


I respect you, hiphoplives, we've gone in on some cats in higher learning about black excellence, but in this thread, you lost me brotha.


May 1, 2012
the guy is a half black/half indian that doesn't really associate with blackness outside of listening to hiphop. He's likely a poster funded by AIPAC, so be careful. He'll drag you into long, drawn out discussions in order to derail the thread. He's a fan of attacking threads discussing topics edifying blacks or black culture. Try not to get him started friend.

I'm still waiting for you to name those black civilizations you were talking about that are 3 million years old.


Solid Gold Dashikis
Apr 30, 2012
black love, unity, and music
what is the difference between a black african, and a black moor, and why do you take pride in black moors?

this outta be good.

and since when is some 1/8 'possibly' black, beethoven, black? now we claiming watered down octoroons as black excellence. we reaching here......we...are....reaching.

As a half african, I find this embarrassing. we should take pride in OUR culture, not trying to claim far reached octoroons as our own. wtf. we have enough rich history to where we don't even need to claim some moors kingdom as our own. moors were a mixture of many people (like america), and I don't quite see american accomplishments as black. I see pure black accomplishments as black.

This is like 500 years from now, someone starts analyzing some half breeds in germany created by a few black soldiers, and says look, WWII was black excellence. wat.

Instead of asking me the difference between back african and black moor, you should ask the white supremacists that created the rediculous classification to begin with!

And secondly, the cacs that wrote alot of the history we are referring to used black, moor, and Ethiopian interchangeably. So again, your beef is with with the white historians that casually grouped all these terms together not with me.

Thirdly, i take pride in the accomplishments of Black Moors because many of the white historians casually grouped darked skinned individuals under the same general "moorish" categories, completely oblivious to their African heritage and lineage. And because I'm interested in learning about all the instances of black excellence, it would be foolish of me to engage in rediculous racial classifications in order to appease self hating clowns like yourself.

Fourthly, instead instead of being embarrassed by historical facts, try and learn to love yourself. As a half-black person as you claim, you likely would have been labeled as a "black-a-moor" had we been living in the 16th century. Would it have been also "embarrasing" if you were to be classified as black had one come across your profile during casual research?

Cac's invented the 1 drop rule not I. If you claim to be sincere with your concern for learning about black history, then you can't be serious about ignoring the achievements of any person that wasn't full 100% negroid.


May 1, 2012
The bullshyt about the Olmecs beings black Africans, for example. It comes from Ivan Van Sertima's hypothesis, which there is no evidence for and has been thoroughly debunked by historical analysis.


I won't even get into that "melanin theory" nonsense.

You guys keep setting up this ridiculous strawman argument where HC is presupposed truth, and anyone who challenges the veracity of it is a "c00n/cac." An argument so extraordinarily infantile and stupid, it's not even worth dignifying honestly.

I'm promoting logic an empiricism, which HC doesn't meet the standard of.

How naive can you be? You think a shameless self-promoting hustler who sells videos about how to manipulate women to meet your whims is giving you unbiased historical truth out of the goodness of his heart? :laff:

The fukk is wrong with our education system?

You don't need to listen to this clown to learn about African history, or the black experience throughout various places in the world. You have a world of information at your fingertips. Be better than this.

It's a world where the only people who exist are blacks and whites, and blacks are the only ones who possess melanin...but if there are other people who have melanin then that must mean their civilization was created by blacks.

This stuff is directed at people who are trapped in and will never leave their neighborhoods or country. A damn shame.