It's like saying India's civilization is black. wtf. no, it's indian. yes they are black, but they are not the same stock as present day blacks, they've evolved to be indians, because as you know, everyone is black at the end of the day. indians not excluded. Even today they still look black, however, that is not african culture, they created their own culture and it's called indian. at one point do you begin to say, ok, they are indian vs ok they are still african? where does that line get drawn? appearance? that's not a good marker, because everyone within the belt will look the same due to environment, big lips, nappy hair. HC totally ignores this. bantus do not share the same haplogroup as indians.
with present day technology we can pinpoint migration very well, and who belongs to what group, how that group migrated, and who they intermarried with. black indians came from africa like everyone else (whites, asians) but due to being close to the belt, and remaining secluded thus avoiding fast environmental changes, have maintained their orginal look, however, they are a totally different stock of people, and do not share anything culturally in common with present day africans.
I've been going back and forth with these clowns about this for the past few weeks. If they want to call Indians black based on skin color I have no problem with that, many ancient historians have done so...India is the darkest place on earth next to Africa...but if they want to call us "black" in terms of African-ness, or culture then sorry, I have to stop you right there.
Those South Indians who are black as hell look that way because they didn't really mix with anybody throughout India's history as opposed to the Northerners who may look more "white"...and guess what, they still look nothing like Africans aside from skin tone.